Thank you, Maike:

I am going to try this in my test instance.  What caused the problem 
to appear for me was when I used a local code change that I had been 
running that allowed for us to display the number of times an item is 
viewed on the item display page.  Once I removed the local code, I 
got the bitstreams to display.  I could never figure that out, but 
your fix may be the soluton... and then I may be able to reinstate my 
piece of local code that people around here are bugging me about.

At 06:38 PM 4/20/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Hi George and others,
>I realise your question is from quite some time ago, but just in 
>case someone might run
>into this problem in the future I figured it might save her or him 
>some time to post the
>solution that I found.
>I was upgrading from 1.2.1 to 1.5 and at 1.4 I noticed that I was 
>having the same
>problem as you describe: "There are no files associated with this 
>item." It may very
>well be that this already turned up at 1.3 - I did not really test 
>the intermediate
>stages too well.
>It turned out that for some reason, in the old installation there 
>was only one type of
>data in the DSpace bitstream storage: the so-called "ORIGINAL" 
>files, as opposed to
>I have not been able to find a reason, but a quick survey of the 
>data in the dump file
>confirmed that. It may have been that because of that there was no 
>need to distinguish
>between the three types mentioned above in the table column BUNDLE.NAME
>Anyway, after setting the NULL values on BUNDLE.NAME to "ORIGINAL" 
>(in the database) it
>worked fine.
>UPDATE bundle SET name = 'ORIGINAL' where name is null;
>But mind you - don't follow this blindly. The fact that this was not 
>filled in, or
>migrated, properly may entirely be a hack of the (extremely brittle) 
>installation of
>that 1.2.1 version. There were more strange issues with it, in any case.
>But it might provide a clue.
>On 30-Aug-07, at 7:44 AM, George Kozak wrote:
>On my test server, I upgraded from DSpace 1.3.2 to DSpace 1.4.2.  I
>am having a strange problem.  Everything is working fine EXCEPT that
>when I view an item, it says: "There are no files associated with
>this item."  This even happens when I add a new item.
>Has anyone else run into a problem like this?
>George Kozak
>Web Development and Management
>Digital Media Group
>501 Olin Library
>Cornell University
>Ms. Maike Dulk - Programmer / Analyst
>McPherson Library, University of Victoria
>(t) 250-886-5709 / (e) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>-- Harthon gerithach aeair vilui / I hope you will have kind seas
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George Kozak
Web Development and Management
Digital Media Group
501 Olin Library
Cornell University

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