Le Lundi 19 Décembre 2005 14:03, Titus Nemeth a écrit :
> Hi,
> I am doing an MA in Typeface Design at the University of Reading, UK. For
> my final practical project I am going to design an Arabic/Latin script
> font couple. Among other things I am researching, I'd like to explore the
> visual differences between written Arabic and written Farsi. To do
> this I need to look at linguistic frequencies of letters in both languages
> - data from this comparison could likely influence my design decisions
> since I am going to design a typeface that should be particularly suited
> for Farsi texts. I stumbled across this project and liked it a lot. I also
> found the wordlist, but since I am not really a computer geek I dont know
> how to deal with those files. I'd be very grateful if I could get the
> Arabic word-database in plain text, ideally Unicode formatted.
> kind regards,
> Titus
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Thank you for considering designing a new font for the Arabic script
To explore the visual differences between Arabic and Farsi visit the Unicode 
website. http://www.unicode.org/charts/ exposes all glyphs used in Unicode. 
There are many languages that use the Arabic script with very few 
The Arabic desktop lacks a usable font for the user interface. As you can see 
in the Arabeyes' Khotot project, there are beautiful fonts but most of them 
are perfect for publishing but unusable in the user interface. 
"Farsifonts" ( Roya, Terafik, ... ) and "KacstOne" are good examples of 
desktop fonts but they are not proportional with latin fonts. 
As far as I know, the best font for the Arabic desktop is the proprietary MS 
Tahoma. It is a simple sans serif font with a quite acceptable proportion 
between Arabic and Latin characters.
I am mailing you the wordlist as plain text.
PS: Excuse my poor English.
Doc mailing list

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