> Can you try and experiment with the launch options in userprefs.js? I
> can't remember the exact names, but maybe some variations there will
> yield correct behavior?

Thanks for your reply, Kim. The relevant prefs appear to be:

/* Reuse browser window mode
*  NOTE: reuse browser mode is only valid when IE is the default browser.
*  If any other browser is the default and the launchmode=1, a new browser
*  window will be spawned for each search regardless of category.
*  0=new window always [default]
*  1=single window for all
*  2=single window for each search type
reuseBrowserWindowMode = 0;

/* Browser launch mode
*  0=use IE
*  1=use default browser

I tried opening two URLs in succession with different settings of

With 0, the first URL gives a blank window and a window with the URL; the
second URL gives a second blank window and reuses the other window for the
URL (no new tab even :) 

With 1 and 2, the first URL gives a blank window and a window with the URL;
the second URL reuses the first blank window (or at least doesn't open a new
one) and reuses the other window for the URL.

Then I tried setting launchmode to 0. When I restarted (with !) I got an
error dialog:

     An error has occurred in the script on this page. 

     Line:   2 
     Char:   1 
     Error:  'DQSDLauncher.AppDataDirectory' is null or not an object
     Code:   0 
     URL:     file:///C:/Program%20Files/Quick%20Search%20Deskbar/search.htm
                     Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?

I said yes to that, and the behavior thenceforth was as above.

That's all I know, and it ain't much :)

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