[DX] Loki: 20.07.2023

2023-07-20 Thread Risto Kotalampi

Ohessa lokaukset edellisen 7 vuorokauden ajalta.

Ko. lokin saa myös Online Logista (log.hard-core-dx.com) 
seuraavasti: klikkaa "hae", lisätty jälkeen: "2023-07-13 2200 UTC", 
lisätty ennen: "2023-07-20 2200 UTC", klikkaa "Hae". 



PS. Tämä on automaattinen postitus. Jos havaitset siinä virheitä, laita 
minulle sähköpostia. 





		E: SER R Salamanca.   ARS  





		E: SER Radio Segovia.  Tilastolokaus, kun tuli kerrankin taajuuden hallitsijana. ARS  





		CEU: Radiolé, Costa del Estrecho.  Tnx Peksu! SJP kyseli tästä joskus talvella ja kyllä on tullut kytättyä turhaan. Nyt sitten käytännössä yksin taajuudella, ei tietoakaan SER tai romaniasta. ARS  





		CEU: Radiolé, Costa del Estrecho.  01z lähtien voimalla taajuudella ja kuului ainakin 0255z asti. SER jonkun kerran hieman häiritsemässä, mutta varsin suvereeni tämä ja valtaosin musailee täysin yksin taajuudella. ARS  





		CEU: Radiolé, Costa del Estrecho.  Lokataan vielä kerran, kun yhtäkkiä joka yö varsinkin 01z lähtien dominoi taajuutta täysin. Helppo erottaa välillä kurkkivasta SERristä pelkällä spanskipopilla. Joka kappaleen väliin "Radiolé" tyttöjen jingle. Pari kertaa tunnissa hieman pidempi  App/radiolepuntocom spiikki. Tasuriltakin vain aikamerkki sekä jingle. ARS  





		CEU: Radiolé, Costa del Estrecho.  Oli yllätys näin kesäyönä. Jaksoi kuulua pitkään. Käytännössä ainoana asemana taajuudella Vocea Sperantein kanssa ja usemmiten päällimmäisenä. Jinglaili pariin otteeseen idinsä joista sai jopa selvää niin ei tarvinnut tyytyä streami-identifiointiin. Ei ole liiemmin lokissa tätäkään asemaa näkynyt viime aikoina vai pitäisikö sanoa viime vuosina. Vuodelta 2018 löytyy yksi lokaus ja vuodelta 2017 neljä lokausta. Kyseessä siis todella harvinainen asema. Vai...??? PSO/SDXL-VHJ  





		USA: Tentative: WXKS Newton MA.  FOX-nyyssien tunnari ja yksittäisiä englanninkielen sanoja jonkun minuutin. 1430 W(ene)? samaan aikaan. 2315 Utc Kp4 ja brasseja nousi lukuisia. 0015 Utc Kp5 brassit hävisivät ja likimain kaikki yleisimmät yläbandin kolumbialaiset kuuluville vajaaksi tunniksi. Ei vissiin ihan normimeininkiä heinäkuun helteillä? (WXKS lokattu saksasta samana yönä). ARS  





		B: ZYH585 Super Rádio Clube, Fortaleza CE.  Tällä kertaa tämä brasseista taajuudella; hyvin kuului jo tähän aikaan. HTE  





		B: ZYH586 RDN, Fortaleza, CE.  "Radio Rede de Noticias". ARS  





		B: ZYH662 Rádio Liberal AM 1350, Morada Nova CE.  Jos "Liberal 13-50 AM" menee ohi, niin toistelee joka käänteessä Morada novaa ja sitä kautta saa kiinni helpommin. ARS  





		CLM: HJII Esperanza Colombia R, Medellín.  Kyllä se vaan kesäinen CLM-keli tupsahti. Ei tartte Cristalin kuulua täällä edelleenkään :(. ARS  





		CLM: HJD24 La Voz de La Unión, La Unión.  Mitähän tämä tässä teki tähän aikaan vuodesta? Varsinkin, kun olin kuulevinani Belgranon idaavan varttia aikaisemmin ja BOLikin törisi taajuudella. ARS  





		B: ZYH621 R. Sertão Central, Senador Pompeu CE.  Soitti taajuudelle tullessa "Forever Young", ja kyllähän se kelpaisi! HTE  





		UKR: R. Mariya v Ukraini, Khamelnytkyj (KM).   KKH  





		BLR: BR R. Stalitsa, Pinsk.   KKH  





		UKR: UR2 Promin,.   KKH  





		ROU: Fun Radio, Miercurea Ciuc.   JJK  





		D: WDR 2 Studio Dortmund.  Schwerte-tx. JUS/Utö2023  





		G: UNID.  Piraatti. Melly Rosen Free Up ja perään ehkä ID tai ohjelman nimi "Just Keywrew (??) Groovy Soka Selection". Groovy Soka 
on alunperin Trinidad ja Tobagosta peräisin oleva sokamusiikin muoto. DJ sanoi tuon tosi nopeasti vaikka muuten puhui kuin 
Star Warsista rasistisena Karibian stereotypiana poistettu hahmo Jar Jar Binks. Tähän listatulla Kentin Hazard FM:llä 
on/oli DnB/House-formaatti ja sen web-sivusto ei vastaa. Joku karibiaformaattinen lienee vienyt taajuuden? JTK/Utö2023  





		ROU: Pro FM Iasi.  Tuplasti idasi tämäkin: "Pro FM Iasi". Vhj/TPM  





		UKR: UR3 Radio Kultura, 

Re: [HCDX] BBC has updated its frequency pages and grids.

2023-07-20 Thread DF5SX

Re:  BBC has updated its frequency pages and grids.


9410 kHz at 10.05 in KIWI remoted SDR net Hanoi Vietnam

and both Thailand installations S=7-8, but much better signal

noted in Akitakata Hiroshima and Tokyo Japan on Perseus SDR net:

9410even S=9+15dB BBC ENWS via Tinang-PHL relay at 10.20 UT,

and co-channel signal

9410.004 kHz Fu Hsing BC stn Kuanyin TWN in Chinese;

S=7 or -89dBm bad mixture audio of both at Bandung-INS KIWI net

at 10.50 UT.

latter Kuanyin TWN Chinese also

on \\

9773.992 kHz S=9+10dB measured exact frequency


15375.007 kHz S=8 at 10.30 UT on July 20.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]

(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 20)

From: Stephen Luce

Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 2:52 PM

Subject: Re:  BBC has updated its frequency pages and grids.

U.K.   Re:  BBC has updated its frequency pages and grids.

Checking Kiwi-net SDRs in Thailand and Japan at 1050 UT on July 19:

As expected, NO SIGNAL from BBCWS on 15640 kHz; this is (erroneously)

listed on the BBCWS frequencies webpage, but NOT registered with the


A bit of a surprise at 1100UT: Checking various SDRs in Thailand, Vietnam,

Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Western Australia, POOR

RECEPTION of BBCWS on 9410 kHz at all those sites.  HFCC registration has 
this as 250kW at 200 degrees from Tinang, but signal level far below what 
might be expected, even in the supposed beam of the transmission.  Actually 
another site?  Had the thought it might be Tashkent; if so, higher frequency 

Listening 12 and 13 hours earlier the BBC frequencies from Tinang were much 

When listening direct here in Houston, 9410 had provided a fair signal from 
Singapore, and that was the case on July 16 when Tinang was to come into 
use, but the next day very poor reception, and the day after just a flutter. 
Did not check direct today.  I have wondered if the July 16 reception was 
actually a last gasp from Kranji, as the site had been on that day for the 
morning transmissions to Asia.

Stephen Luce

Houston, Texas

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Your opinions : AI text enhancement of latest logs

2023-07-20 Thread Zacharias Liangas via Hard-Core-DX
Here are my latex-t logs as edited by an AI model Your comments will be highly 

"At7:05 AM, Wai FM 11665 kHz was broadcasting a continuous talk and playing 
localsongs. The program also mentioned some frequencies of Miri FM, which 
continuedwith talks and local songs. At 7:17 AM, Wai FM identified itself as 
RadioKayam. However, there was some interference from an unknown signal with 
astrength of -75 dBm." 

"At7:25 AM, KCBS 11685 kHz was playing opera songs sung by a female orchestra 
withlead rock guitar. The signal strength was -80 dBm. 

At 7:47 AM,Radio Totoo on 1143 kHz had a very long ID mentioning their signal 
power of 5kW with a signal strength of -65 dBm. They played a religious song 
beforesigning off. 

At 7:51 AM,Radio Pilipino Dot Com identified itself. The program mixed Pilipino 
withEnglish and discussed the primacy of "lo" (law) with no exemption forthe 
Philippines and relations with China on 1035 kHz.

At 7:55 AM,DYHB on 747 kHz aired an advertisement for Doctor Pinoy Polinsk 
Atoll. Theyidentified themselves at 7:57 AM and played an ad for "The 
Secret".The signal strength was -55 dBm."
Original text for comparison is here 

Zacharias Liangas

Music Producer Greek Music Refuge / Dangdut  and Beyond via R Angela 5130kHz 
GMR: 5130 0230-0300 every Sat   /D 0350-0400 Friday the 4th week of month

Hard  core DXer https://youtu.be/8VJ__oppkLs the pool 
https://bit.ly/3OZixtr  disclaimer on my writinghttps://linktr.ee/zliangas  all 
my pages 

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 20, 2023

2023-07-20 Thread Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX
** CUBA. 11760, July 20 at 0623, RHC Spanish S9+10/20 but vs S9 high
local line? noise level all over LW, MW and SW. Tonight`s extension
channel. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. Research on KVIS, 910, Miami [``Miamuh``] in the NE
corner of OK, which has changed format in the past year; to update
entry in the next NRC AM Log, to be published in next few weeks.
Editor Wayne Heinen needed info by July 20, altho possible further
changes to press time. 

May 27: KVIS-910 Format? Saw a report today that says KVIS is now C
from GOS/REL. Anyone on the [IRCA] list able to confirm or deny it?
still has the “King’s Vision” logo but the stream doesn’t work. 73
Wayne Heinen N0POH, Editor, NRC AM Radio Log, Aurora, CO

gh: I monitored it May 29-30, see my previous reports not repeated
here. Now in July, I can`t get anything vs summer storm levels plus
high local noise level about S9! So I asked our monitor in Tulsa,
Chris Krug, to check, and here is our correspondence about it:

July 8: Hi Chris, I wonder if you could check something out, at your
convenience in the next week? For the NRC AM Log we are trying to
determine the current slogan/ID and format of KVIS 910 Miami OK. I
have a hard time hearing it especially with the summer/storm noise
levels. It`s same direxional pattern day and night and looks like it
would favor Tulsa. Tnx,

July 9: Things are great here Glenn! I`ve been listening this morning
since 1220 UT, seems to be a non-stop loop of Christian soft rock
(actually, every song sounds very much like the last). I was able to
Shazam a couple songs (“Testimony”-Kate Hill 1253, “Snakes in the
Grass” - Kate Hill 1256), no ID at the BOH nor the TOH. Still going at
1307, no announcers between songs and no ID thus far. I’ll check more
through the week. 73 Chris KC5IIE

July 15: Well, Glenn, I wish I had something definitive to add here. I
listened each day for the past week at various times of the day,
sometimes in the shack and from my truck. When on the air, they play a
non-stop loop of Christian pop music. I did note however, on Jul 11
(1200 UT) there was just a carrier with no programing. They were back
on the 12th, but completely gone (no carrier, no programing) at 1500
UT on Jul 13. Back on 1145 UT on the 14th, but I did note an empty
carrier again at 1300 UT later that morning. They are back on this
morning (Jul 15). It seems like there’s a lack of human oversight
here… Have a great week! Chris KC5IIE

July 16: Chris, Many tnx for all your monitoring. Deadline is July 20
so if you have anything to add --- like if they ever announce or ID.
That`s the same situation I had when I did hear it for over an hour
several weeks ago [all music, album trax with pauses, no announcements
or IDs whatsoever for over an hour including hourtops]. Lately too
much storm noise. 73, Glenn

July 17: Sure thing Glenn, I checked it a couple times yesterday and
will continue to do so through the week. It seems to be audible after
630 AM CT; I haven`t been able to copy in the evenings. Have a great
week! 73 Chris KC5IIE

July 19: Interesting change this morning on this. I tuned in at 1132
UT to hear the close of “Headlines Through a Catholic Lens”, followed
by discussion of daily prayer. The signal was very tough to copy, but
I believe I heard “This is Catholic Radio News” at 1143. The signal
pretty much gone by 1200 (I was hoping for that elusive ID). This
afternoon they’re back to nonstop music. Google shows the Catholic
Radio Network is based in KC, MO and has affiliates in Kansas,
Colorado and Missouri, no reference to KVIS though, and no affiliate
on 910 kc. I’ll check it out again in the AM. 73 Chris KC5IIE

July 20: False alarm, Glenn, the station I copied yesterday (and
today) is KATH in Frisco, TX, TOH ID with slogan “Radio for your
Soul”, affiliate of
the Guadalupe Radio Network at 1200 UT. I think KVIS is still playing
nonstop music (as I copied late yesterday). 73 Chris KC5IIE
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. 106.9, July 20 at 1736 UT, ad for First National Bank of
Elk City & Sayre, YL with 100-degree weather:
106.9 THE ZONE 100.0 299.0 34-58-39 99-24-35 4305 K-HIT 726-5656 Kidd
Kraddick Morning Show & Continuous Hit Music! foxradio.fm Top 40 
Another fruitless check for Es but tropo up from W OK, also 96.5 KECO,
99.3 KCLI -- tho 99.3 first had another atop, maybe Es. On 106.9
usually get KHTT from the east, Muskogee (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. Some area DTV tropo enhancement, UT July 20 after 0508:
RF 21, 40-1 KHBS-DT, Ft Smith AR brief decode an no chance to check
out its four channels; its site is in OKLAHOMA! RF 17, 10-1 KTENNBC
Ada; 10-2 KTEN-CW; 10-3 KTEN-ABC; all in solid so Enid local K17JN-D
must be off. Meanwhile have had BAD signal on 17, which may also have
been KTEN before it got a boost. Fixed antenna toward OKC also favors
Ada almost. 

Reminds me of KTEN`s situation long 

[HCDX] Shortwave Modernization Coalition FCC Petition

2023-07-20 Thread Bill Smith
According to the SMC the following 2-25 mhz frequency segments are in the Part 
90 Industrial/Business pool: 2.107 – 2.170; 2.194 – 2.170; 2.505 – 2.850; 3.155 
– 3.400; 4.000 – 4.063; 4.438 – 4.650; 4.750 – 4.995; 5.005 – 5.450; 5.730 – 
5.900; 5.730 – 5.900; 6.765 – 7.000; 7.400 – 8.100; 9.040 – 9.400; 9.900 – 
9.995; 10.150 – 11.175; 11.400 – 11.600; 12.100 – 12.230; 13.410 – 13.570; 
13.870 – 14.000; 15.800 -16.360; 17.410 – 17.480; 18.030 – 18.068; 18.168 – 
18.780; 19.020 – 19.680; 19.800 – 19.990; 20.010 – 21.000; 21.850 – 21.924; 
22.855 – 23.200; 23.350 – 24890. There might be a typo, but you can check 
Appendix E, page 35 of the document. SMC stations have been testing on 4.9, 
10.2, 14.9, 19.9 and 24.8 mhz respectively for several years using experimental 
call signs: WI2XNX, WI2XER, WI2XAJ, WL2XYM, and WM2XTS.  Bill Smith, Douglas, MA

Sent from Mail for Windows

Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 247, Issue 21

2023-07-20 Thread hard-core-dx-request
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: BBC has updated its frequency pages and grids. (df...@darc.de)
   2. Your opinions : AI text enhancement of latest logs
  (Zacharias Liangas)
   3. Glenn Hauser logs July 20, 2023 (Glenn Hauser)
   4. Shortwave Modernization Coalition FCC Petition (Bill Smith)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2023 12:57:56 +0200
To: "_ BCLNEWS" , "_ WOR" ,"HCDX"

Subject: Re: [HCDX] BBC has updated its frequency pages and grids.
Message-ID: <04DF5C4D9A4A45EDB80E91EEFA140566@PC3>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Re:  BBC has updated its frequency pages and grids.


9410 kHz at 10.05 in KIWI remoted SDR net Hanoi Vietnam

and both Thailand installations S=7-8, but much better signal

noted in Akitakata Hiroshima and Tokyo Japan on Perseus SDR net:

9410even S=9+15dB BBC ENWS via Tinang-PHL relay at 10.20 UT,

and co-channel signal

9410.004 kHz Fu Hsing BC stn Kuanyin TWN in Chinese;

S=7 or -89dBm bad mixture audio of both at Bandung-INS KIWI net

at 10.50 UT.

latter Kuanyin TWN Chinese also

on \\

9773.992 kHz S=9+10dB measured exact frequency


15375.007 kHz S=8 at 10.30 UT on July 20.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]

(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 20)

From: Stephen Luce

Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 2:52 PM

Subject: Re:  BBC has updated its frequency pages and grids.

U.K.   Re:  BBC has updated its frequency pages and grids.

Checking Kiwi-net SDRs in Thailand and Japan at 1050 UT on July 19:

As expected, NO SIGNAL from BBCWS on 15640 kHz; this is (erroneously)

listed on the BBCWS frequencies webpage, but NOT registered with the


A bit of a surprise at 1100UT: Checking various SDRs in Thailand, Vietnam,

Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Western Australia, POOR

RECEPTION of BBCWS on 9410 kHz at all those sites.  HFCC registration has 
this as 250kW at 200 degrees from Tinang, but signal level far below what 
might be expected, even in the supposed beam of the transmission.  Actually 
another site?  Had the thought it might be Tashkent; if so, higher frequency 

Listening 12 and 13 hours earlier the BBC frequencies from Tinang were much 

When listening direct here in Houston, 9410 had provided a fair signal from 
Singapore, and that was the case on July 16 when Tinang was to come into 
use, but the next day very poor reception, and the day after just a flutter. 
Did not check direct today.  I have wondered if the July 16 reception was 
actually a last gasp from Kranji, as the site had been on that day for the 
morning transmissions to Asia.

Stephen Luce

Houston, Texas


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2023 12:35:31 + (UTC)
From: Zacharias Liangas 
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [HCDX] Your opinions : AI text enhancement of latest logs
Message-ID: <1335334766.1583544.1689856531...@mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Here are my latex-t logs as edited by an AI model Your comments will be highly 

"At7:05 AM, Wai FM 11665 kHz was broadcasting a continuous talk and playing 
localsongs. The program also mentioned some frequencies of Miri FM, which 
continuedwith talks and local songs. At 7:17 AM, Wai FM identified itself as 
RadioKayam. However, there was some interference from an unknown signal with 
astrength of -75 dBm." 

"At7:25 AM, KCBS 11685 kHz was playing opera songs sung by a female orchestra 
withlead rock guitar. The signal strength was -80 dBm. 

At 7:47 AM,Radio Totoo on 1143 kHz had a very long ID mentioning their signal 
power of 5kW with a signal strength of -65 dBm. They played a religious song 
beforesigning off. 

At 7:51 AM,Radio Pilipino Dot Com identified itself. The program mixed Pilipino 
withEnglish and discussed the primacy of