RE: Swedish xml translation

2002-03-09 Thread Patrik Grip-Jansson
On Fri, 8 Mar 2002, Joshua Slive wrote:

 The problem with make is that we would need to list each xml file in the
 makefile.  We're trying to reduce that kind of duplication.

No, you don't. How about;

.SUFFIXES : .html .xml

vpath = ../mod/

xmlfiles  := ../mod/*.xml
htmlfiles := $(patsubst %.xml,%.html,$(xmlfiles))

all: $(htmlfiles)

%.html : %.xml
XalanTransform $ ./manual.xsl $@

Works great - well, at least as proof-of-concept :-)

| Patrik Grip-Jansson |
| Ringen 4B   |..
| 78444 Borlänge   .--'' `-.
| Sweden   |  All views and opinions are my own,  |
`--| PH:+46(0)24382823 PW:+46(0)707354360 |

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German translation

2002-03-09 Thread Astrid Keßler
The first 3 files (the start page, upgrading and compilation) of the
Apache 2.0 documentation are available now at ( is configured to send
the german pages to all browsers acepting at least the languages de and
en.) So I ask the other german speakers at this list to take peek at it
and tell me, if you like it or if I have to do some changes.

The files are HTML. Conversion into XML will be done later.


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