The sieve Thunderbird add-on is broken very often  - there is a standalone 
version as well which works much better. If the newest version does not work, 
check some older releases.

29.10.2022 00:54:47 Shawn Heisey <>:

> On 10/17/22 04:46, Marc wrote:
>> I only see configurations that are active for all users, how to configure 
>> this in the user sieve rules. I only need this for specific users.
> I have a working setup where every user can have their own sieve rules and 
> manage them with managesieve, which I think is provided by pigeonhole.  I 
> have a very extensive sieve script on my mailbox that has been built using a 
> managesieve plugin for Roundcube webmail.  I tried to get an extension for 
> Thunderbird going, but it doesn't work in the latest Thunderbird (102 at the 
> time), and now that I am running a version 106 beta, that support is even 
> less likely to happen.
> This output should cover all my sieve-related configs:
> My users are in a mysql postfixadmin database.  The username is the fully 
> qualified email address.  It's installed on a AWS instance running Ubuntu 
> Server 20.04.  I do want to upgrade that to Ubuntu 22, but a lot of my PHP 
> software will not run on PHP 8.1, which is what Ubuntu 22 includes.  So I am 
> waiting for that.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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