Dear Sir/Madam,

My Names are Mr.Alfredo Gomez. I am the Administrative manager at a vault 
financial & security Institution here in Madrid. I am contacting you based on a 
financial opportunity I discovered here in my organization. It's about an 
abandoned sum of 25,000,000.00 million US dollars (Twenty five million  United 
State dollars) in a dormant account with our bank and I have been following and 
monitoring this account since the year 2004 when I was appointed the 
Administrative manager of this financial institutions.

The Banking policy can only allow the release of such funds to a benefactor 
through an application as a beneficiary to the account deposit. For the past 
years, the bank has been expecting a possible beneficiary, but no luck, this 
institution has exploited all its ethical possibilities in other to contact the 
possible beneficiaries or inheritors of the account, but to no success since 
nobody has come over for the claim of the funds for the past 10 years.

I have made my own research with the help of a private investigator, it is my 
knowledge that the account has been dormant for the past 17 years. I also 
learnt that, there have not been any movement on the said account within this 
period. I am 100% sure that no one is aware of the existence of these funds.

However, because of the international financial crises, a lot of reform has 
been made within the Spanish financial system, this includes the new law on 
succession of claims which indicates a duration in which such deposit account 
could be tolerated.

The Bank of Spain has mandated our institution to release the funds to a 
possible beneficiary WITHIN A PERIOD OF 1 YEAR. Failure to respond to this 
ultimatum would legally allow the Bank of Spain to confiscate the funds as 
unclaimed funds (Which of course would go straight to the Government's pocket). 
It is therefore upon this entire discovery that I have decided to contact you 
for your kind cooperation.

I want you to know that I am a senior member of this office. As an insider, I 
am equipped with all classified secret information regarding the release of 
these funds. I would dedicate to make sure that I feed you with all possible 
documentation and information required for the approval and release of these 
funds to you.

Upon your acceptance to cooperate, I agree that 40% of this money will be for 
you, 50% for me and 10% goes for the reimbursement of any expenses that we 
might both incur during the short period of the funds transaction. Please note 
that I have ONLY discussed this issue with you alone.

Immediately you acknowledge the receipt of this mail, we shall further proceed 
and you shall be informed on the next step to urge ahead. In conclusion, it's 
my concern to demand your ultimate honesty, co-operation and confidentiality to 
enable us conclude this transaction.  

I fully assured you that this process would be executed under a legitimate 
arrangement that would legally protect you from any breach of law. 

Reply to my private e-mail:

With due cooperation, I wait to read from you soon.


Mr.Alfredo Gomez
Telephone: +34 612 432 655
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