On Wed, 13 Aug 2008, Wesley Craig wrote:

On 13 Aug 2008, at 10:31, kbajwa wrote:
I think you are missing a point which is most important, i.e., what
type of
support Cyrus vs Dovecot offers. In my experience:

Cyrus      =  0
Dovecot    =  100

As someone who answers many help requests for cyrus (and I'm very far
from the only one), I can honestly say I've never seen a requests
from you.  Perhaps you've had a lot of occasion to ask for help with
Dovecot.  I'm happy to hear you've gotten that help.  Community is a
lot of what open source software is about.  As for your experience
with the cyrus imapd community, perhaps your sample size is too small.

Or perhaps you're thinking of paid support?  Because I know very well
that you can get that for cyrus imap.

can you provide links to where from?

David Lang

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