Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-02-02 Thread Alessandro Selli
On 02/02/19 at 03:41, Steve Litt wrote:
> Of course,  with cars, this complexity is partially
> necessary because to raise MPG (Miles Per Gallon) you need a computer
> to micromanage timing and amount of spark, air, fuel, and how they
> interact.  I know of no similar necessity with computers.

  You must never have dealt with *aaS, you must never have done
fine-tuning and intelligent, dynamical resources allocation to Linux
clusters or to heavily multithreading applications.

  What they're doing on cars is the application to mechanics of what has
been done to computers for many years.  Just look at how complex just
RAM management has become in Linux:

* fixed 4KiB pages have become Huge Pages (2MiB, up to 1GiB per page
depending on architecture)

* madvise and fadvise syscalls can advise the kernel about predicted
(=future) memory allocation needs that alter the way the kernel
allocates pages

* shmem is an internal RAM resident filesystem used to manage shared memory

* membarrier() system call allows issuing memory barriers across all
running threads

* heap placement is performed by a pseudo-random algorithm

* VMA (Virtual Memory Address) base address allocation also is

* you can choose between at least three SLAB (kernel objects memory
allocation algorithm) allocators (depending on architecture): ALSB
(regular allocator), SLOB (Simple Allocator) and SLUB (Unqueued Allocator)

* automatic merging of slab caches to reduce kernel memory fragmentation

* NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) aware memory placement

* Control Group support for mem allocation, HugeTLB allocation

* support for Remote Direct Memory Access (DMA over TCP/IP)

* support for zero-copy (buffer-to-buffer data shuffling)

* copy-on-write (sharing of same-page between different processes)

* support for Translation Lookaside Buffer (a cache of physical RAM

* support of persistent or ephemeral Transcedent memory, ie "memory that
is of unknown and dynamically variable size, addressable only indirectly
by the kernel" (Wikipedia)

This is just what I could recollect from my kernel-configuration
sessions.  How many of the entries in /proc/vmstat can you tell what
they are and do?

  Then there are process-management features, CPU allocation strategies,
bandwidth allocation algorithms and policies, a huge amount of
networking parameters, queues and algorithms to fine tune cache,
bandwith and buffer allocation, control exaustion, bottlenecks and
latency, filesystem parameters and features too many to number, and of
course all sets of security and corruption prevention and mitigation
policies and algorithms.

Computers have become enormously more complicated from the '60ies than
cars and auto repair shop have.

Alessandro Selli 
Chiave firma e cifratura PGP/GPG signing and encoding key:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-02-01 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Fri, Feb 01, 2019 at 08:49:34PM +0100, Alessandro Selli wrote:
> On 01/02/19 at 11:19, KatolaZ wrote:
> > [about 100 lines cut off]
>   Jeez, that many?  My wife was right that I got to bed too late
> yesterday night!  😄
> > Are you willing to help with enabling s6/s6-rc in Devuan?
>   Oh my, that means I'll have to upgrade to Beowulf!  And spend lots of
> time tuning and reporting about it.
>   When will I ever fix that leaking tap in the bathroom?  🤕
> > There will
> > be a talk by its author (Laurent bercot) and a dedicated hacking
> > session at the Devuan Conference in Amsterdam. More info closer to the
> > date.
>   Too bad I'll not be able to attend.  I wished I was.

Me neither.  Medical constraints prevent me from travelling.  I used to 
live in Amsterdam and have a dear friend there whom I haven't seen in 
over a decade.

-- hendrik
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-02-01 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 31 Jan 2019 14:56:45 +0300
Dmitrii Kashin  wrote:

> I'd like to notice that Benno just repeats systemd's propaganda. All
> these theses were considered in 2014 by Jude Nelson.
> Here's the link:
> And (if someone is interested) here's my russian translation:

Yes! I forgot to mention Jude's fallacies when writing my response to
Rice's presentation. Please read Jude's fallacies before reading my

Steve Litt 
January 2019 featured book: Troubleshooting: Just the Facts
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-02-01 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 31 Jan 2019 13:07:37 +
Simon Hobson  wrote:

> It's clear that systemd isn't the right implementation. And it's
> clear that Poettering isn't the right person to be doing it. But I'd
> suggest that many of us "systemd - just say no" folks aren't
> fundamentally opposed to improvements where the improvement is
> actually better and not a bug ridden furball'

Yes! As a matter of fact, a system to recognize and mount newly plugged
thumb drives was developed right here on this list.

Steve Litt 
January 2019 featured book: Troubleshooting: Just the Facts
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-02-01 Thread Steve Litt
On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 16:38:28 -1000
Joel Roth via Dng  wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 12:19:44AM +0100, Alessandro Selli wrote:
> > Might interest someone:
> > 
> >
> > 
> >  [Front] Posted Jan 28, 2019 20:05 UTC (Mon) by corbet
> > 
> > His attempt to cast that story for the
> > pleasure of his audience resulted in a sympathetic and nuanced look
> > at a turbulent chapter in the history of the Linux system.  
> Hard to believe I listened to the same talk Corbet
> is describing. What I heard was a propaganda piece,
> finding reasons to sell the systemd approach
> to BSD conference attendees.
> To Benno Rice, the tragedy is the pathetic opposition
> to what he construes as the inevitable forces of
> progress and rationality.

I watched the following video of Benno Rice's presentation:

This presentation is despicable. He's taken every the same tired flawed
arguments from Poettering's writings, and filed off the patented
Poettering nasty haughtiness so it sounds, well, rational. But it
is still founded on Poettering's original fallacies. And if Rice is
even 1/4 as smart as he appears to be, he knows darn well this
stuff is false.

Note: Rice refers many times to "rc". That's what he calls the BSD init
system, or at least the part spawned by PID1.

The king of all this video's fallacies occurs at 17:57, where he
"refutes" "objection" "It's bloated and monolithic." He trots out
Poettering's old refutation that systemd is made from many binaries,
and he says it all fits together to deliver a "system layer" for Linux.
Most intelligent Linux users have rebutted such nonsense: Here's my
rebuttal, in cartoon form:

Lot's of component binaries, but every single one of them requires an
incredibly complex (and therefore error prone) interface, which in turn
almost completely eliminates interchangeable parts, making
repairability much more difficult and limiting opportunities to DIY.

I recently heard a quote on NPR radio that 50 years ago you could start
an auto repair shop with a lift and a couple hundred dollars of tools,
but now it takes a million dollars of diagnostic equipment. This is the
cost of complexity. Of course,  with cars, this complexity is partially
necessary because to raise MPG (Miles Per Gallon) you need a computer
to micromanage timing and amount of spark, air, fuel, and how they
interact. I know of no similar necessity with computers.

Systemd forces more of your management and repair to be outsourced to a
specialty house with the right tools and knowledge, instead of
repairing it in-house with interchangeable parts and the test points
those parts introduce. [LITT'S NOTE: I say this in spite of the
snazzy layer of meters and test points which systemd bestows after
epoxying off your real OS functionality] Not good for the computer's
owner, very good for those specialty houses, of which Redhat leads the

The fact that systemd is a grossly entangled monolith of custom-made
pieces incompatible with pieces not made by the systemd folks is reason
enough to stay way away from systemd.

8:33  "What the traditional rc system really doesn't do is automated
  service management. You can bring in other tools to do that like
  runit or supervisord or other things, but that is bringing in
  third party stuff that thinks a bit differently to the way that
  everything else does, and so you kinda need to [stutter] it's
  this other notion of bringing in other things that you suddenly
  have to think of the way it thinks, the way your servicing
  manager thinks, and various other things, which again --- we
  kinda get used to, like if you pick runit and install it you
  kinda get used to the way runit thinks, but that doesn't
  necessarily mean that the impedence mismatch between what runit
  does and what rc does is good."

Wow, where to start? He first names runit (and supervisord) as doing the
"automated service management" as well as systemd does. But then, to
make monstrosity systemd look better than solid and simple runit (and
s6 and daemontools, which he forgot), he invents an "impedance mismatch"
between runit and rc to downgrade runit. I have a BSEE degree, I know
what impedance mismatch is, and I can tell you the only way you get an
"impedance mismatch" within software is if you're using a circuit
emulation program. Reminds me of guys who go around trying to impress
women by injecting, in worldly fashion, words like "entropy" and
"energy" in discussions of day to day life. Rice really should have
left the pseudo-science at home, with his flat earth and "smoking is not
hazardous" stuff. There's no impedance mismatch, and configuration of
runit is quite easy.

Yeah, configuring runit (he forgot s6, by the way),
is a little different than 

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-02-01 Thread Alessandro Selli
[Time references are from the video on ]

On 31/01/19 at 12:56, Dmitrii Kashin wrote:

> В Чт, 31/01/2019 в 00:19 +0100, Alessandro Selli пишет:


> I'd like to notice that Benno just repeats systemd's propaganda.

  Actually he lists things that Linux+systemd have that BSD does not. 
And he prompts the BSD community towards implementing what it lacks,
*without* *ever* *suggesting* porting systemd to BSD.

>  All
> these theses were considered in 2014 by Jude Nelson.
> Here's the link:

  Good read.  But it does not refute anything that Benno Rice said.

Fallacy #1.1:  "Systemd's components have well-defined
interfaces, so you can just replace the parts you don't like."

Rice never claimed systemd is cool because you can replace any of it's

Fallacy #1.2:  "The Linux kernel is monolithic, therefore it is
okay for systemd to be monolithic"

Did Rice ever said anything about systemd being good or bad because of
it's monolithic nature.

  *Fallacy #2:  "Lots of people use systemd, therefore you should too"*

Rice did not state that.  What he did say is that there are reasons
systemd caught on like wildfire, it is an innovation right were Linux
was more strikingly lagging behing WindowsNT and macOSX (launchd):
"active service management" (07:55).

He did state the obvious, that all major Linux distributions do run
systemd, but he does not suggest this is a reason the BSD people should
even try porting it to that OS.

Fallacy #2.1:  "Systemd earned widespread adoption through its
technical merits"

He did say systemd has technical merits, and he talked about them.  I
already listed them, they are again: automatic HW and SW system
reconfiguration, cgroups, message transport, service lifecycle,
automation API and containers.

If an alternative init and service management system is to have any
chance at being considered a viable alternative to systemd it's got to
be as good as systemd at doing these things.  Benno Rice would like the
BSD community to star developing their own solution.  What about the
Linux folks?  What do we have, what are developers working on that could
do that?

  Fallacy #3:  "People who don't like systemd just don't like change"

Well yes, Benno Rice did say that most resistance to systemd stems from
the unwillingness to change long time habits.  Which is true, I do
remember how much I hated migrating from initd to xinetd, learning the
new rules iptables introduced compared to ipchains, losing LiLO's and
then grub-0.8's simplicity to be forced into grub2's awfully complicated
config file syntax and generation procedure.  But he said it mostly of
the BSD people, and as an example to that he said (28:07):

"And one of the biggest problems that I had with the FreeBSD community
on this one was things like this:

    [slide] #systemd got you down? Come see my talk "Switching to the BSDs"

    at @lfnw this weekend.

because to me this says on behalf of my community: 'Come join FreeBSD,
we'll never change, we refuse to move forward into the future.'"

Can you really think sticking to sysv-init to avoid systemd tells
anything different?

  Fallacy #4:  "Unit files are better than shell scripts"

While he did not state that, it's a matter of fact that SysV's init
script have been for decades vilified as an awkward kludge, generally
badly implemented, extremely static and inefficient way of managing
system services and deamons.  And rightly so.  All attempts at producing
a better init than SysV started with doing away with service scripts and
having just config files instead.

Fallacy #4.1:  "Unit files reduce complexity"

While I do acknowledge this is true, I also list this as a problem.
Reducing complexity has greatly reduced sysadmin's capability to
customize their systems or implementing a workaround when systemd gets
something wrong.

Benno Rice did say this, and he is right.

*Fallacy #4.2:  "Shell scripts are buggy"*

Yes, they are.  A lot.  And they often are so easily correctable that I
wonder how comes some bugs have staid in init script for years after
patches were proposed (a year ago I figured out an init script just
needed two lines of code to implement the status reporting it lacked). 
Scripts are considered something trivial and inessential, they only run
once for a very brief time and all it matters is that the service they
are to start gets started.  I can't explain it in any other way.

*Fallacy #4.3:  "Systemd is better because it gets rid of shell scripts!"*

Again, Benno Rice did not state this, but this is true.  Again i point
out that *all* sysv-init alternatives started with doing away with init

*Fallacy #4.4:  "Systemd is better because it reduces shell script code

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-02-01 Thread Alessandro Selli
On 01/02/19 at 11:19, KatolaZ wrote:
> [about 100 lines cut off]

  Jeez, that many?  My wife was right that I got to bed too late
yesterday night!  😄

> Are you willing to help with enabling s6/s6-rc in Devuan?

  Oh my, that means I'll have to upgrade to Beowulf!  And spend lots of
time tuning and reporting about it.

  When will I ever fix that leaking tap in the bathroom?  🤕

> There will
> be a talk by its author (Laurent bercot) and a dedicated hacking
> session at the Devuan Conference in Amsterdam. More info closer to the
> date.

  Too bad I'll not be able to attend.  I wished I was.

> Talking about software has never produced software ;)

  There are *good* reasons I never was a developer, lol!

  I'm just a sysadmin, I loove telling devs how lousy *their* software
is and then wait for their next release to again open several bug
reports against it!  😈

Alessandro Selli 
Chiave firma e cifratura PGP/GPG signing and encoding key:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-02-01 Thread Dmitrii Kashin
В Чт, 31/01/2019 в 00:19 +0100, Alessandro Selli пишет:
> Might interest someone:


As this article must be interesting to people subscribed to this list,
I attach a free link:

I'd like to notice that Benno just repeats systemd's propaganda. All
these theses were considered in 2014 by Jude Nelson.

Here's the link:

And (if someone is interested) here's my russian translation:

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-02-01 Thread KatolaZ
On Fri, Feb 01, 2019 at 12:33:32AM +0100, Alessandro Selli wrote:
> On 31/01/19 at 03:38, Joel Roth via Dng wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 12:19:44AM +0100, Alessandro Selli wrote:
> >> Might interest someone:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>  [Front] Posted Jan 28, 2019 20:05 UTC (Mon) by corbet
> >>
> >> His attempt to cast that story for the
> >> pleasure of his audience resulted in a sympathetic and nuanced look at a
> >> turbulent chapter in the history of the Linux system.
> > Hard to believe I listened to the same talk Corbet
> > is describing. What I heard was a propaganda piece,
> > finding reasons to sell the systemd approach
> > to BSD conference attendees.
>   Not really.  He points out there were good reasons to want a new init,
> that systemd was a try at innovating something that was old, and that
> this is a different matter compared to *how* that change was implemented.
>   Honestly, the anti-systemd front is never going to prevail pushing
> technology dating from the 70's or steering the debate into an ad
> hominem assault against Lennart Poettering.  It's only chance is

[about 100 lines cut off]

Are you willing to help with enabling s6/s6-rc in Devuan? There will
be a talk by its author (Laurent bercot) and a dedicated hacking
session at the Devuan Conference in Amsterdam. More info closer to the

Talking about software has never produced software ;)



[ ~.,_  Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ - Devuan -- Freaknet Medialab  ]  
[ "+.  katolaz [at] --- katolaz [at]  ]
[   @) ---  Devuan GNU + Linux User  ]
[ @@) --  GPG: 0B5F062F  ] 
[ (@@@)  Twitter: @KatolaZ - skype: katolaz -- github: KatolaZ  ]

Description: PGP signature
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-31 Thread Joel Roth via Dng
Alessandro Selli wrote:
> On 31/01/19 at 03:38, Joel Roth via Dng wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 12:19:44AM +0100, Alessandro Selli wrote:
> >> Might interest someone:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>  [Front] Posted Jan 28, 2019 20:05 UTC (Mon) by corbet
> >>
> >> His attempt to cast that story for the
> >> pleasure of his audience resulted in a sympathetic and nuanced look at a
> >> turbulent chapter in the history of the Linux system.
> > Hard to believe I listened to the same talk Corbet
> > is describing. What I heard was a propaganda piece,
> > finding reasons to sell the systemd approach
> > to BSD conference attendees.
>   Not really.  He points out there were good reasons to want a new init,
> that systemd was a try at innovating something that was old, and that
> this is a different matter compared to *how* that change was implemented.

Hi Alessandro,

Rice scrupulously avoids mentioning other innovations in the
field of init systems. He represents it as a binary decision
of old versus new. 

>   Honestly, the anti-systemd front is never going to
> prevail pushing technology dating from the 70's or
> steering the debate into an ad hominem assault against
> Lennart Poettering.  It's only chance is developing
> something better, an init system and daemon
> management-and-monitoring tool that was simpler, more
> versatile, customizable and stable than systemd.  

Anti-systemd seems like a pejorative way to describe a
community, and front seems like a rather warlike metaphor.
I'd like to find another paradigm! Also, if it is a war, Red
Hat and friends always won based on the number of users'
machines running systemd.  All those administrators will
certainly prefer to stay with what they have.

Funny that you bring up ad-hominum, as I didn't mention even
mention LP.

Also interesting that neither you nor Rice mention that security 
considerations may be involved in using systemd. 

> That is, the only chance against
> systemd is to come up with something technically better.  May I ask you
> to please present technical arguments either against systemd or in favor
> of alternatives rather than railing against LP or Benno Rice?  

The reason I hit on security is systemd is based on dBus,
and RPC frameworks have significant security weaknesses
compared to other solutions not relying on RPC.  NFS is well
known for being vulnerable due to its dependence on RPC.
Windows has an enormous history of RPC related
vulnerabilities.  I don't get how the tradeoff of this
design choice is just waved away.

There are so many other arguments against systemd that 
have been discussed so endlessly leading to this
distribution and community that I don't think further
discussion on this list is relevant... 

I agree with you that technical arguments will not get
business owners to change their init systems. That is why I
say that the war is mostly won by systemd.  Not matter what
the issues, no one can be fired for choosing systemd/Red Hat/IBM.

Those who know and care, of course, can go elsewhere,
thanks in large part to the hardworking Devuan developers++


Joel Roth

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-31 Thread Simon Hobson
Alessandro Selli  wrote:

>> Hard to believe I listened to the same talk Corbet
>> is describing. What I heard was a propaganda piece,
>> finding reasons to sell the systemd approach
>> to BSD conference attendees.
>   Not really.  He points out there were good reasons to want a new init,
> that systemd was a try at innovating something that was old, and that
> this is a different matter compared to *how* that change was implemented.

Beat me to it. I listened and he did make many good points which you've pointed 
out much more elegantly than I would have managed. While picking out bits by 
time, I liked his dig at the state of Debian management at around 16 minutes in 
when he mentions "that vote" :-)

> "systemd makes heavy use of dbus. I'm not a big fan of dbus but i am a
> big fan of messages. [...] One of the things that I told the BSD people
> was basically we should write our own message transport. My version, if
> I were to write one, would be kernel resident rather than user space and
> would allow a lot more of security and authentication and access control
> elements on the actual bus endpoints".

Exactly. Whatever the merits (or otherwise) of dbus as an implementation of a 
messaging system, the function it's trying to implement is a good idea. Ditto 
udev. And to be honest, a significant chunk of systemd as well - the ideas are 
good, the implementation and the way it's been managed,  "no so good".

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-31 Thread Alessandro Selli
On 31/01/19 at 03:38, Joel Roth via Dng wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 12:19:44AM +0100, Alessandro Selli wrote:
>> Might interest someone:
>>  [Front] Posted Jan 28, 2019 20:05 UTC (Mon) by corbet
>> His attempt to cast that story for the
>> pleasure of his audience resulted in a sympathetic and nuanced look at a
>> turbulent chapter in the history of the Linux system.
> Hard to believe I listened to the same talk Corbet
> is describing. What I heard was a propaganda piece,
> finding reasons to sell the systemd approach
> to BSD conference attendees.

  Not really.  He points out there were good reasons to want a new init,
that systemd was a try at innovating something that was old, and that
this is a different matter compared to *how* that change was implemented.

  Honestly, the anti-systemd front is never going to prevail pushing
technology dating from the 70's or steering the debate into an ad
hominem assault against Lennart Poettering.  It's only chance is
developing something better, an init system and daemon
management-and-monitoring tool that was simpler, more versatile,
customizable and stable than systemd.  That is, the only chance against
systemd is to come up with something technically better.  May I ask you
to please present technical arguments either against systemd or in favor
of alternatives rather than railing against LP or Benno Rice?  Because
reading what you wrote, I believe I heard a different talk than you have.

  Nowhere does he state that BSD should adopt systemd, but he does point
out that BSD is lagging behind Linux on many key fronts: automatic HW
and SW system reconfiguration, cgroups, message transport, service
lifecycle, automation API and containers, for instance.  But nowhere
does he peddle systemd to the BSD folks.  He instead stated that:


"systemd makes heavy use of dbus. I'm not a big fan of dbus but i am a
big fan of messages. [...] One of the things that I told the BSD people
was basically we should write our own message transport. My version, if
I were to write one, would be kernel resident rather than user space and
would allow a lot more of security and authentication and access control
elements on the actual bus endpoints".


"The barrier to entry for building something on top of it like an
appliance is massively reduced. But again systemd doesn't have to be the
only implementation of this. You should go and explore".

This is technical reasoning, this is pointing out what need to be done
to turn the tide on something different, on something better than
systemd.  He rightly states that better does not necessarily mean "the
way it was done before", change is part of life and resisting it just
out of aversion to change eventually proves futile.

There are points over which I disagree with him, when he states that
binary logs are a good idea for instance, but he is damn right that
bickering against Poetering's personality or that systemd goes against
the principles of Unix as they were laid out 40-50 years ago is a losing
proposition.  We're talking of software, technology and system services,
systemd is leading right now and sysv-init is worthless as a weapon
against it.  Linux is in need of something better, at least in terms of
simplicity and robustness, than systemd.  But I still can't see anything
capable of taking the lead and gaining back a significant share of the
installed base from systemd.  Which worries me, because this means that
systemd is going to become ever more entrenched in the Linux ecosystem,
to the point it might begin to dictate the future evolution of the OS,
from the kernel to userland.  And still what I hear the most is that
systemd stinks because LP is an assh*le or that it violates the Unix
philosophy.  When I hear people speak of philosophy on technology
matters I think they don't have a clue yet they're struggling to prevail
on a purely dialectical plane.

I've been waiting years for something better than systemd, modern and
simpler, more modular, customizable and easier to understand and
predict.  Years when systemd just got bigger, more tentacular and more
widely adopted.  And all I got was the same old, static, sclerotic
sysv-init.  Enough with calling people names when they don't share your
attitudes against Lennart Poettering or when they don't blame systemd
for the death of the neighbor's cat.  What can be used today to replace
systemd that was not devised 40 years ago when networks were as static
as motorways and external removable devices required a technician to
change them?  What can be used that will run virtualized, containerized
systems just as well, that is easier, more customizable and more reliable?

In my current job I manage the less than 10% of the infrastructure that
runs on non-Windows systems.  They are all systemd systems except two
old Sun Solaris boxes.  I know that pushing management away from systemd

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-31 Thread lpb+devuan

On 1/31/19 7:50 AM, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> Simon Hobson - 31.01.19, 14:07:
>> Massimo Coppola  wrote:
> […]
>> It's clear that systemd isn't the right implementation. And it's clear
>> that Poettering isn't the right person to be doing it. But I'd
>> suggest that many of us "systemd - just say no" folks aren't
>> fundamentally opposed to improvements where the improvement is
>> actually better and not a bug ridden furball'
> Agreed.
> For me right now runit is closest to what I think would be good to have.
> Thanks,

And containers are not a new idea, see, e.g., LXC and its kin. So there
are in fact people working on alternate solutions in the same space as
systemd, not with the same monolithic approach. And these alternate
implementations are trying to be best of breed in their own space, while
playing well with others.
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-31 Thread Clarke Sideroad via Dng

On 2019-01-31 1:22 a.m., Rick Moen wrote:

As I'm (like you) an subscriber, I can furnish a 'subscriber
link' for the benefit of Dng readers.  Enjoy.

Thanks Rick, I appreciate this.

Reading it was like reading the incomplete logic of Star Trek's Borg.
Not lying, but far from the whole truth.
After seeing the assimilation of many Linux users from my lowly 
perspective of Earth it is quite horrifying to see the possible 
acceptance and potential further spread of the disease.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-31 Thread hal

On 1/31/19 12:22 AM, Rick Moen wrote:

As I'm (like you) an subscriber, I can furnish a 'subscriber
link' for the benefit of Dng readers.  Enjoy.

Thanks, Rick. Interesting read.

Regarding systemd..If it were as grand as the supporters say, it would 
not need all the strategic deception to stay relevant. Kinda reminds me 
of a certain political figure

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-31 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Simon Hobson - 31.01.19, 14:07:
> Massimo Coppola  wrote:
> It's clear that systemd isn't the right implementation. And it's clear
> that Poettering isn't the right person to be doing it. But I'd
> suggest that many of us "systemd - just say no" folks aren't
> fundamentally opposed to improvements where the improvement is
> actually better and not a bug ridden furball'


For me right now runit is closest to what I think would be good to have.


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-31 Thread Simon Hobson
Massimo Coppola  wrote:

> But I guess there's no need either to list all technical systemd issues here, 
> or accept the unsound logic that unkind developers are the only reason of 
> systemd criticism.

With all the hot air, I suspect that many people have lost sight of the 
distinction between an implementation of an idea (udev, dbus,systemd) and the 
idea itself (a better way of managing a system).

It's clear that systemd isn't the right implementation. And it's clear that 
Poettering isn't the right person to be doing it.
But I'd suggest that many of us "systemd - just say no" folks aren't 
fundamentally opposed to improvements where the improvement is actually better 
and not a bug ridden furball'

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-31 Thread mett
On 2019年1月31日 15:22:57 JST, Rick Moen  wrote:
>Quoting Alessandro Selli (
>> Might interest someone:
>>  [Front] Posted Jan 28, 2019 20:05 UTC (Mon) by corbet
>> Tragedy, according to Wikipedia, is "a form of drama based on human
>> suffering that invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in
>> audiences". Benno Rice took his inspiration from that definition for
>> 2019 talk on the story of systemd which, he said,
>> no shortage of suffering. His attempt to cast that story for the
>> pleasure of his audience resulted in a sympathetic and nuanced look
>at a
>> turbulent chapter in the history of the Linux system.
>As I'm (like you) an subscriber, I can furnish a 'subscriber
>link' for the benefit of Dng readers.  Enjoy.
>Cheers,  "I am a member of a civilization (IAAMOAC).  Step
>Rick Moenfrom anger.  Study how awful our ancestors had it,
>  they struggled to get you here.  Repay them by
>McQ! (4x80)  the civilization you inherited."   --
>David Brin
>Dng mailing list

Thanks a lot Rick!
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-31 Thread Massimo Coppola

Hi all,
I don't contribute often to the list, but I really found irritating that after 
setting a cuckoo egg in the nest someone comes and start telling everyone how 
much nice is the deviant bird.

I think Lars Noodén already pointed out, the news is that the target of systemd 
propaganda is the BSD world now.

I've listened to the youtube video while working, IMHO the speaker is 
downplaying all the issues with bugs, insecure code and and feature bloat, 
trying to cast systemd opposition as purely resistance to change. But change is 
always good, isn't it? Poor systemd developers, they are just not gifted in 
talking to open source developers...

But I guess there's no need either to list all technical systemd issues here, or 
accept the unsound logic that unkind developers are the only reason of systemd 
criticism. Unfortunately, there was not QA session after the talk, or I didn't 
find it on youtube. I was curious about that.

I didn't know the guy before, but when he says that Poettering somehow always 
gets thing done, taht he "delivers", this really is company-style talking to me: 
if you have something to sell, everything is fine. If you are able to push your 
ideas into someone else's machine, you are a genius.

Besides, one could say that "Lennart delivers" thanks to (massive corporate 
backing and) a swarm of other guys running around and smooth talking everyone 
into accepting the "new gospel".

Some of the problems systemd tried to tackle are real, so what?
- strawman fallacy, the criticism is toward systemd, not toward all the problems 
it supposedly tackles
- periodically breaking things, blaming downstream and closing with WONTIFX is 
well outside any sensible definition of "not being gifted in talking to a 
software community"
- still, the rightfulness of a question isn't magic, it doesn't turn a 
technically wrong answer into a correct one.

I can't really grok the fact that the speaker seems to work on BSD security...


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-31 Thread al3xu5 / dotcommon
Il giorno mercoledì 30/01/2019 18:57:05 -0600 ha scritto:

> On 2019-01-30 17:19, Alessandro Selli wrote:
> > Might interest someone:
> > 
> >
> > 
> >  [Front] Posted Jan 28, 2019 20:05 UTC (Mon) by corbet
> > 
> > Tragedy, according to Wikipedia, is "a form of drama based on human
> > suffering that invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in
> > audiences". Benno Rice took his inspiration from that definition for 
> > his
> > 2019 talk on the story of systemd which, he said, 
> > involves
> > no shortage of suffering. His attempt to cast that story for the
> > pleasure of his audience resulted in a sympathetic and nuanced look at 
> > a
> > turbulent chapter in the history of the Linux system.
> > 
> > ___
> >   
> Unfortunately . . .
> "The page you have tried to view (Systemd as tragedy) is currently 
> available to LWN subscribers only."
> Too bad.  Might have been entertaining . . .
> golinux

Some tragedy happens also in the audio world:


al3xu5 / dotcommon
Say NO to copyright, patents, trademarks and any industrial design restrictions.
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-31 Thread Lars Noodén via Dng
On 1/31/19 4:38 AM, Joel Roth via Dng wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 12:19:44AM +0100, Alessandro Selli wrote:
>> Might interest someone:
>>  [Front] Posted Jan 28, 2019 20:05 UTC (Mon) by corbet
>> His attempt to cast that story for the
>> pleasure of his audience resulted in a sympathetic and nuanced look at a
>> turbulent chapter in the history of the Linux system.
> Hard to believe I listened to the same talk Corbet
> is describing. What I heard was a propaganda piece,
> finding reasons to sell the systemd approach
> to BSD conference attendees.
> To Benno Rice, the tragedy is the pathetic opposition
> to what he construes as the inevitable forces of
> progress and rationality.

That is also my interpretation of his statements, both at LCA and
BSDCan.  I'd seen the video of his LCA talk already and the gist was
that he thinks systemd is great and that everyone should work on
implementing something identical within FreeBSD.  Something weird and
disturbing that it got through the selection process and made it in as a
talk.  About the only attempt he made at an argument in favor of systemd
was his constant use of the logical fallacy appeal to novelty. i.e. "it
is better because it is newer"  but at least he reduced the amount of
personal attacks against non-systemd people this time.

He said about the same thing at BSDcan.

I still hold out hope that the normal tracks for LCA 2019 will be better
but have not seen them yet except for the Lewis [1] talk which can be
recommended for watching.


Dng mailing list

[DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-30 Thread Edward Bartolo via Dng
Whether systemd is a tragedy or not, I will not say, but whenever I
tried it, I was always greeted with OS crashes. At first, I tried to
use it for a media player but, needless to state, the OS crashed for
no reason. With an SD card as the storage medium this becomes a
nuisance as one has to take out the SD card, insert it in another
machine, and run fsck to repair damage done by not shutting down

I have already an impredictable mains supply that has the habit of
suspending itself at its own whims. I do not need a pseudo-init that
has been constantly fed features it shouldn't feature as an init
rendering it the most obese of all.
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-30 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Alessandro Selli (

> Might interest someone:
>  [Front] Posted Jan 28, 2019 20:05 UTC (Mon) by corbet
> Tragedy, according to Wikipedia, is "a form of drama based on human
> suffering that invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in
> audiences". Benno Rice took his inspiration from that definition for his
> 2019 talk on the story of systemd which, he said, involves
> no shortage of suffering. His attempt to cast that story for the
> pleasure of his audience resulted in a sympathetic and nuanced look at a
> turbulent chapter in the history of the Linux system.

As I'm (like you) an subscriber, I can furnish a 'subscriber
link' for the benefit of Dng readers.  Enjoy.

Cheers,  "I am a member of a civilization (IAAMOAC).  Step back
Rick Moenfrom anger.  Study how awful our ancestors had it, yet  they struggled to get you here.  Repay them by appreciating
McQ! (4x80)  the civilization you inherited."   -- David Brin
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-30 Thread Joel Roth via Dng
On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 12:19:44AM +0100, Alessandro Selli wrote:
> Might interest someone:
>  [Front] Posted Jan 28, 2019 20:05 UTC (Mon) by corbet
> His attempt to cast that story for the
> pleasure of his audience resulted in a sympathetic and nuanced look at a
> turbulent chapter in the history of the Linux system.

Hard to believe I listened to the same talk Corbet
is describing. What I heard was a propaganda piece,
finding reasons to sell the systemd approach
to BSD conference attendees.

To Benno Rice, the tragedy is the pathetic opposition
to what he construes as the inevitable forces of
progress and rationality.

Joel Roth

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-30 Thread Bruce Ferrell

On 1/30/19 4:57 PM, wrote:

On 2019-01-30 17:19, Alessandro Selli wrote:

Might interest someone:

 [Front] Posted Jan 28, 2019 20:05 UTC (Mon) by corbet

Tragedy, according to Wikipedia, is "a form of drama based on human
suffering that invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in
audiences". Benno Rice took his inspiration from that definition for his
2019 talk on the story of systemd which, he said, involves
no shortage of suffering. His attempt to cast that story for the
pleasure of his audience resulted in a sympathetic and nuanced look at a
turbulent chapter in the history of the Linux system.


Unfortunately . . .

"The page you have tried to view (Systemd as tragedy) is currently available to LWN 
subscribers only."

Too bad.  Might have been entertaining . . .

Dng mailing list

In a week, that article will become available

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-30 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 18:57:05 -0600, wrote in message 

> On 2019-01-30 17:19, Alessandro Selli wrote:
> > Might interest someone:
> > 
> >
> > 
> >  [Front] Posted Jan 28, 2019 20:05 UTC (Mon) by corbet
> > 
> > Tragedy, according to Wikipedia, is "a form of drama based on human
> > suffering that invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in
> > audiences". Benno Rice took his inspiration from that definition
> > for his
> > 2019 talk on the story of systemd which, he said, 
> > involves
> > no shortage of suffering. His attempt to cast that story for the
> > pleasure of his audience resulted in a sympathetic and nuanced look
> > at a
> > turbulent chapter in the history of the Linux system.
> > 
> > ___
> >   
> Unfortunately . . .
> "The page you have tried to view (Systemd as tragedy) is currently 
> available to LWN subscribers only."
> Too bad.  Might have been entertaining . . . is: ;o)

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.
Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-30 Thread golinux

On 2019-01-30 17:19, Alessandro Selli wrote:

Might interest someone:

 [Front] Posted Jan 28, 2019 20:05 UTC (Mon) by corbet

Tragedy, according to Wikipedia, is "a form of drama based on human
suffering that invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in
audiences". Benno Rice took his inspiration from that definition for 
2019 talk on the story of systemd which, he said, 

no shortage of suffering. His attempt to cast that story for the
pleasure of his audience resulted in a sympathetic and nuanced look at 

turbulent chapter in the history of the Linux system.


Unfortunately . . .

"The page you have tried to view (Systemd as tragedy) is currently 
available to LWN subscribers only."

Too bad.  Might have been entertaining . . .

Dng mailing list

[DNG] Systemd as tragedy

2019-01-30 Thread Alessandro Selli
Might interest someone:

 [Front] Posted Jan 28, 2019 20:05 UTC (Mon) by corbet

Tragedy, according to Wikipedia, is "a form of drama based on human
suffering that invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in
audiences". Benno Rice took his inspiration from that definition for his
2019 talk on the story of systemd which, he said, involves
no shortage of suffering. His attempt to cast that story for the
pleasure of his audience resulted in a sympathetic and nuanced look at a
turbulent chapter in the history of the Linux system.

Alessandro Selli 
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Dng mailing list