Thanks, Kasun. You confirmed one suspicion (XML conformance). This information 
should help a lot.


Bill Burns

Verbum Communications, Inc.





From: [] On Behalf Of Kasun Gajasinghe
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2011 1:30 AM
To: Bill Burns
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Documentation for webhelpindexer.jar


On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 3:16 AM, Bill Burns <> wrote:
> Hi, everyone.
> This is my first post. I apologize if this is off topic.
> I'm modifying a homespun web help transform based on the DocBook XSL 1.35
> HTML transform. I'm looking at retrofitting the web help indexer into the
> transform but having a bit of trouble finding documentation on it. Does any
> exist? Any caveats for attempting this? I'm not a developer, just an
> intrepid XSL tweaker.

The documentation for the original plugin webhelpindexer is based is at
 . WebhelpIndexer is based on the htmlsearch DITA plugin which we ported to 
DocBook with additional features.


As you know, for a search, there's two components: indexing and searching. 
webhelpindexer take care of indexing the contents. If you are looking on how to 
invoke the webhelp indexer, have a look at the "index" target in the build.xml 
file of docbook webhelp transform (i.e. xsl/webhelp/build.xml) Hope you are 
familiar with what ANT targets are. 

Do note that webhelpindexer is for XHTML transforms. It should work on HTML 
transforms too if your html files are XML-compatible though it haven't tested.

You can identify the whole process via the ANT build.xml file. But to give a 
brief description on how to invoke the indexer via command-line, 

*       You need to have following in your CLASSPATH.

*       webhelpindexer.jar, lucene-analyzers-3.0.0.jar, lucene-core-3.0.0.jar - 
These three are available in the extensions/ directory of docbook-xsl-1.76.1. 
Go for a XSL snapshot if you can which contains the latest version
*       xercesImpl.jar, xml-apis.jar  - These two are available in 
/usr/share/java directory under Linux distributions. Or you can download them.

*       The main class is com.nexwave.nquindexer.IndexerMain
*       Give two parameters as command-line arguments:

*       The folder with the files needs to be indexed 
*       (Optional) language. defaults to "en". See for details.

*       You need to wrap the html contents that needs to be indexed by a <div> 
tag with id "content". i.e.   <div id="content"> ... all the html contents 
except the toc, index etc. </div>

Following is the full command:
java -cp 
"/home/kasun/docbook/repository/trunk/xsl/webhelp/docs/content" "en"

That's all for the indexing part. This will create a directory search/ which 
will contains the index. 

Do not hesitate to ask further questions you have!


> Thanks,
> Bill Burns
> Verbum Communications, Inc.
> +1.208.336.6081

Kasun Gajasinghe,
University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka.

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