Please, don't cross-post. Your question belongs to dspace-tech only.

The bi_* tables are the old browse index. Since DSpace 4, it's not
used by default anymore unless you explicitly configure to use the
Postgres DAO rather then the Solr DAO [1].

In your dspace.log I don't see any problem which would pertain to
these bi_* tables. What did you do when those postgres errors were

Anyway, there's another problem in dspace.cfg, unrelated to bi_*
tables. Your DSpace cannot connect to Solr, which now provides the
browse and search functionality. Make sure that you deployed the solr
webapp, that it's running and that you configured DSpace to point to
their correct URL (which may be different from the example below):

server=http://localhost:8080/solr/statistics in
solr.url=http://localhost:8080/solr/oai in [dspace]/config/modules/oai.cfg and
search.server=http://localhost:8080/solr/search in
All of these can be changed at once at build time by changing
solr.server=http://localhost:8080/solr in [dspace-source]/



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