Re: [Dspace-tech] Best Practices for Journal Articles

2008-06-03 Thread Ina Smith

What works well for us is to create a separate collection for each issue (the Top-level or Sub-Community will then be the title of the journal, depending on the model you use). Each article is then submitted individually with its own metadata attached. In the end, we create an interactive index page on the Collection home page which lists the articles in that issue. See for an example.
Kind regards,

Ina Smith Digital Research Repository (UPSpace) Manager & eApplication SpecialistDepartment of Library ServicesUniversity of Pretoria
Pretoria0002South Africa
Tel.: +27 12 420 3082Fax: +27 12 362 5100E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

This message and attachments are subject to a disclaimer. Please refer to for full details. / Hierdie boodskap en aanhangsels is aan 'n vrywaringsklousule onderhewig. Volledige besonderhede is by beskikbaar.>>> On 2008/06/02 at 10:58 PM, in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Thomas A McGee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What's the best methodology for archiving individual articles within an issue of a periodical? We'd like to have the metadata be more closely tied to an individual author's work, as well as let users more easily find the section they need. But we'd also like to keep the articles tied together as part of a master entry which represents the entire issue.   _Tom McGeeSeton Hall University TLTC973 761 9000 x5021-
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[Dspace-tech] Microsoft SQL Server

2008-03-13 Thread Ina Smith

Hi all
We would like to know if Dspace can be used with a Microsoft SQL Server?If so, is there anyone out there that uses a SQL Server Database withDspace?
Many thanks!
Kind regards,
Ina Smith Digital Research Repository (UPSpace) Manager & eApplication SpecialistDepartment of Library ServicesUniversity of Pretoria
Pretoria0002South Africa
Tel.: +27 12 420 3082Fax: +27 12 362 5100E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

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