First, we need some way to change encoding attribute of
<xsl:output> to support Japanese or any other translation
that can't be encoded in iso-8859-1.

Unfortunately, <xsl:output> is only allowed as a top level
element so we cannot use conditionals to change encoding.
The only way is to have stylesheet for each language,
e.g. manual.en.xsl for English, manual.ja.xsl for Japanese.
But fortunately, XSLT allows inclusion of other stylesheet.
So I'd like to move all contents except <xsl:output> from
manual.xsl and move to another file, say base.xsl.  Then the
contents of manual.xx.xsl will be only <xsl:output> and

When the above change are made, build.xml should be changed
to use manual.ja.xsl for *.ja.xml.

Second, we need to rename transformed English docs to
something.en.html so that Japanese ones can be
content-negotiated.  Probably this should be done after we
decide the standard XSLT tool.

I'd like to make these changes to support Japanese module
docs.  Any suggestions or objections?

Yoshiki Hayashi

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