[Dovecot] graceful failure when some folders are not available...

2007-10-03 Thread bhayden
Hi folks. Quick question in the hopes that someone knows the answer, before 
I dig in the code some more.

In testing a new setup with some long-term archival mbox-format mailboxes 
stored on an NFS mount, we've found the following: if the mount is 
unavailable for any reason, the user cannot log into their email at all. 
Dovecot says: stat() failed with mbox foo and dies. This is coming from 
the mbox sync checks. (It's possible the same happens with a maildir 
folder--I'm just specifying mbox because that's what we've tested with so 

Is there a way to reconfigure this behavior? I could maybe see a fatal 
abort if the inbox is unavailable, but for other folders it seems rather... 
presumptuous. I have to think there's already a way to handle this more 
gracefully in the config and I'm just not seeing it.

Also, does anyone know offhand if this behavior is the same for folders 
that aren't in the default/inbox namespace? That would seem *really* wrong.

Any thoughts? Thanks much,


Re: [Dovecot] imap process consuming 100% CPU (Dovecot 1.0.3)

2007-09-07 Thread bhayden

On Sep 7 2007, Jackie Hunt wrote:

Sorry, don't know about the mid: protocol.  Not sure how to get to the
reference you sent.  From your email it looks like gdb has the ability
to attach to a running process.  We have dbx which I don't believe 
can do that.  It would be nice to confirm our issues are the same though.

What I'd really like is to find a way to recreate the problem.

Start dbx, and type 'attach pid' at its prompt.

-Brian Hayden
OIT Internet Services,
University of Minnesota

Re: [Dovecot] namespaces and creation of folders that contain folders...

2007-08-14 Thread bhayden

On Aug 14 2007, Timo Sirainen wrote:

On Mon, 2007-08-13 at 21:58 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Timo and all. imap/cmd-create.c contains the following bit of code:


So. Am I missing something, or crazy, or is this really a bug? Thanks,

It's a bug. Fixed: http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-1.0/rev/33690bb286af

Excellent! Thanks much.


Re: [Dovecot] Some of my IMAP Folders vanished in some MUAs

2007-08-03 Thread bhayden

On Aug 3 2007, Charles Marcus wrote:

Eh? Folder subscription is such a basic feature/function of IMAP that I 
would not blame the MUA in this case, I'd blame the user... ;)

Well... it's irritating that the usual ways of dealing with SUBSCRIBE and 
LSUB make subscriptions break if (for example) the client's 'IMAP root' 
setting varies from one machine to another--even if the different settings 
are functionally equivalent, say, 'mail' and '~/mail' when the server's 
base dir is set to user's $HOME.

Clients and most servers could do a better job of being intelligent about 
some of that stuff. I realize you don't want to be too fancy, but... yeah. 
It's easy to blame the user, but the problem is usually more in the 
organization's instruction and guidance, which can be a lot harder to 
handle. No reason not to try to make things easier on everyone involved.

(Personally, I just tell people not to use subs. :P )


Re: [Dovecot] Some of my IMAP Folders vanished in some MUAs

2007-08-03 Thread bhayden

On Aug 3 2007, Charles Marcus wrote:

On that we agree... and certainly, if there *is* something that dovecot 
can do to make things easier - by all means, tell Timo - as I said (and 
should be obvious) - he is more than willing to make dovecot better, 
especially if it can be done without too much trouble (I wasn't kidding 
or being smart when I asked the OP if he knew of anything that could be 
done better)...

Yep! I know. I actually did bring this up on the list a while back (June 
18) and then followed-up with a proposed patch (June 20). Haven't heard 
anything about it, but I wasn't worried since obviously it's not the 
highest priority, behind fixes for the 1.0.x versions and 1.1 development 
and such. :)


Re: [Dovecot] mbox bug in 1.0.0

2007-08-01 Thread bhayden

On Jun 19 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On May 13 2007, Timo Sirainen wrote:

On Mon, 2007-04-23 at 13:40 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Apr 23 13:22:41 server.umn.edu dovecot: [ID 107833 local6.error]
IMAP(USER): mbox /var/mail/user: seq=1 uid=8808 uid_broken=0 originally 
needed 10 bytes, now needs 23 bytes

Anything else than Dovecot accessing these mboxes (besides MDA)?

Nope. Dovecot IMAP and deliver. 

Do you have a core file from that crash? It would show a bit more
information. If not, see http://dovecot.org/bugreport.html

So, I'm including a backtrace for this. Sorry if you replied earlier and I 
missed it! Please let me know what else you might need. We're seeing this 
on about three dozen inboxes (which is a very small percentage, but a large 
enough number to hear about it :) ).

(dbx) where
 [1] 0xff1c16e8(0x6, 0x0, 0xff1a4d28, 0x, 0xff1e8298, 0x6), at 
 [2] _getutxline(0x9d8b0, 0x1, 0xb00e0, 0xa8244, 0xff1eb298, 0x0), at 
0xff140158 =[3] i_internal_panic_handler(fmt = 0x93b88 mbox %s: seq=%u 
uid=%u uid_broken=%d originally needed %llu bytes, now needs %u bytes, 
args = 0xffbfe7d0), line 403 in failures.c
 [4] i_panic(format = 0x93b88 mbox %s: seq=%u uid=%u uid_broken=%d 
originally needed %llu bytes, now needs %u bytes, ...), line 183 in 
 [5] mbox_sync_rewrite(sync_ctx = 0xffbfefd0, mail_ctx = (nil), end_offset 
= 4448ULL, move_diff = 30LL, extra_space = 4294971774ULL, first_seq = 1U, 
last_seq = 163U), line 422 in mbox-sync-rewrite.c
 [6] mbox_sync_do(sync_ctx = 0xffbfefd0, flags = -4198952), line 920 in 
 [7] mbox_sync(mbox = 0xc99e0, flags = MBOX_SYNC_UNDIRTY), line 1873 in 
 [8] mbox_storage_sync_init(box = 0xc99e0, flags = 
MAILBOX_SYNC_FLAG_FULL_READ), line 1957 in mbox-sync.c
 [9] mailbox_sync_init(box = 0xc99e0, flags = 
MAILBOX_SYNC_FLAG_FULL_READ), line 406 in mail-storage.c
 [10] imap_sync_nonselected(box = 0xc99e0, flags = 
MAILBOX_SYNC_FLAG_FULL_READ), line 196 in imap-sync.c
 [11] _cmd_select_full(cmd = 0xc39e4, readonly = 0), line 39 in 

 [12] cmd_select(cmd = 0xc39e4), line 92 in cmd-select.c
 [13] client_handle_input(cmd = 0xc39e4), line 335 in client.c
 [14] client_handle_input(cmd = 0xc39e4), line 389 in client.c
 [15] _client_input(context = 0xc39a0), line 432 in client.c
 [16] io_loop_handler_run(ioloop = 0xb9f08), line 199 in ioloop-poll.c
 [17] io_loop_run(ioloop = 0xb9f08), line 326 in ioloop.c
 [18] main(argc = -4195453, argv = 0xb0800, envp = 0xb1be4), line 290 in 

And in case it helps, a dump from frame [5] which is the last bit before 
the crash:

(dbx) frame 5
Current function is mbox_sync_rewrite
 422 i_panic(mbox %s: seq=%u uid=%u uid_broken=%d  (dbx) dump
first_nonexpunged = 255U
move_diff = 30LL
ret = 0
mails = 0xcd810
idx = 0
padding_per_mail = 20U
first_nonexpunged_idx = 0
expunged_space = 0
sync_ctx = 0xffbfefd0
extra_space = 4294971774ULL
mail_ctx = (nil)
dest_offset = 0
count = 2U
last_seq = 163U
orig_prev_msg_uid = 1359U
next_move_diff = 10ULL
end_offset = 4448ULL
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = mbox_sync_rewrite
start_offset = 0
offset = 4294971774ULL
first_seq = 1U
next_end_offset = 52ULL

If these happen frequently, I could also send a debug patch that writes
the broken mbox headers to some temp file. That with the core file would
provide enough information to figure out what exactly is the problem.

This is still an option, if it would help. 

-Brian Hayden
Internet Services
University of MN

[Dovecot] mbox inbox default

2007-08-01 Thread bhayden

HI Timo  all.

We're an mbox environment, inboxes in /var/mail/$USER (I'll include dovecot 
-n output at the bottom of this mail). mail_location is set accordingly for 

I'd assumed that if the /var/mail/$USER file doesn't exist, dovecot would 
create it, but we've discovered from experience (and I verified it in 
mbox-storage.c) that if access(path, R_OK|W_OK) fails--as it does if the 
file doesn't exist--that dovecot defaults then to delivering in 

I'm curious why this is. It seems like if the configured INBOX file doesn't 
exist, dovecot should create it if possible; it's a different case than if, 
say, the user doesn't have write access to that directory, in which case it 
of course would be appropriate to fall back to some other location rather 
than rejecting mail.

Is there something I'm missing that makes my idea wrong? Thanks,

-Brian Hayden
OIT Internet Services
University of MN

# ./dovecot -n
# /etc/opt/dovecot/dovecot.conf
syslog_facility: local6
protocols: imap imaps pop3 pop3s
listen(default): *:143
listen(imap): *:143
listen(pop3): *:110
ssl_listen(default): *:993
ssl_listen(imap): *:993
ssl_listen(pop3): *:995
ssl_cert_file: /etc/opt/openssl/certs/dovecot.pem
ssl_key_file: /etc/opt/openssl/private/dovecot.pem
shutdown_clients: no
login_dir: /var/opt/dovecot/run/dovecot/login
login_executable(default): /opt/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(imap): /opt/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(pop3): /opt/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/pop3-login
login_log_format_elements: user=%u pid=%p method=%m rip=%r lip=%l %c
login_processes_count: 32
login_max_processes_count: 6000
max_mail_processes: 8192
first_valid_uid: 100

mail_debug: yes
mbox_lazy_writes: no
mail_executable(default): /opt/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/mail_path.sh
mail_executable(imap): /opt/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/mail_path.sh
mail_executable(pop3): /opt/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/pop3
mail_plugins(default): acl
mail_plugins(imap): acl
mail_plugin_dir(default): /opt/dovecot/lib/dovecot/imap

mail_plugin_dir(imap): /opt/dovecot/lib/dovecot/imap
mail_plugin_dir(pop3): /opt/dovecot/lib/dovecot/pop3
mail_log_prefix: [%p] %Us(%u): 
mail_log_max_lines_per_sec: 0
imap_client_workarounds(default): delay-newmail outlook-idle 
imap_client_workarounds(imap): delay-newmail outlook-idle 

imap_client_workarounds(pop3): outlook-idle
pop3_uidl_format(pop3): %08Xu%08Xv

 type: private
 separator: /
 location: mbox:~:INBOX=/var/mail/%u:INDEX=/var/mail/.dovecot-index/%1u/%u/
 inbox: yes
 type: private
 separator: /
 prefix: mail/
 location: mbox:~/mail/:INDEX=/var/mail/.dovecot-index/%1u/%u/
 hidden: yes
 type: private
 separator: /
 prefix: ~/mail/
 location: mbox:~/mail/:INDEX=/var/mail/.dovecot-index/%1u/%u/
 hidden: yes
 type: private
 separator: /
 prefix: ~%u/mail/
 location: mbox:~/mail/:INDEX=/var/mail/.dovecot-index/%1u/%u/
 hidden: yes
 type: private
 separator: /
 prefix: Shared/

auth default:
 username_format: %Lu
   driver: pam
   args: session=yes *
   driver: passwd
 acl: vfile:

Re: [Dovecot] mbox inbox default

2007-08-01 Thread bhayden

On Aug 1 2007, Timo Sirainen wrote:

On Wed, 2007-08-01 at 08:58 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
We're an mbox environment, inboxes in /var/mail/$USER (I'll include 
-n output at the bottom of this mail). mail_location is set accordingly 
for deliver.

I'd assumed that if the /var/mail/$USER file doesn't exist, dovecot 
would create it, but we've discovered from experience (and I verified it 
in mbox-storage.c) that if access(path, R_OK|W_OK) fails--as it does if 
the file doesn't exist--that dovecot defaults then to delivering in 

That access() check is done only if INBOX location isn't explicitly

Is this a problem only with deliver or also with imap?

Deliver only. On further review, I discovered where the problem lies 
locally, it was not a Dovecot issue. Sorry to bother. :) Thanks for your 


Re: [Dovecot] LSUB/SUBSCRIBE under namespaces

2007-06-20 Thread bhayden

On Jun 18 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi folks. 

Here's our situation: Migrating from UW-IMAP. Have lots (as in, tens of 
thousands) of clients set up using '~/mail' as the IMAP root, and using 

The rest of my original message is at the end for context. :) Brief: 
Subscriptions in general are given to inconsistent behavior if there is any 
difference in client settings from one session to the next. Dovecot writes 
subscriptions without the namespace prefix and then prepends the current ns 
prefix to every item in the subscription list for LSUB response.

So if the namespace prefix changes session-to-session; or if there are 
legacy entries with more full paths in the subs file, LSUB returns 
duplicates and paths that do not exist. This leads to very confused users 
and in some cases data loss when they (reasonably) try to delete a 
duplicate and find they've deleted the only copy of a folder.

In order to avoid this, I made a (very) simple two-part mod. The first bit 
simply writes subscriptions with the ns prefix included:

diff cmd-subscribe.c cmd-subscribe.c.orig :
35c35  if (mail_storage_set_subscribed(storage, verify_name, subscribe)  


  if (mail_storage_set_subscribed(storage, mailbox, subscribe)  0)

The second changes LSUB so that it only returns entries from the 
subscription list which match the ns prefix, and avoids prepending the ns 
prefix to LSUB responses:

diff cmd-list.c cmd-list.c.orig :
138,141c138  } else if (ctx-lsub   strncmp(ctx-ns-prefix, 
list-name, strlen(ctx-ns-prefix))) {  continue;  } else if 
(!ctx-lsub) {


  } else {

Now we err on the side of not showing some previously subscribed folders if 
the client config changes, or if there is random junk in the subscriptions 
file--rather than trying to show everything and returning duplicate and 
non-existent mailbox paths in LSUB.

Hopefully Timo (or anyone else), you could offer some thoughts on whether 
this is an acceptable strategy, or if I've overlooked something. Thanks 
very much,

-Brian Hayden
Internet Services
University of Minnesota

Dovecot mail_location is using '~' for mbox storage. We've disabled full 
filesystem access in Dovecot in order to use ACLs for shared folders. 
Hence we have a hidden namespace for backwards compatibility with those 
clients using '~/mail' (dovecot -n output is at the end of this message 
so you can see exact settings). Here's the problem. If the client is not 
taking advantage of this hidden namespace--say it's configured to use 
plain old 'mail' as the root directory--LSUB and SUBSCRIBE work as I'd 
expect. Subscribing to a folder called 'foo' puts this in the user's 
subscriptions file:


And this (from Thunderbird's log) is the LSUB exchange:

48203776[ed8ebe0]: 2e03600:server.umn.edu:A:SendData: 6 lsub  mail/*
48203776[ed8ebe0]: ReadNextLine [stream=ed8ef88 nb=26 needmore=0]
48203776[ed8ebe0]: 2e03600:serverl.umn.edu:A:CreateNewLineFromSocket: * 
LSUB () / mail/foo

48203776[ed8ebe0]: ReadNextLine [stream=ed8ef88 nb=38 needmore=0]

6 OK Lsub completed.

All is well. However, when the client is configured with '~/mail' as the 
root and hence triggers the hidden namespace for such, SUBSCRIBE only 
writes a path relative to that namespace prefix. So as opposed the 
'mail/foo' in the first example, we get:


written to the subs folder.

This leads to three problems:

1. Folders subscribed to when using this namespace will either disappear 
or break in a client using a different IMAP root setting that actually 
refers to the same place. For example, if this user moves to a client 
(such as both of the webmail offerings on campus) that use 'mail/' as the 
prefix, these folders will not be visible.

This is a fairly sizeable population of our users, whom we aren't 
necessarily in the position to say too bad to. :)

2. Users moved over from UW-IMAP, who were using '~/mail' for the IMAP 
root, have a subscriptions file full of:


Dovecot, with the same client configuration (since it's expecting a bare 
folder name to which it will prepend the namespace prefix), interprets 
this as so:

49036288[fa7e740]: 2eabc00:server.umn.edu:A:CreateNewLineFromSocket: * 
LSUB () / ~/mail/~/mail/foobar

Leading to having the folder displayed in the client's list, but giving an 
error on SELECT. Now, this one we could theoretically solve by scrubbing 
the prefixes out of subs files as we convert; however, that leaves us with 
#1 above, where the bare folder name in the subs file depends on (to the 
average user) an obscure client config setting, which in practice in a 
large heterogeneous environment is unreliable.

3. Users who have been using an IMAP root of 'mail' in some client and 
subscribed to folders, who then use a client with the root set to 
'~/mail' see what appears to be duplicates of the same folder at the 

Re: [Dovecot] mbox bug in 1.0.0

2007-06-19 Thread bhayden

On May 13 2007, Timo Sirainen wrote:

On Mon, 2007-04-23 at 13:40 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Apr 23 13:22:41 server.umn.edu dovecot: [ID 107833 local6.error]
IMAP(USER): mbox /var/mail/user: seq=1 uid=8808 uid_broken=0 originally 
needed 10 bytes, now needs 23 bytes

Anything else than Dovecot accessing these mboxes (besides MDA)?

Nope. Dovecot IMAP and deliver. 

Do you have a core file from that crash? It would show a bit more
information. If not, see http://dovecot.org/bugreport.html

I finally got around to generating one. It's 3MB, and was generated from 
1.0.0. Would you like a copy, or do you want me to check on some state 
myself and send you results?

If these happen frequently, I could also send a debug patch that writes
the broken mbox headers to some temp file. That with the core file would
provide enough information to figure out what exactly is the problem.

I can do that, too, if necessary. Thanks much for your help,

-Brian Hayden
Internet Services
University of MN

[Dovecot] dovecot-shared being ignored?

2007-05-18 Thread bhayden
So, I'm working on a shared folder. Everything is nice except for one bit. 

My dovecot-shared file in the Maildir is either being ignored, or doesn't 
work the way I think it does. Any messages copied into the Maildir using a 
mail client are mode 660 and owned by the user who did the copy. Perms on 
the dovecot-shared file are 700 (I'm using Solaris ACLs in addition to the 
Dovecot ACLs in order to prevent unauthorized access via means that don't 
pass through Dovecot's IMAP server... ie SFTP/SCP, and so I'm using 700 
with a rwx mask and access to the file set per user in the Solaris ACL).

The message files being created 660 means they are accessible via SFTP/SCP 
to anyone in the group, and we have a single one for (nearly) all users. 
This is not really acceptable, so if anyone can offer guidance on the 
dovecot-shared that'd be great. I checked the wiki, and it has very minimal 


[Dovecot] mbox bug in 1.0.0

2007-04-23 Thread bhayden
Hi folks. We're moving users from rc24 and 27 to 1.0.0. On four mailboxes 
so far we've seen these errors after the move (quick and dirty anonymizing 

Apr 23 13:22:41 server.umn.edu dovecot: [ID 107833 local6.info] imap-login: 
Login: user=USER, pid=9046, method=PLAIN, rip=***.***.***.***, 
lip=***.***.***.***, TLS

Apr 23 13:22:41 server.umn.edu dovecot: [ID 107833 local6.error] [9073] 
IMAP(USER): mbox /var/mail/user: seq=1 uid=8808 uid_broken=0 originally 
needed 10 bytes, now needs 23 bytes

Apr 23 13:22:41 server.umn.edu dovecot: [ID 107833 local6.error] [9073] 
IMAP(USER): Raw backtrace: 0x7b800 - 0x43434 - 0x3e018 - 0x3fc34 - 
0x40080 - 0x6d3cc - 0x29a88 - 0x21324 - 0x214c0 - 0x22f48 - 0x22ec0 
- 0x230c0 - 0x81c18 - 0x814e4 - 0x2b5cc - 0x1dc58

Points of interest:

1. I can't reproduce this. It still happens after the user's .imap 
directories are removed. If I make a copy of the mailbox on another machine 
running the same version of Dovecot with the same config, the problem 
doesn't occur. Weird.

2. So far, have only seen it on quite large mailboxes (close to or over 
100MB). Most large boxes have not had the problem, but the ones that have 
are all large.

Any thoughts? Dovecot -n output below. 

-Brian Hayden
OIT Internet Services
U of Minnesota

# dovecot -n # /etc/opt/dovecot/dovecot.conf syslog_facility: local6 
protocols: imap imaps pop3 pop3s listen(default): *:143 listen(imap): *:143 
listen(pop3): *:110 ssl_listen(default): *:993 ssl_listen(imap): *:993 
ssl_listen(pop3): *:995 ssl_cert_file: /etc/opt/openssl/certs/dovecot.pem 
ssl_key_file: /etc/opt/openssl/private/dovecot.pem shutdown_clients: no 
login_dir: /var/opt/dovecot/run/dovecot/login login_executable(default): 
/opt/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/imap-login login_executable(imap): 
/opt/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/imap-login login_executable(pop3): 
/opt/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/pop3-login login_log_format_elements: 
user=%u pid=%p method=%m rip=%r lip=%l %c login_processes_count: 32 
login_max_processes_count: 4096 max_mail_processes: 8192 first_valid_uid: 
100 default_mail_env: mbox:~/:INBOX=/var/mail/%u mail_location: 
mbox:~/:INBOX=/var/mail/%u mail_full_filesystem_access: yes 
mbox_lazy_writes: no mail_executable(default): 
/opt/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/imap mail_executable(imap): 
/opt/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/imap mail_executable(pop3): 
/opt/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/pop3 mail_plugin_dir(default): 
/opt/dovecot/lib/dovecot/imap mail_plugin_dir(imap): 
/opt/dovecot/lib/dovecot/imap mail_plugin_dir(pop3): 
/opt/dovecot/lib/dovecot/pop3 mail_log_prefix: [%p] %Us(%u): 
imap_client_workarounds(default): delay-newmail outlook-idle 
tb-extra-mailbox-sep imap_client_workarounds(imap): delay-newmail 
outlook-idle tb-extra-mailbox-sep imap_client_workarounds(pop3): 
outlook-idle pop3_uidl_format(default): pop3_uidl_format(imap): 
pop3_uidl_format(pop3): %08Xu%08Xv namespace:

 type: private
 separator: /
 location: mbox:~/:INBOX=/var/mail/%u
 inbox: yes
 hidden: yes
auth default:
 username_format: %Lu
 verbose: yes
 debug: yes
   driver: pam
   args: session=yes *
   driver: passwd