[DuMuX] 1d simulations

2018-12-20 Thread lc

Good morning,

I have one general question:

is it possible to run 1 dimensional test case, for example, buckely 

Kind regards,


On 19.12.2018 13:26, Timo Koch wrote:

Hi Lorenzo,

does it get better if you lower the CFL factor?


On 19.12.18 11:10, lc wrote:


I observed an unexpected behaviour for which I'd like to ask your 
help. In the attached figure you can see a snapshot of the solution. 
In both the contour and in the line chart you may notice some 
spurious "background noize". I noticed that such effects starts at a 
certain time from the right (outlet) boundary and then increase 
entity and becomes as you see.

I think it could be due to the fact that my initial condition is not 
consistent with boundary condition but it is just an hypothesis. I 
enclose the file where you can read the IC.

I would like to ask if you ever noticed some similar effect and 
possible ways to fix it.

About fixing, I had 2 ideas:

1) to add an "epsilon" premultiplying the wetting phase saturation 
term which I expect should dump it out; (how to do it?)

2) to add a cut-off function to the initial.

Is there anything like this availble in DuMux?

Or should I use the regularization of the saturation, which now I 
don't use?

I use DuMux 2.12.

Thank you,


On 17.12.2018 16:43, Dennis Gläser wrote:

Hi Lorenzo,

sorry, I didn't realize that you were using Dumux2.12. In this case, 
forget my last mail. In the future, please try to reply to previous 
mails of the conversation so that they can be read (I am sure you 
mentioned somewhere that you were using 2.12).

In DuMuX2.12 there was no support for a spatially varying definition 
of the wetting/non-wetting phase. Using 2.12 you can obtain the 
wetting/non-wetting phase mass conservation equation indices from 
the Indices class via Indices::contiWEqIdx and Indices::contiNEqIdx.

Best wishes,


On 17.12.18 14:33, Dennis Gläser wrote:

Hi Lorenzo,

you have to distinguish between primary variable indices and 
equation indices. Your equations (2p model) are always the mass 
balances of the two phases, independent of you choice of primary 
variables. In 2p/implicit/incompressible/problem.hh you have an 
example on how to adress the equation indices:

using Indices = typename GetPropTypeProperties::ModelTraits>::Indices;

enum {
    pressureH2OIdx = Indices::pressureIdx,
    saturationDNAPLIdx = Indices::saturationIdx,
    contiDNAPLEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + 

    waterPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::phase0Idx,
    dnaplPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::phase1Idx

In this case DNAPL is the non-wetting phase. The equation index is 
adressed via Indices::conti0EqIdx (which gives the index of the 
first mass balance equation within your vector of equations) plus 
the component index of the first component in the fluid system.

So, in order to determine the right equation indices for the phases 
of your fluid system within the equation vector, you need to use 
conti0EqIdx and then add the index of the respective components of 
your fluid system.

I am sorry if my last answer wasn't adressing the right issue. 
Also, it seems that I wrote the default formulation is pw-sn. That 
is wrong, the default formulation is p0s1, meaning that the 
pressure primary variable is associated with the phase with index 0 
of your fluid system, and the saturation variable is associated 
with the phase with index 1 of your fluid system. You can change 
this to p1s0, if desired.

However, from the indices you can only obtain pressureIdx or 
saturationIdx (there is no such thing as Indice::snIdx anymore), as 
DuMuX can not decide for you which phase is the wetting phase or 
which the non-wetting phase. You tell DuMux which phase is the 
wetting phase by implementing the function wettingPhase() or 
wettingPhaseAtPos() in your spatial parameters.

I hope this helps you!

Best wishes,


On 17.12.18 13:51, lc wrote:


On 02.11.2018 10:45, Dennis Gläser wrote:
per default, the formulation for the 2p model is pw-sn. That 
means your primary variables are the water pressure and the 
non-wetting phase saturation (in your case oil I assume). 
Therefore, Indices::swIdx does not exists as it is not part of 
your primary variables.

then, if physically I have a water (wetting) phase injection at 
inlet (which traduces into a mass flow rate) how can I impose it 
in 2p implicit model?

Best regards,


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Timo Koch  phone: +49 711 685 64676
IWS, Universität Stuttgart fax:   +49 

[DuMuX] DuMux 3.0.0-rc2 released

2018-12-20 Thread Timo Koch
After some minor fixes and some improvement of the documentation, the 
second release candidate for the upcoming 3.0.0 release is now
available.  You can download a tarball 
or checkout the 3.0.0-rc2 tag via Git.

Please go and test, and report any problems that you encounter. The
final release of 3.0.0 will likely happen by the end of the week if
no major
problems are reported.
DuMux 3.0.0 is a major version update. Backwards-compatibility
with 2.12 could not be maintained.

Best wishes


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