Re: [dwm] and now for something completely different...

2008-03-08 Thread pancake
 I would like to know how diverse are the people on the list in terms of
 actual layouts and dwm features they use...

I use my own branch, but sometimes I use the development version to try
new ideas and update my patches.

Patches I use:

  - clients per tag
  - mouse on statusbar

Programs I use:
  - dmenu
  - yeahlaunch
  - yeahconsole

Applications I use:
  - claws-mail
  - epiphany
  - radare
  - screen (with mutt and elinks for remote boxes)
  - pidgin
  - xterm
  - feh
  - vim

I don't tend to view more than one tag at the same time.
I try to limit the number of windows per tag and avoid using
more than 2-4 active tags (I like to have some free tags to
be able to use them when I don't bother were to place a window).

I use a lot the alt-tab and alt-w/alt-e (to limit the clients per tag
to 2 or 3).

I only use floating for the ones I want to keep a fixed aspect ratio
or size (like minicom terminals, mutt, gimp, mplayer) or to make a window
visible on all tags (It sounds strange to me to share a window between
different tags on tile layout), but I only use the floating with mouse.

I dont feel the need to use nmaster with cpt variable height.

I use it for my own (in my laptops), so mostly personal use and
development box.

Re: [dwm] and now for something completely different...

2008-03-07 Thread Chris (Ducky) Chapin

Ritesh Kumar wrote:
I would like to know how diverse are the people on the list in terms 
of the actual layouts and dwm features they use...

Only 4.7. I tend to stick to stable/latest official releases unless 
something I *really* need is in a dev tree/snapshot.

Just my own. At work, a xinerama setup, I patched tile() to do a 
mirrored layout (but no real xinerama awareness). At home, on my laptop, 
and at work: I patch view() to always give focus to main window.

I carry-over the blue/gray bar scheme from 4.4(?) but that's about it.

Pretty mundane. I never float windows. I never view more than one tag at 
a time and only put my IM chat window on multiple tags (all of them ^_^) 
unless I'm at work, in which case I do the same for my email client as well.


Re: [dwm] and now for something completely different...

2008-03-06 Thread Ritesh Kumar
On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 11:34 AM, y i y u s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, I have been thinking about the last dwm changes and I don't like
 the new monocle thing. I have decided that I don't use different
 layouts at all, so I have highly patched current hg tip to suit my
 The patch is a bit dirty (there are things which can be improved, and
 I have included my personal configuration). I know official dwm won't
 behave this way, but maybe you can get some ideas from this patch.
 Basically it removes the layouts concept, for me togglefloating is
 enough. I also don't need monocle, a single function suffices (now it
 is called togglemax, it should be maximize, but ok). I have also
 included some mouse functions in the bar. Probably you can have
 problems in xinerama, but I cannot test it.
 I'd like to hear your opinion, because once 4.8 is released I plan to
 split it up in several patches if people have interest...



I would like to know how diverse are the people on the list in terms of the
actual layouts and dwm features they use... that will be good feedback for
all of us to know about the way dwm is patched and used by the community. I
see value in allowing more people to be able to _easily_ patch dwm for their
needs and be able to learn from it and incorporate essential features in

I personally patch dwm so that I can easily restrict the *number* of windows
that are shown in the stack layout. Its based on pancake's older
clientspertag patches and shows in the status bar how many windows are
hidden from view. Now, restricting the number of windows to 1 easily makes
it full screen... and at the cost of a bit of elegance in the code I was
able to hack in a monocle behavior for this particular case of limiting the
number of displayed windows to 1.

Now, the monocle behavior touched focusnext() and focusprev() and I also
touched drawbar() to show the number of hidden windows... I couldn't get all
this done cleanly separated in tile(). The point I am trying to make is that
if a lot of people patch dwm.c for whatever functionality they need then we
didn't do a good job in dwm.c to help abstract and modularize things. Also,
the one thing that is modularized and abstracted out in dwm, through the
variable layout[], is the function tile() which I haven't  modified heavily.

I am not suggesting delaying 4.8 but I guess a good strategy going forward
will be to get a feel of what kind of things the audience on this list like
to modify about dwm and what's dwm's core. We should do something to cleanly
separate *those* things in dwm. IMHO tile is definitely not a good choice...
I would even argue that fitting Xinerama layouts in core dwm is also a step
in the wrong direction.
