Re: Panic: file ostream.c: assertion failed when using mail_filter on RHEL8

2021-04-24 Thread Martijn Brinkers (list)
The same problem occurs when running 2.3.13 on RHEL8

Is this a RHEL8 specific issue?

Log output

Apr 24 14:14:38 webmail dovecot[568870]: master: Dovecot v2.3.13
(89f716dc2) starting up for imap
Apr 24 14:15:13 webmail dovecot[568872]: imap-login: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=,
lip=, mpid=584990, secured, session=
Apr 24 14:15:13 webmail dovecot[568872]: imap(<584990>:
Logged out in=44 out=617 deleted=0 expunged=0 trashed=0 hdr_count=0
hdr_bytes=0 body_count=0 body_bytes=0
Apr 24 14:15:20 webmail dovecot[568872]: imap-login: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=,
lip=, mpid=589277, secured, session=<6ebjirjAbIJ/AAAB>
Apr 24 14:15:20 webmail dovecot[568872]: imap(<589277><6ebjirjAbIJ/AAAB>:
Panic: file ostream.c: line 204 (o_stream_flush): assertion failed:
(stream->stream_errno != 0)
Apr 24 14:15:20 webmail dovecot[568872]: imap(<589277><6ebjirjAbIJ/AAAB>:
Error: Raw backtrace:
[0x7fc62f5b7d41] ->
/usr/lib64/dovecot/ [0x7fc62f5b7e62]
-> /usr/lib64/dovecot/ [0x7fc62f5c41eb] ->
/usr/lib64/dovecot/ [0x7fc62f5c4287] ->
/usr/lib64/dovecot/ [0x7fc62f51a50b] ->
/usr/lib64/dovecot/ [0x7fc62f51eb38] ->
[0x7fc62f91614a] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/
[0x7fc62eaea658] -> /usr/lib64/dovecot/libdovecot- [0x7fc62f8ee2b7] ->
dovecot/imap(+0x1350d) [0x56192db1350d] -> dovecot/imap(+0x13baf)
[0x56192db13baf] -> dovecot/imap(cmd_append+0x12c) [0x56192db13e0c] ->
dovecot/imap(command_exec+0x6c) [0x56192db2261c] ->
dovecot/imap(+0x206af) [0x56192db206af] -> dovecot/imap(+0x20761)
[0x56192db20761] -> dovecot/imap(client_handle_input+0x1c5)
[0x56192db20b45] -> dovecot/imap(client_input+0x76) [0x56192db21046] ->
[0x7fc62f5da75d] ->
[0x7fc62f5dbd79] ->
[0x7fc62f5da800] ->
/usr/lib64/dovecot/ [0x7fc62f5da978]
-> /usr/lib64/dovecot/
[0x7fc62f54ec67] -> dovecot/imap(main+0x335) [0x56192db126c5] ->
/lib64/ [0x7fc62f120803] ->
dovecot/imap(_start+0x2e) [0x56192db1287e]
Apr 24 14:15:20 webmail dovecot[568872]:
Fatal: master: service(imap): child 589277 killed with signal 6 (core
not dumped - - set
/proc/sys/fs/suid_dumpable to 2)
On Fri, 2021-04-23 at 12:38 +0200, Martijn Brinkers (list) wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed dovecot on a new up-to-date RHEL8 test system and
> configured a simple mail_filter plugin which only copies the input
> back
> to the output (i.e., the filter does nothing special).
> On RHEL8 I get the following panic when saving the mail. The Dovecot
> version that comes with RHEL8 is dovecot-2.3.8-4.el8.x86_64
> The mail_filter works correctly on an Ubuntu machine )
> 1ubuntu4.7)
> Any idea what's causing this panic on RHEL8 and how to fix it?
> Kind regards,
> Martijn Brinkers
> Log output (panic log is at the bottom)
> Apr 23 10:35:54 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18680]: master: Dovecot
> v2.3.8 (9df20d2db) starting up for imap
> Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug:
> Loading
> modules from directory: /usr/lib64/dovecot/auth
> Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug:
> Module
> loaded: /usr/lib64/dovecot/auth/
> Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug:
> Module
> loaded: /usr/lib64/dovecot/auth/
> Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug: Read
> auth token secret from /var/run/dovecot/auth-token-secret.dat
> Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug: auth
> client connected (pid=19771)
> Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug:
> client
> in:
> AUTH1PLAINservice=imapsecured
> se
> ssion=i7avXaHAuLh/AAABlip= 
>  lport=143rport=47288resp=
> Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[1

Why was mail-filter plugin removed in version 2.3.14?

2021-04-23 Thread Martijn Brinkers (list)

Mail-filter plugin was removed in version 2.3.14.

Any idea why was this removed? 

Is there a replacement for the mail-filter plugin?

Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers

Panic: file ostream.c: assertion failed when using mail_filter on RHEL8

2021-04-23 Thread Martijn Brinkers (list)

I installed dovecot on a new up-to-date RHEL8 test system and
configured a simple mail_filter plugin which only copies the input back
to the output (i.e., the filter does nothing special).

On RHEL8 I get the following panic when saving the mail. The Dovecot
version that comes with RHEL8 is dovecot-2.3.8-4.el8.x86_64

The mail_filter works correctly on an Ubuntu machine )

Any idea what's causing this panic on RHEL8 and how to fix it?

Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers

Log output (panic log is at the bottom)

Apr 23 10:35:54 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18680]: master: Dovecot
v2.3.8 (9df20d2db) starting up for imap
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug: Loading
modules from directory: /usr/lib64/dovecot/auth
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug: Module
loaded: /usr/lib64/dovecot/auth/
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug: Module
loaded: /usr/lib64/dovecot/auth/
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug: Read
auth token secret from /var/run/dovecot/auth-token-secret.dat
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug: auth
client connected (pid=19771)
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug: client
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug: dict(,,): Performing passdb
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth-worker(19774):
Debug: Loading modules from directory: /usr/lib64/dovecot/auth
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth-worker(19774):
Debug: Module loaded:
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth-worker(19774):
Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib64/dovecot/auth/
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth-worker(19774):
Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=19773,uid=97): Server accepted
connection (fd=13)
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth-worker(19774):
Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=19773,uid=97): Sending version
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth-worker(19774):
Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=19773,uid=97): auth-worker<1>:
Handling PASSV request
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth-worker(19774):
Debug: dict(,,): Performing
passdb lookup
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth-worker(19774):
Debug: dict(,,): Lookup: 
shared/passdb/ = {"userdb_email":"
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth-worker(19774):
Debug: dict(,,): username
changed ->
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth-worker(19774):
Debug: dict(,,): Finished passdb lookup
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth-worker(19774):
Debug: conn unix:auth-worker (pid=19773,uid=97): auth-worker<1>:
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug: dict(,,): username changed ->
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug: dict(,,):
Finished passdb lookup
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug: auth(,,):
Auth request finished
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug: client
passdb out: OK1
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug: master
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug:
prefetch(,,): Performing userdb lookup
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug:
prefetch(,,): success
Apr 23 10:36:17 ciphermail-webmail dovecot[18682]: auth: Debug:

[Dovecot] Change in LAYOUT=fs between 1.2.9 and 2.0.19?

2014-06-04 Thread Martijn
While testing an upgrade from Dovecot 1.2.9 (on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS) to 
2.0.19 (12.04 LTS) I encountered the following change in behaviour:

In both setups, mail_location is defined as follows:
mail_location = maildir:~/domains/%d/%n/.Maildir:LAYOUT=fs

No other mail_location-related settings are set in the config.

On 1.2.9 this leads to new mail being delivered to this example directory:

On 2.0.19 the exact same mail_location is set, but new mail is now 
delivered to:


Notice the missing /INBOX/ in the path on 2.0.19.

I found no mention of this change on which first lead me to suspect 
this was a bug in 2.0.19.

However, while browsing the 2.0-wiki I found a page which sheds some 
light on the behaviour that is to be expected from Dovecot 2.0.x. Quote 
Mailbox directory name:
Without DIRNAME, INBOX will be stored at ~/Maildir/{new,cur,tmp}/, but 
when DIRNAME is specified, we get an extra path component INBOX/ 
immediately prior to the DIRNAME value, so in the example above INBOX 
would be stored at ~/Maildir/INBOX/mAildir/{new,cur,tmp}/.

I then changed mail_location to have an empty DIRNAME, like:
mail_location = maildir:~/domains/%d/%n/.Maildir:LAYOUT=fs:DIRNAME=

It appears this fixes the problem for new mail arriving (haven't tested 
other folders yet).

1. Is this a deliberate change in behaviour between the two versions? If 
so, may I suggest adding this change to the Upgrading to 2.0 wiki page, 
because I was unable to find the relevant info quickly.
If not, is this a misconfiguration on my side, or a (known) bug in one 
of the two versions?

2. Is the DIRNAME=(empty) a good solution, or is it unusual/hacky to 
leave DIRNAME empty? Any particular problems I may expect using this 

Thanks in advance for your help.

Kind regards,


[Dovecot] NFS Maildirs

2010-07-22 Thread Martijn de Munnik

We have our user homedirs on nfs so I enabled nfs parameters in dovecot.conf. 
Everything works fine but when I want to delete a homedir of a user I can't 
delete it because I can't remove the .nfs files in the Maildir. I don't want to 
stop dovecot, remove the homedir and start dovecot. Is there another way to 
accomplish this.


# 1.2.12: /etc/opt/redknot/dovecot.conf
Warning: fd limit 256 is lower than what Dovecot can use under full load (more 
than 4096). Either grow the limit or change login_max_processes_count and 
max_mail_processes settings
# OS: SunOS 5.11 sun4v  
log_path: /var/log/dovecot.log
protocols: imap imaps managesieve
ssl_cert_file: /etc/opt/redknot/ssl/
ssl_key_file: /etc/opt/redknot/ssl/
disable_plaintext_auth: no
login_dir: /opt/redknot/var/run/dovecot/login
login_executable(default): /opt/redknot/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(imap): /opt/redknot/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(managesieve): /opt/redknot/libexec/dovecot/managesieve-login
login_processes_count: 5
login_max_processes_count: 1024
max_mail_processes: 2048
first_valid_uid: 200
first_valid_gid: 10
mail_location: maildir:~/Maildir
mmap_disable: yes
mail_nfs_storage: yes
mail_nfs_index: yes
mail_executable(default): /opt/redknot/libexec/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(imap): /opt/redknot/libexec/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(managesieve): /opt/redknot/libexec/dovecot/managesieve
mail_plugins(default): antispam
mail_plugins(imap): antispam
mail_plugin_dir(default): /opt/redknot/lib/dovecot/imap
mail_plugin_dir(imap): /opt/redknot/lib/dovecot/imap
mail_plugin_dir(managesieve): /opt/redknot/lib/dovecot/managesieve
auth default:
  mechanisms: plain login
driver: pam
args: other
driver: passwd
type: listen
  path: /opt/redknot/var/run/dovecot/auth-client
  mode: 432
  path: /opt/redknot/var/run/dovecot/auth-master
  mode: 384
  antispam_signature: X-DSPAM-Signature
  antispam_signature_missing: error
  antispam_trash: Trash
  antispam_spam: Junk
  antispam_allow_append_to_spam: yes
  antispam_dspam_binary: /opt/redknot/bin/dspam
  antispam_dspam_args: --deliver;--user;%u;--debug
  antispam_dspam_result_header: X-DSPAM-Result
  antispam_dspam_result_blacklist: Virus

Kasteleinenkampweg 7b
5222 AX 's-Hertogenbosch
T. 073 623 56 40
F. 073 623 56 39
KvK 18076568

Re: [Dovecot] NFS Maildirs

2010-07-22 Thread Martijn de Munnik

Op 22 jul 2010, om 13:19 heeft Martijn de Munnik het volgende geschreven:

 We have our user homedirs on nfs so I enabled nfs parameters in dovecot.conf. 
 Everything works fine but when I want to delete a homedir of a user I can't 
 delete it because I can't remove the .nfs files in the Maildir. I don't want 
 to stop dovecot, remove the homedir and start dovecot. Is there another way 
 to accomplish this.

Maybe I can answer my own question... Is this because there is still an imap 
connection running for that user?
 # 1.2.12: /etc/opt/redknot/dovecot.conf
 Warning: fd limit 256 is lower than what Dovecot can use under full load 
 (more than 4096). Either grow the limit or change login_max_processes_count 
 and max_mail_processes settings
 # OS: SunOS 5.11 sun4v  
 log_path: /var/log/dovecot.log
 protocols: imap imaps managesieve
 ssl_cert_file: /etc/opt/redknot/ssl/
 ssl_key_file: /etc/opt/redknot/ssl/
 disable_plaintext_auth: no
 login_dir: /opt/redknot/var/run/dovecot/login
 login_executable(default): /opt/redknot/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
 login_executable(imap): /opt/redknot/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
 login_executable(managesieve): /opt/redknot/libexec/dovecot/managesieve-login
 login_processes_count: 5
 login_max_processes_count: 1024
 max_mail_processes: 2048
 first_valid_uid: 200
 first_valid_gid: 10
 mail_location: maildir:~/Maildir
 mmap_disable: yes
 mail_nfs_storage: yes
 mail_nfs_index: yes
 mail_executable(default): /opt/redknot/libexec/dovecot/imap
 mail_executable(imap): /opt/redknot/libexec/dovecot/imap
 mail_executable(managesieve): /opt/redknot/libexec/dovecot/managesieve
 mail_plugins(default): antispam
 mail_plugins(imap): antispam
 mail_plugin_dir(default): /opt/redknot/lib/dovecot/imap
 mail_plugin_dir(imap): /opt/redknot/lib/dovecot/imap
 mail_plugin_dir(managesieve): /opt/redknot/lib/dovecot/managesieve
 auth default:
  mechanisms: plain login
driver: pam
args: other
driver: passwd
type: listen
  path: /opt/redknot/var/run/dovecot/auth-client
  mode: 432
  path: /opt/redknot/var/run/dovecot/auth-master
  mode: 384
  antispam_signature: X-DSPAM-Signature
  antispam_signature_missing: error
  antispam_trash: Trash
  antispam_spam: Junk
  antispam_allow_append_to_spam: yes
  antispam_dspam_binary: /opt/redknot/bin/dspam
  antispam_dspam_args: --deliver;--user;%u;--debug
  antispam_dspam_result_header: X-DSPAM-Result
  antispam_dspam_result_blacklist: Virus
 Kasteleinenkampweg 7b
 5222 AX 's-Hertogenbosch
 T. 073 623 56 40
 F. 073 623 56 39
 KvK 18076568

Kasteleinenkampweg 7b
5222 AX 's-Hertogenbosch
T. 073 623 56 40
F. 073 623 56 39
KvK 18076568

Re: [Dovecot] Feature request: usernames and passwords

2010-07-21 Thread Martijn de Munnik

Op 21 jul 2010, om 15:06 heeft Leonardo Rodrigues het volgende geschreven:

 Em 21/07/2010 09:18, Timo Sirainen escreveu:
 I think this is one of the tons of different possible password policies
 and isn't really Dovecot's job. It really should be enforced while
 setting the password, not while checking it.
i completly agree that dovecot is not the place for enforcing password 
 policies nor checking them.
but, still on the subject, maybe dovecot could have some features for 
 helping sysadmins to avoid/mitigate brute-force attacks. As told, some bots 
 tries username=password, but those fuckers (the bots) also tries lots of 
 common passwords, 123, 1234, the username followed by some numbers, and lots 
 of others.
of course, if the provided password is not correct, dovecot denies access 
 as it should  but in those situations, logs can get pretty filled with 
 login failed messages, specially on servers with lots of accounts. And, in 
 some cases, after lots of tries, the bot can found the correct 
 username/password combination.
i was thinking on something like ...
 1) after N tries (lets say 10 for example) of wrong username/password 
 combinations, dovecot could start delaying the answers for wrong 
 authentications coming from that specific IP address or IP/username, thus 
 slowing down the brute-force attacks;
 1.1) or even, after some M (lets say 20 for example) wrong username/password 
 combinations, dovecot could ban that IP address (or IP address/username 
 combination to avoid problem with big networks with NAT access) for XX 
 seconds/minutes, also slowing down the brute-force attack tries
 1.2) this could probably be implemented using some in-memory internal 
 backend, so it would be absolutely independent on passdb schema and would 
 require no modifications on passdb schema.
the original message says about bot brute-force attacks, but we can be 
 facing REAL brute-force attacks against a specific account  and i think 
 that some features to help mitigate those could indeed be interesting. And if 
 those features exists, they could surely help on those brute-force attacks 
 coming from dumb bots as well.
it wont solve the username=password specific case, but could help on real 
 or bot brute-force attacks.
what do you think on that Timo ?

Have a look at fail2ban, this is exactly what you need.
   Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
   Leonardo Rodrigues
   Solutti Tecnologia
   Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
   My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

Kasteleinenkampweg 7b
5222 AX 's-Hertogenbosch
T. 073 623 56 40
F. 073 623 56 39
KvK 18076568

Re: [Dovecot] LDA to address extensions

2010-06-17 Thread Martijn de Munnik

On Jun 17, 2010, at 1:45 PM, Martijn de Munnik wrote:

Hi List,

I'm trying to make dovecot deliver messages to 
 to the imap folder 'extension' of the user 'sam'. I've configured  
postfix with these dovecot as LDA:

mailbox_command = /opt/redknot/libexec/dovecot/deliver -f $SENDER - 

recipient_delimiter = +

I've found this thread but it doesn't seem to work for me.

I also disabled the sieve plugin but that doesn't make any difference.

Jun 17 21:10:55 deliver(munnik): Info: sieve: 
: stored mail into mailbox 'INBOX'
Jun 17 21:20:37 deliver(munnik): Info: 
: saved mail to INBOX

Sam is a local system user so I don't want to use virtual_transport  
(I think). I've read but so far  
without success.

# 1.2.11: /etc/opt/redknot/dovecot.conf
Warning: There is no way to login to this server:  
disable_plaintext_auth=yes, ssl=no, no non-plaintext auth mechanisms.

# OS: SunOS 5.11 sun4v
log_path: /var/log/dovecot.log
ssl: no
login_dir: /opt/redknot/var/run/dovecot/login
login_executable: /opt/redknot/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_max_processes_count: 10
max_mail_processes: 10
mail_location: maildir:~/Maildir
mail_plugins: sieve
mail_plugin_dir: /opt/redknot/lib/dovecot/lda
sendmail_path: /usr/sbin/sendmail
auth_socket_path: /opt/redknot/var/run/dovecot/auth-master
auth default:
  driver: pam
  args: other
  driver: passwd
  type: listen
path: /opt/redknot/var/run/dovecot/auth-master
mode: 384
sieve_before: /etc/opt/redknot/sieve/before
sieve_after: /etc/opt/redknot/sieve/after

I know about the warning, this dovecot is only used as LDA, not for  
imap or pop3.


Kasteleinenkampweg 7b
5222 AX 's-Hertogenbosch
T. 073 623 56 40
F. 073 623 56 39
KvK 18076568
Kasteleinenkampweg 7b
5222 AX 's-Hertogenbosch
T. 073 623 56 40
F. 073 623 56 39
KvK 18076568

Re: [Dovecot] LDA to address extensions

2010-06-17 Thread Martijn de Munnik

On Jun 17, 2010, at 9:25 PM, Martijn de Munnik wrote:

On Jun 17, 2010, at 1:45 PM, Martijn de Munnik wrote:

Hi List,

I'm trying to make dovecot deliver messages to 
 to the imap folder 'extension' of the user 'sam'. I've configured  
postfix with these dovecot as LDA:

mailbox_command = /opt/redknot/libexec/dovecot/deliver -f $SENDER  

recipient_delimiter = +

I've found this thread but it doesn't seem to work for me.

I also disabled the sieve plugin but that doesn't make any difference.

Jun 17 21:10:55 deliver(munnik): Info: sieve: 
: stored mail into mailbox 'INBOX'
Jun 17 21:20:37 deliver(munnik): Info: 
: saved mail to INBOX

I've found the problem, it has nothing to do with dovecot. A postfix  
content_filter is messing with my address, when I remove that filter  
deliver is working as expected. Sorry to waste your time ;)

Sam is a local system user so I don't want to use virtual_transport  
(I think). I've read but so far  
without success.

# 1.2.11: /etc/opt/redknot/dovecot.conf
Warning: There is no way to login to this server:  
disable_plaintext_auth=yes, ssl=no, no non-plaintext auth mechanisms.

# OS: SunOS 5.11 sun4v
log_path: /var/log/dovecot.log
ssl: no
login_dir: /opt/redknot/var/run/dovecot/login
login_executable: /opt/redknot/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_max_processes_count: 10
max_mail_processes: 10
mail_location: maildir:~/Maildir
mail_plugins: sieve
mail_plugin_dir: /opt/redknot/lib/dovecot/lda
sendmail_path: /usr/sbin/sendmail
auth_socket_path: /opt/redknot/var/run/dovecot/auth-master
auth default:
 driver: pam
 args: other
 driver: passwd
 type: listen
   path: /opt/redknot/var/run/dovecot/auth-master
   mode: 384
sieve_before: /etc/opt/redknot/sieve/before
sieve_after: /etc/opt/redknot/sieve/after

I know about the warning, this dovecot is only used as LDA, not for  
imap or pop3.


Kasteleinenkampweg 7b
5222 AX 's-Hertogenbosch
T. 073 623 56 40
F. 073 623 56 39
KvK 18076568
Kasteleinenkampweg 7b
5222 AX 's-Hertogenbosch
T. 073 623 56 40
F. 073 623 56 39
KvK 18076568

[Dovecot] pam_authenticate() failed

2009-09-30 Thread Martijn de Munnik
Hi List,

I have a problem with auth for just one user:

dovecot: Sep 30 09:56:16 Info: auth(default): new auth connection:
dovecot: Sep 30 09:56:17 Info: auth(default): client in: AUTH   1  
PLAIN   service=IMAPsecured lip=   rip=  
dovecot: Sep 30 09:56:17 Info: auth(default):
pam(, lookup service=dovecot
dovecot: Sep 30 09:56:17 Info: auth(default):
pam(, pam_authenticate() failed:
Authentication failed
dovecot: Sep 30 09:56:18 Info: auth(default): client out: FAIL  1
dovecot: Sep 30 09:56:18 Info: imap-login: Disconnected:, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=,

this login attempt is done via webmail but also connections with mail
clients fail.

other users can login successful:

dovecot: Sep 30 09:58:36 Info: auth(default): client in: AUTH   1  
PLAIN   service=IMAPsecured lip=   rip=   resp=AG1
dovecot: Sep 30 09:58:36 Info: auth(default):
pam(, lookup service=dovecot
dovecot: Sep 30 09:58:36 Info: auth(default): client out: OK1
dovecot: Sep 30 09:58:36 Info: auth(default): master in: REQUEST72
dovecot: Sep 30 09:58:36 Info: auth(default):
passwd(, lookup
dovecot: Sep 30 09:58:36 Info: auth(default): master out: USER  72 
dovecot: Sep 30 09:58:36 Info: imap-login: Login:, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=,
dovecot: Sep 30 09:58:36 Info: IMAP( Loading modules
from directory: /opt/csw/lib/dovecot/imap
dovecot: Sep 30 09:58:36 Info: IMAP( Module loaded:
dovecot: Sep 30 09:58:36 Info: IMAP( Effective
uid=1063, gid=1062, home=/home/
dovecot: Sep 30 09:58:36 Info: IMAP( maildir:
dovecot: Sep 30 09:58:36 Info: IMAP( maildir:
s/martijn/Maildir, control=, inbox=
dovecot: Sep 30 09:58:36 Info: IMAP( Disconnected:
Logged out

How can I determine why pam_authenticate() failed?

output of dovecot -n:

# 1.0.13: /opt/csw/etc/dovecot.conf
log_path: /var/log/dovecot.log
info_log_path: /var/log/
protocols: imap pop3 imaps pop3s
listen(default): *
listen(imap): *
listen(pop3): *:110
ssl_cert_file: /opt/csw/ssl/secure-youngguns-nl.crt
ssl_key_file: /opt/csw/ssl/secure-youngguns-nl.key
disable_plaintext_auth: no
verbose_ssl: yes
login_dir: /opt/csw/var/run/dovecot/login
login_executable(default): /opt/csw/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(imap): /opt/csw/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(pop3): /opt/csw/libexec/dovecot/pop3-login
login_greeting: Welkom bij de YoungGuns postbode.
mail_location: maildir:~/Maildir
mail_debug: yes
mail_executable(default): /opt/csw/libexec/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(imap): /opt/csw/libexec/dovecot/imap
mail_executable(pop3): /opt/csw/libexec/dovecot/pop3
mail_plugins(default): antispam
mail_plugins(imap): antispam
mail_plugin_dir(default): /opt/csw/lib/dovecot/imap
mail_plugin_dir(imap): /opt/csw/lib/dovecot/imap
mail_plugin_dir(pop3): /opt/csw/lib/dovecot/pop3
pop3_uidl_format(pop3): %v.%u
auth default:
  mechanisms: login plain
  verbose: yes
  debug: yes
  debug_passwords: yes
driver: pam
driver: passwd
type: listen
  path: /opt/csw/var/spool/postfix/private/auth
  mode: 432
  user: postfix
  group: postfix
  antispam_trash: Trash;trash;TRASH
  antispam_spam: spam
  antispam_mail_tmpdir: /tmp
  antispam_mail_sendmail: /opt/csw/bin/sa-learn
  antispam_mail_spam: --spam
  antispam_mail_notspam: --ham



[Dovecot] IMAP bandwidth

2009-07-01 Thread Martijn de Munnik

I want to calculate the bandwidth usage of the IMAP protocol. POP3
displays a message when the connection is closed about the transfered
In an old mailinglist post I found this message:

Is this patch integrated or is there another way to calculate the
bandwidth for IMAP connections?

Martijn de Munnik

Kasteleinenkampweg 7b
5222 AX 's-Hertogenbosch
T. 073 623 56 40
F. 073 623 56 39
KvK 18076568

[Dovecot] Use bacula to do backups/restores

2008-09-29 Thread martijn

I'm already using Bacula for a lot of backups jobs and I also want do
backup mail which is stored on a server. The mail is stored in Maildirs
which a could backup at filesystem level. But when I restore such a backup
strange things happen. My mail client show some mail double and most of the
restored mails are unread. I think I'm missing some important IMAP things.


Re: [Dovecot] Cyrus vs Dovecot

2008-08-14 Thread martijn

On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 10:42:49 +0200, Mathieu Kretchner
 Ed W a écrit :
 Mathieu Kretchner wrote:
 kbajwa a écrit :

 I think you are missing a point which is most important, i.e., what 
 type of
 support Cyrus vs Dovecot offers. In my experience:

 Cyrus  =  0
 Dovecot=  100

 My personal experience.


 I guess you've right but I can't post this answer at Cyrus mailing 
 list.  I'm just trying to have my own opinion of imap server and I 
 already have sarcastic answer on the cyrus mailing list !
 Reading the cyrus list I think the above quote might be a bit unfair and
 accidently crossposted?
 In any case I only have experience of dovecot and it's used in some 
 larger installs such as the old, now 11 (I believe).  I 
 think your installation is probably large enough that you might want to 
 do a trial migration of a couple of accounts and see if migration is a 
 I'm trying to migrate my own account from cyrus to dovecot with the 2
 tools which seems to fit the most my needs :
 cyrus2courier :
 Work fast and well but I must use cyrus2courier-1.5.ts and I have 2
 problems with it : falg unseen (or seen if I want) for all e-mail / Sub
 folders of Inbox are invisibles (I see them on the File System) !
 imapsync :
 Must add a transition configuration to dovecot in order to have user
 passdb file (or master user) but once done it's ok and work correctly.
 I've just tested a transition and I'm happy to see it keeps all flags
 (seen/unseen too) and timestamp but as cyrus2courier, I can't see my
 inbox sub folders although I could see them (full) on the File System?
You need to subscribe to the folders on the new server.
 Certainly for all new servers I would STRONGLY recommend some 
 sort of virtualisation option (I use linux vservers, lots of other 
 options available).  This makes it fantasically easy to boot up (say) 
 three instances of your target software installation, perhaps all with 
 different configuration options and compare them easily.  I used this as
 a solution to migrate from Courier and also recently when I was 
 migrating from 32bit to 64bit guests - essentially you spin up your new 
 guest, get it all ready, test it like made and then in a couple of 
 seconds you can down the live guest and boot up the new guest.  I 
 separate out all signficant data from the guest partition so try to keep
 the actual installations under a couple hundred MB each (even that feels
 bloated, but hey) and this makes it simple to boot up a copy of a guest 
 to test some change without having to copy too much
 I personally picked dovecot because I worried about the horror stories I
 read about with cyrus.  However, both are clearly the two best options 
 available for opensource solutions right now and both are used in large 
 installations so you should be very happy with either.
 With regards to functionality it would appear (I don't use cyrus) that 
 cyrus has more admin tools to do stuff, but Dovecot is built to be 
 more hackable, for example you can easily run a script before each 
 (imap, etc) login and hence do some very advanced stuff through that 
 route.  Plugins also appear to be quite easy to write to extend dovecot 
 in new directions
 On the cyrus list they mentioned email retention policies.  Now some 
 people are going to say that this is really a job for the MTA 
 (postfix/sendmail/etc).  However, you have some plugins which might get 
 you partly towards solving that need, but nothing out of the box which 
 would give you a cast iron (stand up in court) kind of archiving 
 control.  However, you can get close I think
 Ed W

[Dovecot] Plugin when downloading mail

2008-08-14 Thread martijn
Is there a way to modify mail messages when they are downloaded using a
special login.

eg. my normal login for dovecot is [EMAIL PROTECTED] but when I log in
using [EMAIL PROTECTED] I would like to download my mail
which are processed using a Perl script. The Perl script will modify the
content of the message (the message body). So I don't want to change the
header or IMAP flags.


Re: [Dovecot] Antispam plugin, compile under Solaris

2008-07-17 Thread Martijn de Munnik

On Jul 11, 2008, at 9:10 AM, Johannes Berg wrote:


antispam-plugin.h, line 4: cannot find include file: lib.h
antispam-plugin.h, line 5: cannot find include file: str.h
antispam-plugin.h, line 6: cannot find include file: client.h
antispam-plugin.h, line 7: cannot find include file: ostream.h
antispam-plugin.h, line 8: cannot find include file: imap- 

clearly, it's not finding the header files. Try pointing DOVECOT to  

actual sources.


I fixed the problem with the header files and antispam compiles  
succesful. But when I try to start dovecot with the antispam plugin I  
get this error;

ILoading modules from directory: /opt/csw/lib/dovecot/imap
Edlopen(/opt/csw/lib/dovecot/imap/ failed: imap: fatal: relocation error: file /opt/csw/lib/dovecot/imap/ symbol mkdtemp: referenced symbol not found

FCouldn't load required plugins
Error: imap dump-capability process returned 89
Fatal: Invalid configuration in /opt/csw/etc/dovecot.conf

The .config file I've used


and I've changed this line in the Makefile


I'm using gmake and cc (Sun Studio)


Re: [Dovecot] Antispam plugin, compile under Solaris

2008-07-17 Thread Martijn de Munnik

On Jul 16, 2008, at 5:58 PM, Johannes Berg wrote:

On Wed, 2008-07-16 at 17:45 +0200, Martijn de Munnik wrote:

I fixed the problem with the header files and antispam compiles
succesful. But when I try to start dovecot with the antispam plugin I
get this error;

ILoading modules from directory: /opt/csw/lib/dovecot/imap
Edlopen(/opt/csw/lib/dovecot/imap/ failed: imap: fatal: relocation error: file /opt/csw/lib/dovecot/ 
imap/ symbol mkdtemp: referenced symbol not found

Well, looks like you don't have mkdtemp in your libc. What alternative
does Solaris offer?


I've found a mkdtemp.c in which seems to do  
the same as the one in libc. Is it possible to use that?


Re: [Dovecot] Antispam plugin, compile under Solaris

2008-07-17 Thread Martijn de Munnik

On Jul 16, 2008, at 6:54 PM, Johannes Berg wrote:

[please trim your quotes]

On Wed, 2008-07-16 at 18:50 +0200, Martijn de Munnik wrote:

I've found a mkdtemp.c in which seems to do
the same as the one in libc. Is it possible to use that?

probably. Just add a lines

objs += mdtemp.c

in the Makefile somewhere around # main make rules


It works!

I've used mkdtemp.c from and added/modified these lines  
in Makefile

objs += mkdtemp.c

thank you for your help,


[Dovecot] Antispam plugin, compile under Solaris

2008-07-10 Thread Martijn de Munnik
struct mail
antispam-plugin.h, line 118: warning: implicit function declaration:  
antispam-plugin.h, line 118: warning: improper pointer/integer  
combination: op =
antispam-plugin.h, line 122: warning: dubious tag declaration:  
struct mail
antispam-plugin.h, line 124: warning: implicit function declaration:  
antispam-plugin.h, line 124: warning: improper pointer/integer  
combination: op =

antispam-plugin.h, line 128: syntax error before or at: pool_t
antispam-plugin.h, line 128: warning: undefined or missing type for:  
antispam-plugin.h, line 130: warning: implicit function declaration:  

antispam-plugin.h, line 130: undefined symbol: pool
antispam-plugin.h, line 130: undefined symbol: TRUE
antispam-plugin.h, line 130: warning: improper pointer/integer  
combination: op =

debug.c, line 11: warning: implicit function declaration: t_push
debug.c, line 13: warning: implicit function declaration: t_strconcat
debug.c, line 13: warning: improper pointer/integer combination: op  

debug.c, line 23: warning: implicit function declaration: t_pop
cc: acomp failed for debug.c
gmake: *** [debug.o] Error 2


[Dovecot] How many imap processes per user

2008-06-13 Thread Martijn de Munnik


I'm using dovecot for the first time on a production server (before  
dovecot I used bincimapd). I have a question about the number of imap  
(not imap-login) processes created for a user. I've seen 100+  
processes for just 1 user. So far it only occurs for 1 user, other  
users have just 1 imap process. I now the user is using thunderbird  
and 2 mailclients are logged in at the same time (one workstation and  
one laptop). Is there an issue with dovecot/thunderbird?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 28596 15780   0 10:48:41 ?   0:02 imap
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 28933 15780   0 10:50:57 ?   0:01 imap
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 25627 15780   0 10:28:55 ?   0:00 imap
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 28938 28933   0- ?   0:00 defunct
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 29472 15780   0 10:54:23 ?   0:00 imap
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 25628 25627   0 10:28:55 ?   0:00 rawlog /opt/csw/ 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 29329 29327   0- ?   0:00 defunct
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 29805 29801   0- ?   0:00 defunct
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 24303 24300   0 10:20:46 ?   0:00 rawlog /opt/csw/ 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 29941 15780   0 10:58:09 ?   0:00 imap
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 28480 28477   0- ?   0:00 defunct
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 28329 15780   0 10:46:28 ?   0:03 imap
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 29177 29176   0- ?   0:00 defunct
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 28749 28748   0- ?   0:00 defunct
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 29801 15780   0 10:56:56 ?   0:00 imap
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 29180 29179   0 10:52:05 ?   0:00 rawlog /opt/csw/ 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 29635 15780   0 10:55:35 ?   0:00 imap
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 29642 29635   0- ?   0:00 defunct
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 28477 15780   1 10:47:37 ?   0:02 imap
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 28200 28199   0- ?   0:00 defunct
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 29942 29941   0 10:58:09 ?   0:00 rawlog /opt/csw/ 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 28597 28596   0- ?   0:00 defunct
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 28330 28329   0- ?   0:00 defunct
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 25610 25609   0 10:28:49 ?   0:00 rawlog /opt/csw/ 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 28748 15780   0 10:49:48 ?   0:02 imap
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 25609 15780   0 10:28:49 ?   0:00 imap
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 29176 15780   0 10:52:05 ?   0:01 imap
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 29327 15780   0 10:53:12 ?   0:01 imap
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 29179 15780   1 10:52:05 ?   0:05 imap
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 28199 15780   0 10:45:22 ?   0:03 imap
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 29474 29472   0- ?   0:00 defunct
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 24300 15780   0 10:20:46 ?   0:00 imap

All those processes are really slowing down the server.
