Abiword translation other stuff

2006-01-29 الحوار Youssef CHAHIBI
السلام عليكم
I'd like to complete Abiword translation. Abisource's website shows 
that 92% 
of the strings are translated. But when I examined the po file I found out 
that the 92% also includes fuzzy strings, so the real translated portion is 
about 70%.  I also noticed that the translations doesn't follow standards or 
a certain terminology reference. Sometimes Hamza is typed sometimes and 
mostly not. I also noticed that key accelerator marks () are put without 
following any logic so many commands may have the same key accelerator.
I will إن شاء الله follow first BCA's terminology (www.arabization.org.ma 
which still afaik only work in Konqueror) and if the term doesn't exist I 
will look up for it in MS's arabic glossary ( an act that many localization 
projects follows, to make the users transition normal ).
I have also fully translated Childsplay, but it lacks shaping support 
said that he may release this week-end fribidi with shaping support). 
Waiting for it to be released, I added Harakat, to about 75% of Childsplay's 
strings, to make reading easier for children. Can you design a simple 
activity/game with an arab/(islamic?) cultural background?
I am still translating Mandriva's website (Community finished).
Have a look at quran fonts fantastic improvements by Meor Ridzuan Meor 
compared with Ms fonts: http://perso.menara.ma/yollnet/
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Re: Abiword translation other stuff

2006-01-29 الحوار Youssef CHAHIBI
السلام عليكم
I translated all fuzzy strings. 126 strings left.
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