Dear DuMu^X developers,

We are performing parallel computation with AMG solver. Due to problems of convergence in the newton's method, in amgproperties.hh we set the Preconditioner from Dune::SeqSSOR to Dune::SeqILU0 :

typedef Dune::BlockPreconditioner<VType,VType,Comm,Dune::SeqSSOR<MType,VType, VType> > Smoother; // typedef Dune::BlockPreconditioner<VType,VType,Comm,Dune::SeqILU0<MType,VType, VType> > Smoother;

It seems that there is some problems of memory loss with ILU0 preconditionner. Indeed we can see that the memory of computation is continually

increasing, until the computation stops with the following error message :

Solve: M deltax^k = rslurmstepd: Job 936902 exceeded memory limit (41146808 > 41058304), being killed
slurmstepd: Exceeded job memory limit

We can notice that this problem does not occur with SSOR as Preconditionner.

Have you ever met this issue ?

Best regards

M. El Ossmani

University of Pau

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