On 07/04/2013 06:46 PM, Simon Kelley wrote:
> On 04/07/13 12:44, gabriel wrote:
>> hello,
>> is it somehow possible (signal, etc) to flush dnsmasq's internal dhcp
>> lease cache?
>> i want to be able to update ip addresses without restarting dnsmasq. So
>> I send a SIGHUP to dnsmasq to reread its host definition files. But
>> althought I've disabled the leasefile (leasefile-ro) and enabled a
>> script to run the machines still get their old addresses.
> If you've disabled the leasefile, then the problem is likely to be that
> the DHCP client is remembering what address it had last, and asking for
> that address again. dnsmasq will give the client the address is asks for
> if it's OK (not in use, still on a configured network, etc).
> You could remove the caches in your hosts too, or configure static
> addresses for them in dnsmasq. Dnsmasq will force the static address,
> rather than one a client asks for.

i'm testing this with kvm virtual machines, and they keep their old
address across destroy/restart. i actually also tried:

dhcp_release <bridge> <if> <mac>

in order to invalidate these leases. in fact i've configured these hosts
through additional hosts file (for static dns) and additional conf file
by host-record, txt-record, dhcp-record statements.

i want to change these statically configured hosts ip addresses without
dnsmasq restart.

thanks a lot,

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