[Dovecot] Sieve segfault on sieve-before scripts

2009-09-01 Thread Max Ivanov
I use dovecot 1.2.4 release with sieve 0.1.12

If I setup sieve-before script and latest script contains keep at
the very end and no personal scripts found then segfault take place.

here is part of exim log:
2009-09-01 18:43:06 1MiUZA-0005V9-IB ** ivanov_ma...@domain.my
ad...@domain.my R=localuser T=local_delivery: Child process of
local_delivery transport (running command
/usr/libexec/dovecot/deliver -d $local_part) was terminated by
signal 11 (Segmentation fault)

Once I remove keep from end of latest sieve-before script,
everything goes fine.

Here is latest global sieve script:

# cat /etc/dovecot1.2/sieve-before.d/020-SENT-STORE.sieve
require [imap4flags];

if header :contains X-Set-Seen [Yes, YES, 1] {
setflag \\Seen;

[Dovecot] How to rebuild index?

2009-07-03 Thread Max Ivanov
I've deleted some mails using my handmade tool, it deletes some files
in cur subdir, but deleted messages are still appear in thunderbird.
I believe that's because of stale index file. Is it safe to delete
dovect.index? Or what else should I delete/modify to make TB view in
sync with real state of filesystem?

Re: [Dovecot] Corrupted index cache file issues (Corrupted physical size)

2009-06-10 Thread Max Ivanov

 Dovecot never modifies the S= field, even when it notices that it's wrong.
 So it's your LDA that writes them wrong.

Is it ok to rename all files deleting S= and W= fields if no keywords was used?

Re: [Dovecot] Capability problems dovecot 2.0

2009-05-27 Thread Max Ivanov
 The alternative that I'm thinking right now is that in the pre-login process
 Dovecot would only advertise those capabilities that are actually useful
 before login. Then after login it would send an updated capability reply to
 the client. The important question here is: Are there any clients that don't
 update their capabilities?

RFC says:
  A server MAY send capabilities automatically, by using the
  CAPABILITY response code in the initial PREAUTH or OK responses,
  and by sending an updated CAPABILITY response code in the tagged
  OK response as part of a successful authentication.  It is
  unnecessary for a client to send a separate CAPABILITY command if
  it recognizes these automatic capabilities.

So that's valid approach and any client should support it.

Re: [Dovecot] v3.0 architecture

2009-05-27 Thread Max Ivanov
 The big problem is what the protocol should be. Use some existing RPC
 protocol? It should be something extensible so that a plugin in imap process
 can talk to a plugin in storage process, without the base processes knowing
 anything about the details (e.g. imap-quota plugin asking quota usage from
 storage's quota plugin).

Googles Protocol Buffers offer both flexibility and speed.

Re: [Dovecot] v3.0 architecture

2009-05-27 Thread Max Ivanov
 Protocol buffers are Google's ... blah-blah-blah ... using a variety of
 languages - Java, C++, or Python.

 I can't find good old plain C in this variety of languages :(

Protocol buffers is flexible message format specification, there are
plenty implementations of it , including C based:

[Dovecot] What does a flag in Maildir format mean?

2009-05-27 Thread Max Ivanov
Here is sample filename from Maildir:


1) why there is no S=size field? It definetely differs from
1295.I've not quota plugin, could it  be the reason of this?
2) what does a flag mean? I not found any description of this
neither in Maildir spec nor on the Dovecot wiki.

Re: [Dovecot] pop3 gives a permission denied error on chdir

2009-05-26 Thread Max Ivanov
 If strace says chdir() failed with EACCES, the only way it could be
 something else is if kernel is buggy or there is some kernel security
 module preventing the access.

Or dovecot doesn't change uid to user one and still acts as dovecot
user, but its unlikely to be true

Re: [Dovecot] [bug] dovecot 1.1.15: segfault after message move

2009-05-26 Thread Max Ivanov

 Once more, I changed the behavior so that I actually understand how it
 works now :) http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-1.1/rev/c3612800cb90

Does it affects 1.2 version?

Re: [Dovecot] status=bounced (Command died with signal 11: /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver

2009-05-22 Thread Max Ivanov
 I suppose there's no core file in the user's home directory?

Why? Doesnt them should be autocreated  if ulimit -c  is defined and
kernel.core_pattern != /dev/null ?

[Dovecot] National symbols imap search

2009-05-19 Thread Max Ivanov
How does imap server should handle search requests with non latin
symbols? Rightnow thunderbird and dovecot1.2rc3 are unable to
find any message if I try to search for cyrillic symbols.

fts, and squat plugins are enabled

[Dovecot] How to manage Seen flags via sieve?

2009-05-18 Thread Max Ivanov
I use public namespace for group mailboxes. If someone sends email
from this mailbox , MTA detects it and delivers copy of that message
to mailbox/Sent folder, to keep history of all messages available for
every group member. I'd like to set Seen flag on all messages that
dovecots deliver puts into Sent folder. Is it posible somehow?

[Dovecot] Multiple dovecot versions side-by-side

2009-05-18 Thread Max Ivanov
I'm current  maintainer of dovecot packages in ALTLinux distro and I
plan to make possible to install multiple dovecot versions
side-by-side (1.0, 1.1, 1.2) to make upgrade process easier and more

Is there any consequences of doing that?  I worry about locking
maildirs and mboxes, does dovecot handle it correctly if another
dovecot process tries to work on same mail location?

[Dovecot] Unable to delete folder in public namespace

2009-05-15 Thread Max Ivanov
I use public namespace for group mailboxes. Users are able to create
subfolders , but its impossible to delete them. thunderbird
complains: Cant' rename mailbox to another storage type, both
namespaces (private and public) use same storage type, so I believe
that it's a namespace problem.

Is there any way to move folders between namespaces? Or maybe sieve
script or plugin which intercept move command and do the move to some
unsibscribible folder in public namespace.

[Dovecot] Unable to subscribe to newly created subfolders under public mailboxes with acl plugin enabled

2009-05-14 Thread Max Ivanov
I've group namespace and b2b mailbox under it. I'm unable to
subscribe to it and deliver emails there.

Here is my problem: if I create subfolder (lets name it subf) under
b2b mailbox I'm unable to subscribe to it until acl plugin is enabled.
Even if I put dovecot-acl file in .b2b.subf folder with anyone full
rights dovecot-acl-list doesn't get populated with new subfoler. If I
put it there manually I'm able to see subf folder in subscribe dialog
in TB, but dovecot-acl-list is regulary updated, isn't it? Updated
file is missing subf entry again.

If I disable acl plugin everything works fine, but I'd like to keep it
enabled. Is it a bug or misconfiguration?

My dovecot version is 1.2 rc3

here is dovecot -n authput

protocols: imap managesieve
ssl: yes
ssl_ca_file: /usr/share/ca-certificates/floristCA-cacert.pem
ssl_cert_file: /var/lib/ssl/certs/imap.florist.my-cert.pem
ssl_key_file: /var/lib/ssl/private/imap.florist.my-key.pem
ssl_cipher_list: ALL:!LOW:!SSLv2
disable_plaintext_auth: yes
verbose_ssl: yes
login_dir: /var/run/dovecot/login
login_executable(default): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(imap): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(managesieve): /usr/libexec/dovecot/managesieve-login
login_processes_count: 5
verbose_proctitle: yes
first_valid_uid: 1000
mail_privileged_group: mail
mail_debug: yes
mail_executable(default): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(imap): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(managesieve): /usr/libexec/dovecot/managesieve
mail_plugins(default): acl fts fts_squat
mail_plugins(imap): acl fts fts_squat
mail_plugin_dir(default): /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/imap
mail_plugin_dir(imap): /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/imap
mail_plugin_dir(managesieve): /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/managesieve
  type: private
  separator: /
  inbox: yes
  list: yes
  subscriptions: yes
  type: public
  separator: /
  prefix: group/
  location: maildir:/var/spool/mail/groupmail
  list: yes
  subscriptions: yes
auth default:
  verbose: yes
driver: pam
args: session=yes
driver: passwd
args: blocking=yes
type: listen
  path: /var/run/dovecot/auth-client
  mode: 432
  path: /var/run/dovecot/auth-master
  mode: 438
  acl: vfile
  sieve: ~/.dovecot.sieve
  sieve_storage: ~/sieve
  fts: squat
  fts_squat: partial=4 full=4