Sebastien Cevey wrote:
> The problem is that Xorg is unusable because the fonts are scrambled
>  in the xterm (and other such terms).  All fonts are not, for
> instance fonts appear correctly in Firefox, but not in the titlebar
> (fluxbox) of the same program.  I guess it depends "who" handles the
> font rendering..
> I cannot find any error about that in the Xorg logs either
Keith Conger suggested the following xorg.conf device options which
solved the screwy font rendering for me:

Option     "XaaNoScanlineImageWriteRect"
Option     "XaaNoScanlineCPUToScreenColorExpandFill" .

I'm using the ati driver with the following device section:

Section "Device"
        Identifier  "Card0_r300"
        Driver      "ati"
        BusID       "PCI:0:16:0"
        Option     "UseFBDev"           "true"  # [<bool>]
        Option     "DMAForXV"           "off"   # [<bool>]
        Option     "XaaNoScanlineImageWriteRect"
        Option     "XaaNoScanlineCPUToScreenColorExpandFill"

> PS: Does this belong to this ML or to dri-user?
Probably dri-user...


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