
Yes apparently Col took Richard Mole for a flight. I didn’t recognise Yankee 
Tango so it’s probably about time for me to head to Camden soon. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 16 Feb 2019, at 7:40 am, Laurie Hoffman via dog 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> Just thinking about the Dimona's behaviour in a severe groundloop. Agree that 
> immediately after touchdown wouldn't be the best time to initiate the 
> groundloop, but I think I'd be comfortable commencing one soon after.
> The H36 is built like the proverbial Sydney Harbour Bridge. My understanding 
> is that it rarely (if ever) goes up on its nose or over on its back in 
> mishandled landing accidents. The airworthiness guys might like to comment on 
> this. When you think about the loads in a groundloop these are towards the 
> outer wing and downwards. Slamming the outer wing down isn't what I'm 
> proposing but once getting it down and then holding down firmly while 
> applying full opposite rudder. The undercarriage bow would probably hold up 
> throughout albeit with damage and partial removal as the rod ends 
> distorted/failed. During a grounloop its surprising just how slow the action 
> seems as you dissipate energy even though it isn't that slow.
> If the pilot assesses that they still have a couple of minutes before being 
> consumed by fire then hold off maybe but I would rather suffer a fracture or 
> cuts than burn or be overcome by toxic fumes.
> We flew a fellow the other day who was in management with Peregrine when you 
> worked for them and knew you. He has a British accent and was responsible for 
> most of the continents excluding Antarctica. Will see if I can look up his 
> name but that description probably sound familiar.
> Best Regards
> Laurie 
> On Friday, 15 February 2019, 10:42:00 am AEDT, David McGonigal 
> <> wrote:
> Laurie,
> On first thought the ground loop is tempting. But I’d probably want to take 
> out “extreme” - the last thing you’d want would be for the aircraft to dig in 
> and tip forward  (propelling you into the most likely fire source) or, worse, 
> flip, leaving you trapped underneath a burning aircraft.
> Best wishes,
> David
> David McGonigal
> 101/1-3 Banksia Rd
> Bellevue Hill
> NSW 2023, Australia
> Mobile: 0416 151 239
> Skype: davidmcgonigal
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