2003-03-05 Thread Baráth Gábor
First you have to decide what kind of documents you
want to markup.
Docbook is a markup for technical documents, it has
many elements for this job and few for general text.
TEI or TEI2 designed to markup poems, romans, etc.
(designed for literature.)
In all of them you can structurise the document, insert
tables or emphasise texts, insert pictures, etc.
If your documents' not need special elements to markup
you can use both, but in this case i suggest you to
use docbook because the stylesheets are much better and
configurable then TEI's.
Mark Brand írta:
I am trying to determine the optimum content representation for my 
project (displaying government legislation within a browser).
Why are the advantages / disadvantages to using TEI (Text Encoding 
Initiative) as opposed to DocBook.
Thanks again
Mark Brand

Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Re: Open ebook conversions

2003-02-18 Thread Baráth Gábor

Norman Walsh írta:

Hash: SHA1

/ Bill Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Does anyone know of existing conversion scripts to transform Docbook
| into Open eBook?

No. Open eBook is a subset of XHTML, right? 

This is not correct.
OEB has two parts:
1. opf: meta information (dublincore, reading order, manifest,
2. content: this is an xhtml webpage or pages with pictures and

With the docbook stylesheets you can create second one.

The XHTML stylesheets will
probably get you most of the way there. If you have suggestions for
improvements, please let us know.

Here is very simple stylesheet that demonstrates, how can you
create the opf file. You have to add the filename and ids for
pictures after the transformation. I'm sorry but i wrote this
file only for proove the possibility creating microsoft reader
file (lit) from the same source. Maybe it can be good for start.



?xml version=1.0?

!-- Open e-book package file generator xsl
very early version --

xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=; 
xsl:output method=xml indent=yes 
doctype-public=+//ISBN 0-9673008-1-9//DTD OEB 1.2 Package//EN 

!-- fixme!! this must be the root element --
xsl:template match=book

!-- dublin core metadata
add more dc:...
!-- fixme!! this must be the root element's info --
   dc:Identifier scheme=isbnxsl:value-of 
   dc:Titlexsl:value-of select=bookinfo/title//dc:Title


!-- i have no idea to decide what is the name
of the single xhtml file, but in the other hand
chunk.xsl knows ...

maybe someone can write another xsl based on
item id=book href=.xhtml media-type=text/x-oeb1-document/

xsl:apply-templates mode=manifest/

itemref idref=book/


!-- manifest --

xsl:template match=graphic|imagedata mode=manifest
xsl:attribute name=idxsl:value-of select=@id//xsl:attribute
xsl:attribute name=hrefxsl:value-of select=@fileref//xsl:attribute
xsl:attribute name=media-type./xsl:attribute

xsl:template match=text() mode=manifest


DOCBOOK-APPS: fo and passivetex questions

2002-11-19 Thread Baráth Gábor

How can i get toc with right aligned page numbers and left
aligned titles with passivetex?

How can i modify the alignment of chapter, section, etc.
and figure, etc. titles?

I have a trouble with xmltex creating dvi from fo. xmltex
doesn't able to determimine the size of png graphics. But
pdfxmltex does. Is any fix exists to xmltex?

Is there any free tool to create fo-rtf?


DOCBOOK-APPS: openoffice dbk export inport

2002-10-28 Thread Baráth Gábor

I realiled that 643 has import and
export support to docbook with xslt. (if you install
the mobile device filters. wierd isn't it?)

but it has no chapter and the default root element is

there are to stylesheets contrilling the transformations
dokbooktosoff.xsl and sofftodocbook.xsl in a java archive
file named program/classes/docbook.jar.

is anyone tried to modify this stylesheets to meet the
requirements of standard docbook file (not just Linuxdoc)?


Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Looking for docbook editor and easier config toolfor stylesheets

2002-06-15 Thread Baráth Gábor

On Fri, 2002-06-14 at 19:11, Steffen Petter wrote:

 Is there a tool which I can configure stylesheet files with? (xsl and/or
 dsssl) A tool, in which I can choose the parameters from a list and
 store it as a driver stylesheet file?

for dsssl: pomade (Poor man's DSSSL environment)
i don remember the url: you can search for it on


DOCBOOK-APPS: openjade - chapter rendering and other quesions

2002-06-13 Thread Baráth Gábor

Hi, is there anybody knows:

- how to make openjade when producing two-sided
  output, to put the chapter to the next available
  page (not to next even (right side)?

- how can i produce back cover for the book?

- how can i put toc and lot to the same page?

Thanks for any help:

Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: openjade - chapter rendering and other quesions

2002-06-13 Thread Baráth Gábor

On Thu, 2002-06-13 at 19:02, Juan R. Migoya wrote:
 What tool are you using? xsl, dsssl?

openjade + dsssl 1.76

 Barth Gbor wrote:
  Hi, is there anybody knows:
  - how to make openjade when producing two-sided
output, to put the chapter to the next available
page (not to next even (right side)?
  - how can i produce back cover for the book?
  - how can i put toc and lot to the same page?
  Thanks for any help:

DOCBOOK-APPS: pdf rendering problems

2002-05-28 Thread Baráth Gábor


I have some questions about docbook dsssl pdf rendering with jade
and openjade.

1. Can i tell tex to keep title/subtitle block together?
2. Can i keep title/subtitle with next paragraph in the rendered page?
3. Is there any possibility to control orphan? lines. (not to render a
single line to a page. - this is also problem at toc and the end of a
4. Can i use another fontsize in tables than paragraphs?

and i have another problem with toc. Under some circumstances
the page number rendered under the title not the right side of the
page like this:

some title2
some long title

thanks for any hints,

Ps: Norm - the dsssl 1.76 hungarian lang. modul contains
some problems which was also in xsl 1.4x but already fixed in
1.5, like:
chapter 1. is 1. fejezet in hungarian not fejezet 1.

DOCBOOK-APPS: xml docbook stylesheets with fop

2002-05-06 Thread Baráth Gábor


I have a problem with making pdf from xml-docbook. The stylesheet 
transforms simplelist element to fo:table without table-column, but fop 
wants explicit column-width propery to render the table. So, is there 
anybody know what can i do?
