Documentation Team Meeting Minutes August 27th 2020 at 18:00 UTC.

Presents: Steve Fanning, Dan Lewis, Felipe Viggiano, Olivier, Sam,
Emiliano Vavassori.

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Completed items:
* Update Contributor Guide for e-PUB - Tabs issue
   + See discussion below, e-pub may not worth effort.

Pending items:

Base Guide development (Dan)
+ Pulkit invitation to comment on the document for the outline.
    + Please comment.

Topics and Discussion:

Calc: what is a simple database? (Dan)
     + Calc Databases are "flat"
     + Should we name Calc database as "flat database"? (Dan)
        + Remove "simple" in the chapter title.

    * about epub quality (Olivier)
       + Some issues with export to e-pub (Olivier)
       + Energy to spend in fixing export (olivier)
       + Is E-pub a popular format today? (Olivier)
    * Suggested readers?
       + Calibre hard to use, low quality (olivier)
       + What is the advantage of e-pub? (Emiliano)
       + Most e-readers handle PDF well (Emiliano)
          + LibreOffice Magazine (Brazil) was edited in A5 format (Olivier)
          + In *theory*, just change page size.
          + Publish 2 PDF's? (open question)

Templates: Where we stand? (Steve)
    + Calc Guide getting ready for publication (steve)
    + Need a decision on the template (steve)
    + Not sure how to select best template (olivier)
    + Ask design team for advise (Sam)
AI:    + Ping Jean W. and Peter S. for comments in mailing list.

Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting : *THURSDAY* September 10th 2020 at 18:00 UTC.
Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Comunidade LibreOffice
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00

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