Re: [Dorset] Setting up machines for others

2012-02-12 Thread Kevin Giles
Hi folks,

 He was the only administrative user on the system. I hadn't set the
 root password.  (Luckily, he used his machine only for web access, so
 a reinstall was not too traumatic.)
When setting up a machine for others, I have learnt to write the root password 
on the machine inside the case. Here, non-owning users will never see it but 
I know I can always retrieve it.
Cheers, Kev

Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday 2012-03-06 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] Linux Limitations

2011-08-25 Thread Kevin Giles
Hi Peter,
 2. I cannot get Google Earth to work. Nearly there, application is
 running, but no earth.

I had the same problem. Excuse me for a bit of vagueness on but this was 18 
months ago. If I remember right the problem was down to 'googleearth' 
installing the data files to the first user to run it. I naturally installed 
as 'root' and then went on to run the programme while still logged in 
as 'root'.  So all the data files were set up in roots home directory with 
root access permissions.

If I remember correctly the solution was as simple 
as 'rm -rf /root/,googleearth'. I don't think  /opt/googleearth/ needed any 
attention at all. Then run GoogleEarth as your normal user and it will 
reconfigure itself and run properly.

If this doesn't work then I'm pretty certain that 'uninstall, reinstall, exit 
root, and run as normal user' will do the trick. 

I believe that the CORRECT 'nix solution would be to setup a googleearth 
group, move the data to the /opt directory with 'googleearth' group 
permissions? Any cooments?
However, this seems a bit complicated for the average desktop system  now 
that mine is working I'm invoking 'if it ain't broke, then don't fix it'.

Cheers, Kev Giles

Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday 2011-09-06 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] Lucid reliability

2010-08-21 Thread Kevin Giles
Hi foks,

Thanks for you comments. I think I'll stall for a bit. If I might try to get 
an idle PC up together to install lucid to in order to kick it around for a 
bit. Though I'm not so concerned about how easily it is set up but more about 
how well it keeps going long term.

if only Canonical would let you use straight alsa instead of 
pulseaudio, And offered KDE3.5 as an option until KDE4 caught up with it.

Cheers, Kev

Next meeting: Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-09-07 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Smoke and wireless

2010-07-26 Thread Kevin Giles
Hi Peter,

What I di in this situation is rename the files. Then carrying on running the 
system for a few days. If, in that time, nothing has wobbled then I know the 
files are redundant and delete them. However, should something complain the 
relevant file is still there to be restored to its former identity.

Cheers, Kev

Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wednesday 2010-08-04 20:00
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[Dorset] Re Distro debate

2010-05-30 Thread Kevin Giles

 May I contact you off site?
Certainly, but be warned that I'm not too good at quick responses. 

Terry said
 By 'ODT' I assume you mean an Open Document text document.  
Sorry, I can only handle .doc format. (Only joking, honest).

Next meeting: C4L and Bournemouth, Wednesday 2010-06-02 19:00
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[Dorset] Distro debate

2010-05-29 Thread Kevin Giles
Hi folks,

The '10.04? Not bloody likely' thread seems to have turned into a distro 
debate so I thought I'd throw in my bit. I appear to differ from most in that 
I do not like to have the latest  greatest, my computer is a tool I want to 
be able to rely on so I prefer the proven. I also believe that the ideal OS 
should not need any computer knowledge to maintain so I refuse to learn 
anything that smacks of geek. Combining the two used to be a tall order but 
it can easily be done now.

I haven't tried 10.04. Re. Ubuntu I used to believe Hardy Heron was the 
perfect OS until Jaunty  Karmic left me a gibbering wreck. I now consider 
Ubuntu to sail to close to the bleeding edge for my likes. So I view 10.04 
with suspicion  am not going to risk messing up my system.

In the hunt for a replacement distro I found what I now consider a little 
known gem. Vector SOHO is essentially Slackware, i.e. slick  solid, with 
much user-friendliness bolted on top of it. They have managed to create a KDE 
system that is almost as lively as Puppy. It does use KDE 3.5 instead of 4 
but, IMHO, that is a big plus. I am very much a KDE man though KDE4 on Jaunty 
 Karmic drove me to Gnome at one point. Vector SOHO appears to have great 
hardware support and everything just works (it is Slackware after all) and 
has kept on working for 8 months now. The package management is modelled on 
apt-get  Aptitude though it uses Slackware packaging. It seems to work as 
well as debs though with less polish, certainly better than rpms. However, it 
is not a lowtech distro as, at the time of installation, I also tried the 
current versions Mepis  Fedora, but my Phenom x 4 mobo proved to be to new 
for them and they couldn't pick it up. Vector 'just worked' when I tried it.

Has anyone else tried this distro? It just seems too good to never get a 

Next meeting: C4L and Bournemouth, Wednesday 2010-06-02 19:00
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Re: [Dorset] Slow night

2010-05-27 Thread Kevin Giles
Hi folks,

My impression is that Ubuntu is neither British or African but is Global, a 
feeling that I believe may be shared by Mark Shuttleworth?  Canonical had to 
be registered somewhere and the IOM is as good as anywhere else.

Just thought I'd slip my twopence worth in.

Cheers, Kev (Kim)

Next meeting: C4L and Bournemouth, Wednesday 2010-06-02 19:00
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Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting: Bournemouth - One Week Tonight

2010-04-09 Thread Kevin Giles

Hi folks,
 Perhaps pub meets just don't meet any demand from the list's subscribers
 and we should knock them on the head, at least until someone's
 enthusiastic enough to try and organise one again?
I'm not too keen sitting in pubs. However, I realise that (a) I'm a very small 
minority and (b) know the difficulty of finding suitable cheap venues. So 
don't take this as a comment against pub meets, just an explanation of why I 
no longer attend meetings.

Cheers Kevin Giles (Kim).

Next meeting: Unknown
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Re: [Dorset] Kubuntu 9.10 REview

2009-11-01 Thread Kevin Giles
Hi Terry,

Thanks for the review. I have been using Kubuntu 9.04 far about three months  
will be very glad to get away from KDE 4.2. This was the first distro that made 
me think what a good system MS-Windows is, it's one of those distro versions 
that should have been strangled at birth. However, my mobo chipset is 
unsupported by earlier kernels. As far as the desktop wars go, I sit firmly in 
the KDE camp but 4.2 had me seriously considering a migration to Gnome, but 
I've been gritting my teeth  putting up with the quirks in the hope that the 
fixes will be along shortly.

So thanks for the tip-off that 9.10 is more solid than 9.04. I'm very very glad 
to be able to move on. I'll just give it a few days for the rush on the server 
to calm down. 

Cheers, Kevin Giles

Next meeting: Dorchester, Tuesday 2009-11-03 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Mixed networks.

2009-10-23 Thread Kevin Giles

Hi Simon,

I have on several occasions tried to share my Kubuntu box with an MKS-Windows 
machine, but never succeeded. This sounds like it might be the answer though I 
don't have a Windows box to try it at this moment. I'll bear it in mind for 
next time.

Thanks for the tip.
Kevin Giles

Next meeting: Dorchester, Tuesday 2009-11-03 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] printers

2009-06-11 Thread Kevin Giles
Hi Greg,

Samsung provide support, even a helpline for my colour laser..

Cheers, kimdino

Next meeting: Bournemouth, 2009-06-03 20:00
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