Hi Ralph

On 10/03/2019 11:16, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
I think https://metacpan.org/pod/WebService::HMRC::VAT#SYNOPSIS shows
the use of that Perl library, once `MY-ACCESS-TOKEN' is obtained.
The same author provides a suite of HMRC libraries, including
https://metacpan.org/pod/WebService::HMRC::Authenticate#SYNOPSIS to get
tokens, that were originally developed for https://ledgersmb.org/.
HMRC provide a sandbox to run code against for testing.

Interesting, so presumably this should find its way into LedgerSMB at some 

Do you reckon this could be the basis of a simple FOSS bridging software that 
takes a CSV file and interacts with the HMRC service? It would be an 
interesting learning experience which I'd be keen to get involved with, but 
would need some help to get some traction as all of this stuff is completely 
unfamiliar territory.

The House of Commons Treasury Committee have tackled the provision of
free software for MTD, including VAT: physical page 10 of
and starting on physical page 31 of

Despite all the assurances in these documents (and the consultations that are 
referenced in them) that free software would be available, this hasn't 
materialised yet, and I can't see any reason why it would from the commercial 
sector (loss-leaders doesn't really cut it). I imagine the one or two very low 
cost offerings will disappear after a year or two.



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