On 5 Jul 2022, at 12:49, <rucha.ku...@dlr.de<mailto:rucha.ku...@dlr.de>> 
<rucha.ku...@dlr.de<mailto:rucha.ku...@dlr.de>> wrote:


My name is Rucha Kunte and I am writing my Master Thesis at DLR-Cologne.
The objective is to carry out a permeability analysis of a porous structure for 
which we plan on using Dumux.
I have a couple of doubts in this case and would be grateful if I could get 
some help from your side:

  1.  While installing Dumux, I run into the following error. I am using 
Windows subsystem for Linux.


<image002.png>     <image003.png>


I also tried installing via the python code given but it does not create 
build-cmake folder for me to run the examples as stated in the document.

Could you please guide me with the installation?

Dear Rucha,

welcome to the mailing list.

Unfortunately, from your posted output it is unclear to me what went wrong and 
you would have to describe _what commands you exactly executed_.
Try to follow the installation instructions on the website carefully. Please 
post the entire terminal output as text file on the mailing list, so we have 
the full picture.

  1.  My second doubt is regarding how I would import my porous media geometry 
in the software. I have a plot of iso-surfaces and want to mesh the complex 
structure and further carry out the flow analysis. My 3d iso-surface 
visualization from MATLAB is below for your reference. In what format do I need 
this geometry to be? Or how do I feed the details of this geometry into Dumux 
for my analysis?

I’m afraid, what you describe is currently not one of the strengths of Dumux. 
What you need there is a Stokes solver than runs on a parallel machine with MPI 
and supports unstructured grids (e.g. OpenFOAM). (You will need access to a 
cluster and some experience with parallel computing. For all tools I know you 
would also first have to create a volume mesh (e.g. using CGAL) / Dumux is not 
a meshing tool.)
Dumux has a staggered grid Stokes solver that currently only supports staircase 
approximations of complex geometries and does not run yet in parallel. This 
will only suffice for a small subset of your sample.
(We are currently working on better solvers for exactly this application but 
until they are available out-of-the-box, will take some time.)

Depending on what you need for your application, a pore-network model approach 
gives you a reasonable estimate of permeability much faster than a Stokes 
For that you can use porespy (for network extraction) and Dumux (for flow 
simulations/permeabilities), see e.g. 
Pore-network extractions are also very useful to learn more about your sample 
in general (you might have done that already?).

Best wishes



Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for the support in advance.

Best Regards,
Rucha Kunte
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