[DNG] Keep the friendsofdevuan site or not?

2016-05-13 Thread David Harrison

Hi all,

I just had a renewal notice for friendsofdevuan.org. Nothing expensive, 
and I can just let it sit there, but the email set me thinking...

Is it worth keeping a friends-of site? It was mildly useful while Devuan 
had a single-page site, but that's no longer the state of affairs. Nice 
people posted various how-tos on installation and configuration, but of 
those posts must be obsolete now the beta is out.

What purpose might an unofficial site like friendsof serve? I was 
thinking of user artwork, the more experimental 
don't-try-this-at-home-kids tutorials, unofficial mirror lists and the 
like. Do you have any other ideas? Please let me know off-list.


David Harrison/FlibberTGibbet

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Dng Digest, Vol 18, Issue 42

2016-03-19 Thread David Harrison

On 16/03/2016 21:30, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

WARNING: Regardless of David's intent, which I assume is benign, the
preceding paragraph is solicitation to commit felony copyright
infringement. Nobody should email proprietary software to others,
without a written OK from the copyright holder. This kind of request
should never be made on any kind of mailing list.



With respect, Steve, what on earth do you mean? I asked if someone would 
mail me *their own* replacement stub program that they use *in place* of 
a proprietary executable. So yes, my intent is benign and is not counter 
to any copyright.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Microsoft upgrades Windows 7 to 10 without permission

2016-03-19 Thread David Harrison

On 16/03/2016 10:49, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

I Dropped back to 7, created a .exe that simply returns to OS, and then
replaced c:\Windows\system32\GWX\GWX.exe and c\Windows\SysWOW64\GWX\GWX.exe
with my NOP code.

Would it be possible to share that .exe off-list? It would come in very 
handy with killing the nags on my own Win7 box.


David H
Dng mailing list

[DNG] Topics

2016-03-18 Thread David Harrison

On 17/03/2016 10:13, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

  I'm sorry, but the subject of your mail is not related with the
matter you discuss, and the matter you discuss has nothing to do in a
Linux mailing list.

I apologize profusely for the one-post aside and for the hours of your 
life it must have wasted.

  Could you please take control over your mail agent and discuss this
far off-topic subject privately.

Seeing as you ask so nicely, but of course.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Migration to devuan Jessie failed on rpi-zero

2016-02-08 Thread David Harrison

On 08/02/2016 12:00, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

However, it is undeniable that with the 5$ pi-zero out there will be
pis everywhere, and there is no reason to add init lock-in to boot and
graphics lock-in. In a word, it would be much better to have a
systemd-free distro for pis, and from my (biased) point of view Devuan
seems the best candidate...

How similar is a current RPi to a Banana Pi? Someone on the #xroutine 
IRC channel succeeded with Void Linux on a BPi. Void is an independent 
distro with different strengths and weaknesses to a Devuan-based system, 
but they may still have some useful tips. I gather it wasn't entirely 
plain sailing :)

There's a brief mention of it here: 


David H

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Dng Digest, Vol 17, Issue 34

2016-02-06 Thread David Harrison

On 06/02/2016 18:27, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

I have had enough. Filter this rubbish!

Amen, Edward. Let's start by filtering those rants.

You asked a question and people, some of whom have given you a lot of 
useful advice over recent months, were good enough to answer you. You 
disagree with some of the answers. That's life. Please leave it there, 
or go kick your tin can somewhere else. It's tiresome.

The signal to noise ratio on this list is getting out of hand.

David H

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Change netman into another name.

2016-02-03 Thread David Harrison

On 03/02/2016 12:00, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

In exactly this sense: Let's leave "transmuting into organic fertilizer"
to the fraudsters and break up this boring and somehow quite exhausted
"network - connection - manager" triangle...

+1 on "connection" and "manager"...

Let's take a moment to grossly oversimplify what the software does! It 
helps you put things up, inspect them, and take them down again. What 
other tools allow that? How about "net-peg" or "net-pin"?

Or, looking around my work area desperately for similar metaphors, 
"net-sticker" or "cable-tie" :)

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Dng Digest, Vol 15, Issue 85

2015-12-21 Thread David Harrison

On 21/12/2015 16:30, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:
> "I despise it when people don't behave according to established norms of
> my cultural background" isn't really any better ...

Isn't it? I'll rise to that lure, even though it adds to a rather dull 
apres-troll debate.

I assert that it's fine to decry piss-poor behaviour.

A person can be powerless over their origins, original social 
class/caste, sexual orientation, cognitive development, and all the 
rest. Taking issue with these factors is pointless and just plain spiteful.

I assert that how someone treats others is another matter entirely. It 
involves some personal choice, and is therefore open to comment.

How certain are you that Mitt's complaint was based on some cultural 
assumption, the very existence of which you seem to disapprove? Or that 
an opinion derived from a culture is automatically wrong?

Or could the complainer, perhaps, have seen a behaviour, considered it 
from several angles, and decided it's a bad thing? Then exercised their 
right to say so?

Devuan sprang from a fierce disagreement over how people should treat 
others, and against a decaying establishment. A consensus was reached 
that a certain group's behaviour was wrong, and that something had to be 
done to counter it. The Devuan community, therefore, embodies cultural 
debate, simply because it tries to do things differently to Debian.

If we can't wrangle over what is acceptable behaviour within our own 
community then let's throw in the towel, stand back when others do 
whatever they want, whether or not it's against our interests, and 
retreat to our holes in the ground. Poettering and company win. Fin.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Quick start guide to uprading to Devuan and configuring, minimalism

2015-12-16 Thread David Harrison

On 16/12/2015 15:30, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

Hi Dev1fanboy,

I revised the translation (italian) and added The CC html code at the end
of the text file (attached).
I hope it fits the purpose

If any italian speaker has 5 minutes to spare having a look at it I would
be glad to incorporate any correction.

In the meanwhile I will try to register to the wiki and add the translated
version myself, if possible.



Hi Antonio,

I just saw your registration go through on the friends-of wiki. If you 
have any issues posting a translation, please contact me off-list and 
I'll help you out.


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Removing of systemd causes removal of CUPS

2015-11-20 Thread David Harrison

On 20/11/2015 11:11, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

add this repo and install cups from there:

debhttp://angband.pl/debian/  nosystemd main


The CUPS/systemd thing was a hiccup on my Devuan test install too. I 
like any command that contains 'nosystemd' :)

Is this likely to be merged into the main Devuan repos later on?

Dave H
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Quick start guide to uprading to Devuan and, configuring minimalism

2015-11-04 Thread David Harrison

On 04/11/2015 11:38, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

This is spectacular documentation! You should put it on a website
somewhere, because the world needs to see this.


Hi Steve, all,

With permission from dev1fanboy, a copy of the excellent how-to is here:


Its posting there is, of course, non-exclusive. I have added a little 
wiki-ish formatting for readability, and included one correction as 
supplied by dev1fanboy.


Dave Harrison/FlibberTGibbet
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Proposed editor change

2015-07-16 Thread David Harrison
Just a thought: how about building these editor options into the 
installer? That way everyone's happy before they even log in for the 
first time...

Please choose your default text editor:

[x] Nano (recommended for beginners)
[ ] Vim (more experienced users)
[ ] Emacs (more experienced users)
[ ] Visual Studio (our little joke)

You can install other editors via the command line (apt-get install 
packagename) or graphical utility (Synaptic, etc) after installation.

To change your default editor after installation, [quick instruction here].

My 2 sesterces,

Dave Harrison
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Dng Digest, Vol 9, Issue 54

2015-06-15 Thread David Harrison

On 15/06/2015 13:00, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

Let me guess: You found blog postings by unixheads who had Brother lasers
with postscript support and were happy, and based on that you bought an
inkjet without postscript support?

That's a mite harsh. For my ancient Brother HL5170-DN, Brother provide 
downloadable (sadly blob-only) deb and rpm packages. Not every printer 
manufacturer goes that far.

I've had success adding the printer directly via the CUPS web interface 
too, though it pays to be very careful about *which* port, service, page 
control language etc is selected from the many options that appear for 
that model. PCL tends to work better in my limited experience, perhaps 
because Brother's PostScript emulation (BRScript) seems to have a few 

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Unofficial wiki

2015-06-14 Thread David Harrison

On 14/06/2015 16:14, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

*  X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.28
( unmaintained and vulnerable php version )

Ah. The hosting control panel allows me to switch PHP versions up to and 
including 5.6. Anyone heard anything adverse about 5.6? Other than the 
fact that it's still PHP? :-)

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Unofficial wiki

2015-06-14 Thread David Harrison

On 14/06/2015 16:14, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

a few things :

* at the very least you will need a clean dns :
Nameserver ns1.vidacloud.co.uk/ answered with a RCODE
NXDOMAIN to SOA query on
Nameserver ns2.vidacloud.co.uk/ answered with a RCODE
NXDOMAIN to SOA query on
Nameserver ns1.vidacloud.co.uk has an IP address ( with
mismatched PTR result (ns1.tsohost.co.uk.).
Nameserver ns2.vidacloud.co.uk has an IP address ( with
mismatched PTR result (ns2.tsohost.co.uk.).

Is that from Zonemaster? It doesn't sound healthy. I will have a word 
with the hosts tomorrow.

*  X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.28
( unmaintained and vulnerable php version )


* a distro related wiki have to be managed by a team, with good
moeration, hosting and security, when the wiki gets lost or hacked . .
. its a disaster ( that happened to the gentoo wiki once and so much
useful info was lost
* perhaps you should provide a daily or backup or the sql database

Scary but anticipated. I don't doubt a few trolls will take potshots if 
the wiki gains any traction. Fortunately there are daily backups as 
standard on my hosting plan, and Dokuwiki defaults to storing posts in 
text files.

The whole shebang is an unofficial 'go-with' to plug a temporary gap in 
the current Devuan web resources. If scaling up is required, I will be 
the first to call for help with moderation, security and the rest. 
Rumour has it there are some very clued-up people on this list :D

Anyway, thanks for the analysis.

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Unofficial wiki

2015-06-14 Thread David Harrison

On 14/06/2015 16:14, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

No luck registering.  I didn't get a confirmation email, and an attempt to
register with the same creds says I am already registered.  The password reset
seems to only work if you are already logged in !?!!?


I'll create a login with a temporary password for them as can't register 
directly. The problems are intermittent, but I'll figure them out 

David H
Dng mailing list

[Dng] Unofficial wiki

2015-06-13 Thread David Harrison

Hi everyone,

I have set up http://wiki.friendsofdevuan.org as a holding place for 
useful information, at least until there's an official wiki in place.

It's empty right now but for a few category suggestions. Not even a 
nifty logo. One may follow :)

Please register if you like, and feel free to add any useful advice, 
tutorials, walk-throughs, links, scripts etc that you create or 
encounter while testing Devuan. There have been many useful gems about 
related software recently on this ML too -- vdev, alternatives to 
Network Manager, and all the rest. It would be great to see some posts 
on these topics.

Markup is Dokuwiki flavoured for now. There's a Markdown-ish plugin 
available for those that would prefer one -- let me know.

For now the content license is GPL. If the majority of posters would 
prefer something else, such as CC-attribution-whathaveyou, I'll change it.

I stress that this is not in any way an official Devuan project. However 
any posts may find their way onto an official public Devuan wiki later 
on. Let me know if you'd rather that didn't happen for any reason.

All the best,

Dave Harrison
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] straw poll, non-free firmware for installers

2015-06-04 Thread David Harrison

On 04/06/2015 02:52, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

If it is the resounding will of the community to absolutely not ship the
default installer with this approach, then I will withdraw from Devuan
and someone else can take over the maintenance of the packages I've been
working on.

Daniel, you're doing a great job and I think your proposal is entirely 
reasonable. Please stay with us.

David H
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Everyone's favorite seasoning: Cinnamon

2015-05-31 Thread David Harrison

On 31/05/2015 05:21, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

So Cinnamon and Mate are building and running systemd-less now, and with
proper shutdown capability.


i386 and amd64 .debs are available on my repository (Jessie*only*):


Amazing work Jaret, will give that a try.
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Everyone's favorite DE: GNOME3

2015-05-29 Thread David Harrison

On 29/05/2015 12:59, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

Haven't tried yet, but I can!

I actually haven't got a chance to do much Cinnaminnamon yet at all since it
was still in Debian testing and largely unfit for public consumption last
time it was on my mind.

I suspect it will just be more config changes like gnome, for the most part.

My interest in Gnome, as a user, would lie in the components that still 
underlie Cinnamon. Try a Mint 17.1 VM and you'll see Cinnamon is fairly 
polished now.

Plonk Cinnamon on top of Devuan and you'd be halfway to a Mint 
substitute, when they inevitably follow Ubuntu's slide down the systemd 

Xfce/Whisker achieves much the same as Cinnamon for my purposes and it's 
less of a resource hog. My themeing tastes are simple and satisfied by 
either DE. However given a fast system it's enjoyable to use the extra 
bells and whistles!

Purely personal opinion, not speaking for anyone else here.

Dave H
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Dng Digest, Vol 8, Issue 82

2015-05-29 Thread David Harrison

On 29/05/2015 12:59, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

If anything, I think it validates the case for a system like shui.  The
fact that different applications in different problem domains independently
gain built-in support for scripting suggests that there's a
naturally-occurring need to be able to interact with applications
programmatically as well as interactively.  So, why not design applications
with this need in mind from the get-go?

I'd love to see a decent scripting capability overlaid on a Linux PDF 
reader/editor -- by "decent" I mean with the ability to remediate 
tagging, readings orders and so on for accessibility... Oh, and to 
convert RGB object colours into press-ready CMYK after the fact... My 2 
cents in the wishing well.

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Everyone's favorite DE: GNOME3

2015-05-28 Thread David Harrison

On 28/05/2015 12:32, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

On 05/25/2015 05:31 PM, Jaret Cantu wrote:

>I am happy to report that (most of) the GNOME3 Desktop Environment has
>been made to work systemd-free, in all its spiffy, OpenGL-y goodness!

Thanks a lot for your work! I might be one of the few that appreciates
this DE, especially because it's quite clutter-free and has awesome (and
consistent) keyboard shortcuts that spare me a lot of time.

The more the merrier, I guess! Does this also make Cinnamon a prospect 
further down the line? Or has Cinnamon diverged too much for Gnome to 
make a difference?

Brilliant work all round, anyway...

Dave H
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] why someone might want systemd on devuan

2015-05-05 Thread David Harrison

On 05/05/2015 20:43, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

Well, the problem here is that systemd is*not*  hot-pluggable, at all,
as we have recently learned the hard way.

Here's a thought. Thrown to the list with no requisite knowledge to back 
it up, so please don't bite!

Is there any way of building a package or some other installable to 
create a sandboxed/containerised/quarantined/VM'd minimal systemd? 
That's if minimal isn't a contradiction in terms where systemd's 
concerned? Just complete enough for a user to install and use 
contaminatedware within it, when they really have no other choice, but 
designed not to leak out and infect their otherwise clean system?


David H/FlibberTGibbet
Dng mailing list

[Dng] Paging Arnt

2015-04-26 Thread David Harrison

Hi Arnt,

Just tried to mail you off-list but the message bounced. 'uce-protect' 
blocking or somesuch.

Do you have an alternate address?


David H
Dng mailing list

[Dng] Fedora not implementing live kernel patching, or plain avoiding it?

2015-04-21 Thread David Harrison

Hi all,

I was interested to note in an article that Fedora won't be implementing 
the 4.0 live patching feature any time soon. Original here:


No doubt their reasons are wise and their hearts pure. But my inner 
cynic wonders if it's worth their enabling reboot-free kernel updates if 
systemd needs a reboot after every update to its own fair self? :)

Cheers e ciao,

David H

Dng mailing list

[Dng] calming down

2015-04-11 Thread David Harrison
Apologies for my earlier outburst, I should have taken a walk around the 
block first. Just call me a little discouraged.

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] fontawesome icon fix!

2015-04-11 Thread David Harrison

On 11/04/2015 13:00, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

> Because I never want to see a serif font EVER and because I prefer to 
see the same font used on every site that I visit.  Makes browsing more 

OK, so we get to the end of a long debate about how tricksy this forum 
site is, only to find that your custom browser preferences are what 
affects rendering.

If you tweak your browser settings to force a certain effect, and that 
interferes with a site's css, there's a certain "on your own head be it" 
caveat to be derived.

It's simply impossible to design a site/css that has any non-vanilla 
formatting at all to cater to every possible taste and, putting it 
bluntly, font prejudice.

With respect, Golinux, this sounds a lot to me like "not my idea, so 
I'll shout it down".

Dave H

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Dng Digest, Vol 6, Issue 89

2015-03-25 Thread David Harrison

On 25/03/2015 12:00, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

That's so true, Clarke! This systemd debacle increased by an order of
magnitude the Linux users who understand the underpinnings of the
system and are prepared to take control. This is a Renaissance in the
Linux community. Well, except for Debian:-)

Amen, Steve. For a recent Linux convert it was horrific to see its 
advantages -- choice of core components, text log files, do one thing 
well, (almost) everything's a file, and so on -- being flushed away with 
a single tug at the systemd chain. It felt like arriving at a party only 
to discover it finished last week :)

The Devuan announcement forced me to read more seriously about Linux 
than before. As an embryonic "daily user"/admin I look forward to Devuan 
being discussed far and wide as a definitive base distro, and to seeing 
it as a default choice on cloud systems, single board computers, and 

To these slightly informed eyes, Devuan appears to be becoming far more 
than a Debian fork. I'd bet that some of its new tools and subsystems 
will find wider acceptance in other distros.

Right now though, hats off to Jude for vdev and to everyone here who 
works for the greater good.

Linux is looking up again.

David H, a.k.a. FlibberTGibbet

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Dng Digest, Vol 6, Issue 60

2015-03-17 Thread David Harrison

On 17/03/2015 09:30, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

Insofar as what needs doing, there's a pre-alpha ISO floating around
(Valentine pre-alpha), and the Vagrant image could always use more testing
and bug reports.  There's also a list of infrastructure to-dos here:

Hi Jude,

Where do I send bug reports/questions?

Best regards,

David H
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Dng Digest, Vol 6, Issue 58

2015-03-15 Thread David Harrison

In which jurisdiction? Cheques are alive and well(ish) in the UK.

I don't imagine you receiving many but I'll be willing to process them. 
Fees will apply but they're hardly absent from electronic payment 
methods either.

David H

On 15/03/2015 12:00, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

Well, that just leaves (IBAN) credit transfers.
Cheques where abolished in 2000. Postal money orders in 2002.
Apparently some banks process some US cheques, but they charge
extortionate fees.

Dng mailing list

[Dng] Xfce response

2015-02-24 Thread David Harrison

Hi all,

Last week I volunteered (was volunteered?) to contact the Xfce team and 
ask them whether systemd loomed on their horizon. Here is the report 
that was promised.

After a long chat with a couple of developers on the #xfce channel, it 
seems they have no plans to introduce hard systemd dependencies. A 
welcome change from certain DEs that are queueing up to staple logind to 
their own foreheads?

They also recommended Consolekit2 as a compatible candidate login 
system, and said that Xfce plays well with OpenRC and SysVinit. 
Consolekit2 is a fork maintained independently of Xfce by one of their 
team. Please make of that what you wish as I don't know the ins and outs 
of these components.

They confirmed that Xfce 4.12 will be released this weekend and 
recommended packaging it. The Whisker menu is now an Xfce project and is 
now at v1.50.

There were some other recommendations -- useful Arch packages that might 
help with background info for a systemd-free distro. I have to pick 
those out of the channel log file -- please holler off-list if you want 
more details.

Just passing on the news -- don't bite if I've misreported anything :-)

All the best,

David H

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Dng Digest, Vol 5, Issue 115

2015-02-24 Thread David Harrison

On 24/02/2015 16:33, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

  Inevitably, the idea of a badge leads to a foundation entitled to
stamp distros with the badge. I am wondering if only a clear phrasing of
the principles would be enough, without the impediments and the
sectarism of a foundation.

You make a convincing point. Although a foundation wouldn't be a bad 
distro-neutral rallying point, now you mention it... Plus there would be 
lapel pins and secret handshakes, and all the other fun stuff ;-)

Dng mailing list

[Dng] Xfce

2015-02-21 Thread David Harrison

On 21/02/2015 01:12, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

Definitely, I think we want to maintain a healthy relationship with
the Xfce camp. They forked ConsoleKit
(https://github.com/consolekit2/consolekit2) and enhanced it with
some logind-like functionality.

Saturday morning was a poor time to reach out over irc, so I emailed
their core developers.

If they respond directly I'll let you know. However they now have
details of the mailing list and irc channel, so please look out for them 
and extend the now-traditional Devuan welcome :-)


Dng mailing list

[Dng] Init Freedom badges

2015-02-21 Thread David Harrison

On 21/02/2015 12:00, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

hello i just thought of sharing a simple idea see if anyone likes to get 
started at it:
how about designing a badge that all distros that are systemd free can show?

this is not strictly Devuan related, but will benefit people willing to 
understand such an
important architectural aspect of a distro without wasting too much time with 
its docs

I also think such a badge should be different from the without-systemd logo and 
like a positive assertion. perhaps it should not really be about systemd, but 
init freedom
more in general, as in distros allowing to have the choice to safely remove all 
or even download a systemd-free flavour.

What about an Init Freedom Group? Freedom sounds more postitive to me 
than 'free of', though it's seen some iffy use in recent years.

This kind of thing work at two levels. 'Member/Supporter of', meaning 
it's a goal or a sponsorship target, or you're sympathetic. And 
'certificate', meaning the distro confirms there are no nasties lurking 
in the init woodshed.

It would work for packages too, for example any DE that steers clear of 
hard systemd dependencies, or succeeds at rehab...

This makes the badge a source of pride rather than a retrograde step.

2 cents in the tin.

David H
Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] XFCE et al

2015-02-20 Thread David Harrison
I've dabbled with FreeBSD and OpenIndiana VMs lately: xfce worked just 
as well on those as in Linux.

Was doing a little reading yesterday. Apparently a new point release is 
imminent, which is good news considering xfce's slow pace of releases 
(if not development). The lovely Whisker menu has just been bumped up to 
1.50 as well and is now adopted as an xfce project.

Perhaps someone from Devuan could approach xfce's core developers and 
confirm they're not about to spot-weld themselves to systemd any time 
soon? They seem approachable enough. I'm happy to ask but as a non-dev 
my question might not carry the same weight!

2 cents deposited.

David H

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Dng Digest, Vol 5, Issue 81

2015-02-17 Thread David Harrison
There's a counter-argument that, while being read and digested, the 
instructions occupy a significant part of the human brain, which weighs 
in at ~1.5kg, the gold price for which weight is currently around USD 
58,000. Then again this attention is temporary so the worth will be too. 
Next up, how many angels can dance on the head of a semiconductor...

On 17/02/2015 17:02, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

the instructions dont actually weigh anything so saying it's worth it's
weight in gold is saying they aren't worth anything.;)

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Dng Digest, Vol 5, Issue 33

2015-02-10 Thread David Harrison
Thanks very much Gravis, Jaromil. I'll let the folk on #xroutine know. 
(And about Dowse -- looks interesting too).

Dng mailing list

Re: [Dng] Dng Digest, Vol 5, Issue 32

2015-02-10 Thread David Harrison
Will this be compatible with the banana pi too? I'm very impressed with 
mine since installing a SATA drive. Makes for a great mini server. The 
current default distro, bananian, is a little flakey. Some fellow users 
were excited at the notion of Devuan for their systems too. It's based 
on the Allwinner A20.

On 10/02/2015 10:10, dng-requ...@lists.dyne.org wrote:

Yes. I'm even planning to make it an explicit target of the SDK, like
rpi and rpi2, to wrap around the settings needed for those arm
processors. I also use rpis a lot and the RPI2 is already available also
in the Netherlands, I've ordered a few the other day...

BTW, if we can get a fullfillment service to work for us at the
percentage of the cost, we could also sell Devuan pre-installed RPIs
from our website. Please everyone keep your eyes peeled for such
opportunitites, I'm not aware of anyone doing this ATM, but I'm talking
about it with friends in the Arduino company already.

Dng mailing list