Ken Bessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made an utterance to the drakelist gang

Folks, I gotta little problem - I was operating today and I started
hearing popping noise in my recieve. A few minutes later I smelled
smoke. I looked over my drake to see a tiny puff of smoke arise
from just behind the VFO. 

I have turned the rig upside down and removed the bottom cover.
I turned the rig on and saw a flash arc from what I think is a resisitor.

I need help I'Ding this resisitor - it's way too burnt to see all the
color bands but I can see enough to tell it's a resisitor. 

There are two vertical PC boards just inboard of the VOX pot. Past
them is a medium size transformer.  There are two resisitors that
are between the boards. The one that is burnt is closest to the top
(looking at the rig upside down) of the two boards.


73's de Ken KG0WX - Kadiddlehopper #11808,
         Flying Pigs #-1055, Grid EM17ip

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