Re: DOCBOOK: docbook vs latex

2002-09-06 Thread Matt G.

From: Doug du Boulay [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: DOCBOOK: docbook vs latex
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2002 19:03:22 +0900

the mml:math tag cleanly separates the actual mathematics from
the surrounding paragraph information. Contrast that with the
relegation of maththeorem to a perverted  mml: module like this


Well, I honestly don't know if MathML provides the document-level blocks 
that would be needed (you might need a separate module, for that).  However 
it certainly shouldn't be polluted with things like title, para, 
inlineequation, etc.  The standard DocBook versions of those elements should 
be used.

Furthermore, what's needed is a schema language (sorry, I don't know 
anything about the W3C XML Schema Language) in which a module can allow 
specific *classes* of the standard DocBook elements within the content 
models of the elements it provides.  While cases like 'title' and 'para' 
would best be addressed explicitly, a module should be able to implicitly 
add its own elements to the content models of elements provided by other 
modules (by appending them to some sort of class).  Similarly, it should be 
able to selectively contribute its elements for use in both specific docbook 
elements and classes of elements, but also in unknown elements provided by 
other modules.

(from a subsequent message):

I guess Matt's last email and this message from the archives pretty well 
hits the nail on the head:

Sugoi desu - thanks for digging that up!  Domo arigatou gozaimasu.

Matt Gruenke

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Re: DOCBOOK: On the size of DocBook...

2002-09-06 Thread Michael Smith

[this is a long posting -- I didn't have time to make it more concise]

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The recent thread about DocBook and LaTeX raised the issue of the size
 of DocBook (measured as the number of elements). (It's not the first
 thread to raise the issue, just the most recent.)


 Whenever I think of adding new elements to DocBook, I think about
 these content models and wonder if it's really worth it. Now, in a
 sense, this is completely unfair. It's quite possible that the
 proposed element is just as valuable, to someone certainly and to
 everyone maybe, as, say errorcode. The fact that errorcode got there
 first doesn't seem like a very satisfying criteria on which to choose
 between them.

I absolutely agree with this. I don't think the there are already too
many elements argument should prevent the TC from giving very careful
and objective consideration to adding elements that really should be in
there. Take the proposed url element for example. I'm sure not everybody
would agree that should be added, but I think Elliotte Rusty Harold has
stated some good reasons for adding it -- and adding it as a new
element, not as a new class value on another element.

[I know I've already said this, but I'll take the opportunity to trot the
hobbyhouse back out...]

I think we also need to be careful about trying to solve the there are
already too many elements issue just by adding new class values on
existing elements -- systemitem or whatever -- rather than adding them
as new elements.

It seems like adding new class values increases the complexity of the
DTD just as much, but does it in a way that obscures the complexity
more.  What I mean is, when that's done, it's still adding to the
overall number of logical units or semantic components in the DTD.
But it's just adding them in a way that makes those logical units:

  * less intuitive to users
  * less versatile (you can't sub-class attributes)


 A few things occur to me.
 1. The difference between 400 elements and 800 elements isn't
 significant, just add 'em all.

Sort of a straw man, I think :-)

 2. 400 is just too many, we need to make DocBook smaller.

A straw man with a little less straw? Given the backward compatibility
issues and user-community needs, this seems like the
least-likely-to-happen solution -- and maybe the least desirable.

 3. Some sort of pizza cutter a la TEI could be invented to allow
 selection of just the right elements. (But what will that do to
 4. Refactoring the parameter entity structure in a more satisfying way
 might make it easier to customize which would offer some sort of a
 compromise between 1 and 3.

Definitely not straw men. I think we ought to consider these carefully.

(For anybody who doesn't know what the TEI pizza cutter is: basically,
it's a sort of configurator that lets you choose sets of elements that
you want to include or not include in the DTD you use for authoring your
documents, and then generates a custom DTD that includes just the
element sets you want and excludes the rest.)

First, I think implementing 3 might actually require that we do 4. I'm
not sure a really useful pizza cutter would even be practical with the
current parameter entity organization, at least not the parameter entity
organization at the information-pool level. I think TEI was actually
designed around the specific requirement to include/exclude element-sets
at the information-pool level, and DocBook wasn't nearly as much.

But all that said, I wonder whether that kind of parameter-entity reorg
is possible and/or prudent. There's a paragraph in Eve Maler and Jeanne
El Andaloussi's Developing SGML DTDs that reads:

  Some DTD implementors choose to store declarations for individual
  element types (particularly those in the information pool) in separate
  modules, building up a so-called element library that can be
  recombined in different ways for different DTDs. However, in our
  experience the complex interdependencies between information pool
  elements are easier to understand and maintain if the entire
  information pool is stored in a single module, with marked sections
  used to modularize individual element types.

Anyway, about the question at the end of number 3 above -- But what will
that do to interchange? -- It seems like interchange isn't an issue if

  * the customized DTDs are strict subsets of the complete DTD

  * and users/user communities treat their customized DTDs as authoring
DTDs and continue to use the full DTD for validation (that is,
don't expect that DTDs that others interchange with their community
will validate against their custom authoring-DTD subset)

Which makes me think of another possibility to add -- something that's
sort of already been discussed on this list:

5. The DocBook TC, with suggestions/feedback from the various DocBook
   users communities, produces a set of standard off-the-shelf

Re: DOCBOOK: On the size of DocBook...

2002-09-06 Thread Yann Dirson

On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 09:39:25AM -0400, Norman Walsh wrote:
 3. Some sort of pizza cutter a la TEI could be invented to allow
 selection of just the right elements. (But what will that do to

People tempted by this approach may want to get a look on the
dtd-customizer specs at
Note there are newer ideas in the July slides than in the specs, which
I still have to update.

The idea is to allow people to define DTD subsets (or any variant for
those wanting that) in a simple and intuitive way.  That should allow
current dtd-aware authoring tools to provide a more accurate
environement, while still allowing to use standard stylesheets.

Technical support managerResponsable de l'assistance technique
Senior Free-Software Consultant  Consultant senior en Logiciels Libres
Debian developer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])Développeur Debian

DOCBOOK: manual chunking with my chunk-manual.xsl

2002-09-06 Thread Janning Vygen


thanks to norm who wrote this beatiful chunkfast.xsl just in time. 

I am writing a customization which can give docbook authors the 
possibility to chunk section manual by including a ?dbhtml 
Procession instructions and i was just thinking about these really 
hairy XPath expression in chunk.xsl about finding next and prev...

i was wondering how easy it was to write this customization after 
understanding how things work together. This code is poorly tested 
because i just want to ask if i am moving in the right direction. So 
heres my module, but it only works with norms and
posted earlier today and is only tested with 1.53.0 and libxslt 1.20 

What it does is just modifying the template named chunk which 
determines if a node is a chunk or not. To check it out it looks for 
PIs and combines the result of examaning the PIs with the parameters 
$chunk.section.depth and $chunk.first.sections

Any comments are very appreciated.

so heres my code. (i don't know if it is allowed to include 

kind regards,

-- chunk-manual.xsl --

?xml version=1.0?
xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=;

  2002, written by [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
  1) you can decide via Processing Instruction 
  if you want to chunk the childs of the parent node of the PI
  2) you can override the value of chunk.first.sections via PI

 Put PIs like this into your chapter, section, sect1, sect2 ...

 ?dbhtml chunk-childs=1 chunk-first-sections=0?

 chunk-first-sections is inherited by all subsequent childs if not
 changed again by another PI

 chunk-childs affects only the childs of the parent node of the PI
 (put your PI _into_ a chapter to chunk the sections inside this
 you can only decide to 
 - chunk all childs but not the first
 - chunk all child including the first
 - chunk no childs 
 NO WARRENTY, most of the code is copyright by norm walsh, i guess
 the few other characters can be used as you'd like :-)

xsl:import href=chunkfast.xsl/

xsl:template name=dbhtml-chunk-childs
  xsl:param name=pis select=./processing-instruction('dbhtml')/
  xsl:call-template name=dbhtml-attribute
xsl:with-param name=pis select=$pis/
xsl:with-param name=attributechunk-childs/xsl:with-param

xsl:template name=dbhtml-chunk-first-sections
  xsl:param name=pis select=./processing-instruction('dbhtml')/
  xsl:call-template name=dbhtml-attribute
xsl:with-param name=pis select=$pis/

xsl:template name=chunk
  xsl:param name=node select=./
  !-- returns 1 if $node is a chunk --

  xsl:variable name=dbhtml-chunk-childs
xsl:call-template name=dbhtml-chunk-childs
  xsl:with-param name=pis 

  xsl:variable name=dbhtml-chunk-first-sections
xsl:call-template name=dbhtml-chunk-first-sections
xsl:with-param name=pis   

  xsl:if test=$node/@id = 'a1s1'
  xsl:value-of select=$node/@id/: xsl:value-of 

xsl:when test=not($node/parent::*)1/xsl:when

xsl:when test=local-name($node) = 'sect1'
and (  $dbhtml-chunk-childs = 1 or 
($chunk.section.depth gt;= 1 and $dbhtml-chunk-childs = '') )
and ( ($dbhtml-chunk-first-sections = 1 or 
($chunk.first.sections   != 0 and $dbhtml-chunk-first-sections = '') )
 or count($node/preceding-sibling::sect1) 
gt; 0)
xsl:when test=local-name($node) = 'sect2'
and (  $dbhtml-chunk-childs = 1 or 
($chunk.section.depth gt;= 2 and $dbhtml-chunk-childs = '') )
and ( ($dbhtml-chunk-first-sections = 1 or 
($chunk.first.sections   != 0 and $dbhtml-chunk-first-sections = '') )
 or count($node/preceding-sibling::sect2) 
gt; 0)
  xsl:call-template name=chunk
xsl:with-param name=node select=$node/parent::*/
xsl:when test=local-name($node) = 'sect3'
and (  $dbhtml-chunk-childs = 1 or 
($chunk.section.depth gt;= 3 and $dbhtml-chunk-childs = '') )
and ( ($dbhtml-chunk-first-sections = 1 or 
($chunk.first.sections   != 0 and $dbhtml-chunk-first-sections = '') )
 or count($node/preceding-sibling::sect3) 
gt; 0)
  xsl:call-template name=chunk
xsl:with-param name=node select=$node/parent::*/

AW: DOCBOOK: Re: AW: [QUESTION] page numbers in sets/books

2002-09-06 Thread Daniel S. Haischt


i finally managed to get a footer the way i wanted it
to be. allthough it wasn't that easy :(

now i am still struggling with two other issues.

 1) i don't like the set's titlepage layout
 2) footer/header are not justified in the same
way as text paragraphs.

maybe you are able to help me with the last one.

example page:

my header
1.1 chapter foobar

some text some text some text some text some text 
some text some text some text some text some text 
some text some text some text some text some text 
some text some text some text some text some text 
my footer page x of y

as you can see there is a gap between the rules
and the actuall text. but i want the rules to be
as wide as the paragraph text.

i did not change any margine parameters. so i do not
have an idea what could be the problem.


daniel s. haischt

 -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
 Von: Norman Walsh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. September 2002 20:19
 An: Daniel S. Haischt
 Betreff: DOCBOOK: Re: AW: [QUESTION] page numbers in sets/books
 / Daniel S. Haischt [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
 | to diplay page / pages, i used the following lines in
 | my custom stylesheet.
 | [fo:page-number/ / fo:page-number-citation ref-id=number-panel/]
 | to make it clear, now every book will be numbered
 | beginning with one as i wanted it to be. but now
 | the counting of pages does not work any longer.
 | any ideas?
 My guess is the element with id 'number-panel' appears on page 4 of
 some book. You'll need to make sure that's some content on the last
 page, and you'll have to make sure that you vary it on a per-book
 Be seeing you,
 Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | To create a little flower is the | labour of ages.--Blake
 Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

Re: DOCBOOK: On the size of DocBook...

2002-09-06 Thread Dave Pawson

At 12:42 06/09/2002, Michael Smith wrote:

Anyway, about the question at the end of number 3 above -- But what will
that do to interchange? -- It seems like interchange isn't an issue if

  * the customized DTDs are strict subsets of the complete DTD

  * and users/user communities treat their customized DTDs as authoring
DTDs and continue to use the full DTD for validation (that is,
don't expect that DTDs that others interchange with their community
will validate against their custom authoring-DTD subset)

I had an 'ah ha' moment at xml-extreme this year.
People don't give a ... about markup validity. Its our XML tools that do.
The 'authoring' environment vs the 'interchange' environment?
Hence Michaels point is quite valid. If they are all good subsets then we
shouldn't see that problem.

One of the values of having a set of standard strict-subset authoring
DTDs is that would be carefully considered by the TC, potentially a lot
more carefully than possibly-not-compatible-with-one-antoher ad-hoc
custom authoring DTDs that users from the same community might end up
creating and propagating and using.

What impact might that have on the stylesheets Norm?
Divergent sets of stylesheets for pizza slices?

What I mean is, I think maybe there are some identifiable DocBook user
sub-communities within which users have the same basic markup needs --
their needs within their community are not that radically different from
one another. If the TC doesn't produce a subset that meets their needs,
and that community is not well-organized enough to produce a suitable
custom authoring DTD on its own, we risk having individual users within
those communities producing conflicting, sub-optimal customizations.

IMO it's the combination of dtd and stylesheets that make it what it is.
One without the other would be a minor nicety.

My experience is that users and user communities -- especially those
that might be considered casual document authors (for example,
individual open-source developers who write docs for their own
applications) really, really, don't like to be told, DocBook is highly
customizable -- go ahead and customize it to meet your needs.

It seems like what they want typically want instead is something that
just works right off the shelf.

Bottom line its just too hard unless you've been there before?
Time could be better spent elsewhere.

That's it for now. But I really hope we can continue the discussion
about this and maybe arrive at some resolutions.

Picking up Pauls point, user demand is for 'less necessity' for
customisation, i.e. easier out of the box usage.

Less tags in a vertical slice of pizza, i.e. still valid to 
BBdocbook (big brother), but 'appropriate' to my niche?
The stylesheets? I'd leave that to Norm. I have a nasty feeling
they *could* ride such a divide?

regards DaveP

Re: DOCBOOK: On the size of DocBook...

2002-09-06 Thread Paul Grosso

At 21:32 2002 09 05 -0400, ed nixon wrote:
Paul Grosso wrote:
At 15:36 2002 09 05 -0400, ed nixon wrote:
Paul Grosso wrote:
A big problem for me is that I still have not seen a satisfactory
explanation of the user requirement(s) that is(are) driving this

You are right, of course. I think the people who read this list regularly become 
aculturated to the atmosphere of an exchange. For example, the implicit, assumed 
goal that I saw immerging is two-fold:
1. significantly accelerate the learning curve of new and inexperienced users of the 
DocBook schema

I understand the desire to reduce the learning curve, but I'm not
convinced reducing the size of the DTD does that.

Reducing the number of tags in the DTD to N doesn't make it any easier
for a user to learn the M  N tags s/he wants to use.  You can make
it easier to learn by just learning the ones you need, you don't have
to reduce the number in the DTD.

2. further reduce the support overhead of this and the APPS list significantly for a 
certain class of question by simplifying and/or compartmentalizing. I detected that 
in the wind over the past months; I assume there are others who have developed the 
same impression. Perhaps not.

Most people ask what tag do I use to do X?  I don't see how
removing tags so that X can no longer be done reduces the

What user requirements do bolting or unbolting components
of a per application basis address?

Are there significant and identifiable genres of DocBook application? For example, 
is there a significant delimitable difference between the markup required for 
software versus hardware documentation? Are there other types of publication that 
lend themselves to a segmentation exercise of some sort?

I believe splitting up the DocBook app into genres just adds 
yet another complication to learning it.  (Which genre do I
learn, and what if it turns out the way the DocBook committee
split things into genres doesn't work for my app?)

Personally, I see three disadvantages of that:
1.  someone has to do the bolting for a given application;
2.  the tools have to support bolting/unbolting;
3.  as soon as you bolt together one setup, someone is
going to want/use/expect a tag you didn't bolt in.

Yes. And that's what I meant by the difficult challenge of what to do, how and when. 
But the DocBook direction has always been toward customization. Is there an easier 
way, or a more generic way of doing it?

Or, put in terms of user requirements, I see your suggestion
accrues negative rather than positive points in the corresponding
three (plus) user requirement areas:
1.  I can use the off-the-shelf DocBook application with no extra work.

Could you please list them for me? I gather Epic makes the claim and there are one, 
perhaps two of the under $100 editors. Are there a significant number of others? 
Using current, XML versions of DocBook? I use XMetaL and it is, unfortunately, a fair 
amount of work just getting something into the editing area that looks half-decent. 
Getting to a really smooth and robust editing environment for a MSWord convert is a 
tremendous amount of work.

I'm saying the statement #1 above is a user requirement (or perhaps
user goal would be more accurate).  I'm not saying it is necessarily
currently a true statement.  I have to admit I haven't done a survey 
lately, but I do believe there are tools out there.  Even if you're
just talking about using XSLT, you can point your XSLT processor to 
the DTD and stylesheets on the web right now without touching them.
If you require bolting, you can no longer do that.

2.  I can find lots of tools that handle my application with little or
no configuration.

Lots? Same as above?

Same as above.

3.  I can expect all of DocBook to be available; I can use TDG as a
reference with no surprises; 

All of DocBook and the general, newbee, somewhat doubtful about this new markup and 
controlled editing thing freezes in his tracks, confounded by a wealth of (to him) 
meaningless choice.

No surprises? This is clearly not the case, Paul, otherwise there would be 
significantly less traffic on this list. Every day there are surprises and 
inconsistencies because it is all a living, breathing, evolving system.

There would be more surprises if someone found a tag in TDG that they
thought did what they want and they tried to use it but are told that
tag doesn't exist.  Right now, the list never hears about those that
used TDG, found a tag, tried it and liked it.  Once you have different
DTDs, people are going to find that DocBook isn't just DocBook, TDG
doesn't really document their application, and someone on the list will
say you should use to FOO tag but the user will then find their genre
doesn't include the FOO tag, and we will have a much bigger mess.


Re: DOCBOOK: On the size of DocBook...

2002-09-06 Thread Paul Grosso

At 20:42 2002 09 06 +0900, Michael Smith wrote:
Anyway, about the question at the end of number 3 above -- But what will
that do to interchange? -- It seems like interchange isn't an issue if

  * the customized DTDs are strict subsets of the complete DTD

  * and users/user communities treat their customized DTDs as authoring
DTDs and continue to use the full DTD for validation (that is,
don't expect that DTDs that others interchange with their community
will validate against their custom authoring-DTD subset)

But that leads me to conclude you don't really want to change/subset 
the DTD, you just want some way to reduce the set a given author has
to understand/work with.  And I don't see that requirement as being
addressed at the DTD level, I see it being addressed at the tool level
and/or document/education level.


DOCBOOK: Re: On the size of DocBook...

2002-09-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Dave Pawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| What impact might that have on the stylesheets Norm?
| Divergent sets of stylesheets for pizza slices?

No, no, no. You slice up the pie, you get a strict subset of the whole
pie. The stylesheet for the whole pie can always be applied to the

| Picking up Pauls point, user demand is for 'less necessity' for
| customisation, i.e. easier out of the box usage.

It can't be quite that simple. DocBook works out of the box, no
subsets required.

Paul's other point, that this is a tools issue not a schema issue is

Why is Simplified DocBook easier to use than full DocBook?

1. Because when you open the DTD in emacs and read the content models,
   it's smaller.

2. Because the user documentation for Simplified lists fewer elements.

3. Because when you pull down the what can I insert here list, it's

4. Because it's named Simplified, it's less intimidating.

5. ...?

Options 3 and 4 seem most likely to me.

Option 1 really requires making the schema smaller, but I can't
imagine the set of people comfortable reading DocBook in the raw who
are also disturbed by its size is very large.

Option 2 could be created without changing the underlying schema.

Option 3 could be solved with either a more sophisticated editing tool
or by making the schema smaller. It may be that in the world of free
tools, the latter is more practical than the former, but maybe that's
not sufficient motivation to do the latter. Heck, maybe it means we'd
all be better served by improving the docbook-ide mode for emacs than
hacking subsets of the DTD.

Option 4 is marketing. I don't understand marketing but it seems to
work. At least that's what all the marketing folks keep assuring me. :-)

| The stylesheets? I'd leave that to Norm. I have a nasty feeling
| they *could* ride such a divide?

In theory, the templates for elements not in your subset could be
removed from the stylesheet. But that isn't as straightforward as it
seems. And it's not clear that the simplified stylesheet is any
simpler in practical terms. So, no, I don't think that's feasible.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | If a little knowledge is | dangerous, where is the man who
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | has so much as to be out of
   | danger?--T. H. Huxley

Re: DOCBOOK: Re: On the size of DocBook...

2002-09-06 Thread Adam Turoff

On Fri, Sep 06, 2002 at 03:24:09PM -0400, Norman Walsh wrote:
 Why is Simplified DocBook easier to use than full DocBook?
 1. Because when you open the DTD in emacs and read the content models,
it's smaller.
 2. Because the user documentation for Simplified lists fewer elements.
 3. Because when you pull down the what can I insert here list, it's
 4. Because it's named Simplified, it's less intimidating.
 5. ...?
 Options 3 and 4 seem most likely to me.
 Option 1 really requires making the schema smaller, but I can't
 imagine the set of people comfortable reading DocBook in the raw who
 are also disturbed by its size is very large.

That's a tautology: people who are using the 400-element DocBook
DTD aren't put off by the fact that it's a 400-element DTD.

There are many people out there who aren't using DocBook, and it's
important to understand why.  That it takes 650 pages to describe 
is rather intimidating.  That there are elements like errorcode
and calloutlist doesn't help someone trying to write an article, or a
simple HOWTO structured as a book.

I've tried to introduce DocBook in a handful of organizations.
The TDG made it somewhat easier (it *must* be real; there's an
O'Reilly book about it).  But in the end, I've seen a lot of efforts
fail because using DocBook only seems to work for people who have
decided that learning how to use the DTD and tools is eventually
better than the alternatives, despite the initial pain.

Just for kicks, how difficult would it be to refactor DocBook into
a simple core (based on Simplified DocBook, or the moral equivalent),
and implement the full DTD as multiple layers of customizations on
top of the simpler core?  Once that's done, then it's easier[*] to
consider adding more elements in the DTD: a simple core plus the
required extra layers plus a few more elements, vs. a huge core
plus a few extra elements.


*: easier from the user perspective, not from the DTD maintainer/tool
   writer's perspective.

Re: DOCBOOK: Re: On the size of DocBook...

2002-09-06 Thread ed nixon

Adam Turoff wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 06, 2002 at 03:24:09PM -0400, Norman Walsh wrote:
Compelling anecdotal stuff about trying to introduce DocBook to new 
users snipped out./
 Just for kicks, how difficult would it be to refactor DocBook into
 a simple core (based on Simplified DocBook, or the moral equivalent),
 and implement the full DTD as multiple layers of customizations on
 top of the simpler core?  Once that's done, then it's easier[*] to
 consider adding more elements in the DTD: a simple core plus the
 required extra layers plus a few more elements, vs. a huge core
 plus a few extra elements.

Yes! I think this is a good question and an excellent way of describing 
a valid way of looking at the result of the work.


DOCBOOK: Re: On the size of DocBook...

2002-09-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Adam Turoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:

Taking things slightly out of order...

| Just for kicks, how difficult would it be to refactor DocBook into
| a simple core (based on Simplified DocBook, or the moral equivalent),
| and implement the full DTD as multiple layers of customizations on

Quite. Hard that is. And it would introduce N! different DocBooks.
How easy would that be to explain?

| fail because using DocBook only seems to work for people who have
| decided that learning how to use the DTD and tools is eventually
| better than the alternatives, despite the initial pain.

Would the learning curve for DocBook Core + DocBook Dublin Core +
DocBook Unix really have a significantly gentler slope? Aren't the
really hard issues editorial? Learning how to do structured authoring
is hard. I suggest that it's possible that learning how to do
structured authoring with a big DTD is only incrementally more
difficult than learning how to do it with a small DTD.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Perhaps, but let's not get bogged | down in semantics.--Homer J.
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | Simpson, BABF07

DOCBOOK: Re: On the size of DocBook...

2002-09-06 Thread Adam Turoff

On Fri, Sep 06, 2002 at 05:14:18PM -0400, Norman Walsh wrote:
 / Adam Turoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
 | Just for kicks, how difficult would it be to refactor DocBook into
 | a simple core (based on Simplified DocBook, or the moral equivalent),
 | and implement the full DTD as multiple layers of customizations on
 Quite. Hard that is. And it would introduce N! different DocBooks.
 How easy would that be to explain?

I thought it would be difficult.  How would I explain N! DocBook DTDs?
Well, they're all subsets of the main DocBook DTD.  :-)

How difficult would it be to do that work conceptually, without
going through the exercise creating DTDs, as customization layers
or otherwise?

I suspect it wouldn't be difficult at all.  Most of that work is
already done in TDG.  Identifying the most important core 25-50
elements might be a little tricky, but identifying the 25-50 related
tag groups (gui..., func...) shouldn't be *that* hard.  :-)

Basically, there are a bunch of people who understand HTML and the
idea behind XML that still find the concepts behind DocBook too
daunting.  Figuring out how to subset DocBook is key.  I think RSS
1.0 is on to something with a simple core and a series of extension
modules (groups of related tags).

 | fail because using DocBook only seems to work for people who have
 | decided that learning how to use the DTD and tools is eventually
 | better than the alternatives, despite the initial pain.
 Would the learning curve for DocBook Core + DocBook Dublin Core +
 DocBook Unix really have a significantly gentler slope? Aren't the
 really hard issues editorial? 

I'd submit that Core + DC + UNIX wouldn't be that difficult to learn.
Most programming language introductions build on concentric layers
of features.  This kind of breakdown is somewhat similar.  Also, it
mimics RSS 1.0 (modulo RDF syntactic sugar): a small, simple core, with
discrete groups of additional elements.

Most of the hard issues *are* editorial.  I don't use authoring
tools, but I'd expect that someone who wants to use a particular
75 elements that describe the content in their document want to
necessarily ignore the other 325 or so that aren't useful.  (Is
this similar to the TEI pizza cutter approach you wanted to avoid?)

 Learning how to do structured authoring
 is hard. I suggest that it's possible that learning how to do
 structured authoring with a big DTD is only incrementally more
 difficult than learning how to do it with a small DTD.

I don't know about that.  Structured authoring with a 14 element DTD
doesn't really compare to structured authoring with a 100 or a 400
element DTD.  People know how to use HTML now, and the good ideas behind
XML are rather well entrenched.


DOCBOOK: Re: On the size of DocBook...

2002-09-06 Thread Norman Walsh

/ Adam Turoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
|On Fri, Sep 06, 2002 at 05:14:18PM -0400, Norman Walsh wrote:
| Quite. Hard that is. And it would introduce N! different DocBooks.
| How easy would that be to explain?
|I thought it would be difficult.  How would I explain N! DocBook DTDs?
|Well, they're all subsets of the main DocBook DTD.  :-)

Suppose there are subsets A, B, and C of DocBook, D. You might want

 A + B
 A + C
 A + B + C
 B + C

Actually, now that I consider more closely, I guess it's (N-1)! because
if A is the core then we'd really get:

 A + B
 A + C
 A + B + C

it wouldn't make sense to have B or C w/o A and presumably D is A + B + C.

| I suspect it wouldn't be difficult at all.  Most of that work is
| already done in TDG.  Identifying the most important core 25-50
| elements might be a little tricky,

I tried to identify the core 25-50 elements, I wound up with more than 100.
Start with 'article' as the only root and give it a whirl.

| but identifying the 25-50 related
| tag groups (gui..., func...) shouldn't be *that* hard.  :-)

If the sets must be strictly non-overlapping, that's going to be
tough. If they're allowed to overlap, that's harder to customize.
| Basically, there are a bunch of people who understand HTML and the
| idea behind XML that still find the concepts behind DocBook too
| daunting.

Which concepts of DocBook would be made simpler by the modularity you

| Most of the hard issues *are* editorial.  I don't use authoring
| tools, but I'd expect that someone who wants to use a particular
| 75 elements that describe the content in their document want to
| necessarily ignore the other 325 or so that aren't useful.

How does having them in the DTD have any bearing, though?

| I don't know about that.  Structured authoring with a 14 element DTD
| doesn't really compare to structured authoring with a 100 or a 400
| element DTD.  People know how to use HTML now, and the good ideas behind
| XML are rather well entrenched.

HTML has a good deal more than 14 elements, even if most people don't
use most of them. Which is sort of the point, I think.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | There is no spoon. | 
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

Re: DOCBOOK: Re: On the size of DocBook...

2002-09-06 Thread Dave Pawson

At 22:14 06/09/2002, Norman Walsh wrote:
/ Adam Turoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:

Taking things slightly out of order...

| Just for kicks, how difficult would it be to refactor DocBook into
| a simple core (based on Simplified DocBook, or the moral equivalent),
| and implement the full DTD as multiple layers of customizations on

Quite. Hard that is. And it would introduce N! different DocBooks.
How easy would that be to explain?

I don't see it like that Norm.
I learn the basics (simplified). Then I need X layer/customisation,
so I have to learn some percentage of an additional layer of tags,
in which I must have interest, else I wouldn't bother?
   You don't eat the chocolate cake whole, you do it in bytes :-)

Would the learning curve for DocBook Core + DocBook Dublin Core +
DocBook Unix really have a significantly gentler slope?

Yes, because its likely to be done over time. 
  I want to see it working at first (I don't believe it), so I 
keep to simplified. ONly when my confidence grows do I chance
using XML tagger 'chunk'. Then, later, I need some OO markup or whatever.
By now I know how to 'add' a chunk, and my confidence has grown again.
Its in the head, not the tools.

Aren't the
really hard issues editorial? Learning how to do structured authoring
is hard. I suggest that it's possible that learning how to do
structured authoring with a big DTD is only incrementally more
difficult than learning how to do it with a small DTD.

Seperable, IMO. its a mindset thing, hard with ten tags, another
layer of difficulty if faced with 100? 

Regards DaveP

Re: DOCBOOK: Re: On the size of DocBook...

2002-09-06 Thread Dave Pawson

At 00:03 07/09/2002, Norman Walsh wrote:

| I suspect it wouldn't be difficult at all.  Most of that work is
| already done in TDG.  Identifying the most important core 25-50
| elements might be a little tricky,

I tried to identify the core 25-50 elements, I wound up with more than 100.
Start with 'article' as the only root and give it a whirl.

Which 'head' did you have on Norm? tdg author? TC chair?
  Going back to your earlier point about getting used to structured markup,
put on a Word users head (OK, hat). 
  OK article as root.
   Major chunks. sect1..3 would do.
   major blocks title, para, two lists and literallayout
   inlines emph, internal, external links

Remember what this word guy is trying to do. Get used to structured markup.
With the above its possible to teach the basics. Not 100.
 (Chances are that with not much more than that, you'd have covered 
70% of my use of docbook markup).
  I'm not a Unix manual writer, I'm learning to use XML.
Thats sufficient to 'get into docbook'. 
Semantic markup comes later!

HTML has a good deal more than 14 elements, even if most people don't
use most of them. Which is sort of the point, I think.

I've said enough now, I think I'm harping on.

regards DaveP