Re: [DX-CHAT] [DX-NEWS] Mount Athos bad(?) news

2003-07-09 Thread Scott Manthe
Is it any wonder that the rest of the world thinks that the U.S. is
populated by morons?

Scott, N9AI

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 9:06 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] [DX-NEWS] Mount Athos bad(?) news

 I live in the Holy part of Florida, Middleburg. I have a circular driveway
 and one morning each week I conduct a Toot-n-Tell service.  You drive
 through, roll down your window, tell me your sins,  drop few coins in the
 bucket as you depart.
 Seems to me this qualifies as a new entity? (Just the land inside the
 circle) Maybe special call like UN1WX/P.  Calls would be limited to 6, 60
 (Channel one only), and 160 meters PSK-31 (no brags please) and SSTV.
 I would even allow an occasional guest operator. (Special considerations
 given to graduates of Jerry Farwells' School in Lynchburg, Va. and family
 members of Tammy Faye.)
 I would be seeking the ARRL's blessing on this so any honest advice on
 procedures to make this come true is welcome. I have read the DXCC rules
 still a little unclear on the proper procedures.
 Oh, I did forget one thing.  Last week during my service, I went into my
 radio room to get one of my congregation members change for a quarter
 so he could make a donation. I bumped my desk and my radio fell to the
 floor.  It was broken. My friend has unable to repair the radio.  So I
 need a new one donated.

 Hope to hear your TOOT soon!
 A possible NEW one!

 Middleburg's Tooter
 Bill W4WX

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[DX-CHAT] Mount Athos bad(?) news

2003-07-09 Thread ???sta?t???? SV1DPI
I don't like to post on the reflector but i think that we are not right.
Monk Apollo has not a radio for 2 months now.
Has he asked anything?
I (sv1dpi) just told something that i learned and i think is interesting for
all of us.
If we want to give him a radio we can do it.
If we don't he will continue to live in Virgin Mary's garden in Mount Athos.
He is on the air when the other monks are sleeping. He is doing all the job
that the other monks do and he is trying to be on the air at his spare
time(Has he really?) for all of us.

Ron asked if he will accept a new radio. He was accepted his antenna like a
donation from Cushcraft and i asked him for this. He told that is ok if you
are not asking a license. The main reason: he can not help to get a license.

Finally i think that we must stop with all of this.
We hope that he will find a new rig quickly and he will be some hours on the
air again.

Kostas Stamatis, SV1DPI
Electrical Engineer
PO Box 66 - 30100 Agrinio

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Re: [DX-CHAT] donations etc

2003-07-09 Thread Zack Widup
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Charles Harpole wrote:

 Two thoughts:
 1.  Sometimes it is difficult to determine who is genuinely impoverished and 
 who is just fishing for a new free radio.  But, a monk has likely taken a 
 vow of poverty and from emails on the subject, this Monk seems not to have 
 the support for ham radio from his order/Church (who could easily afford a 
 new radio for him by selling one of the gold spoons in the Vatican 
 archive???).  So, I think a donation to this particular Monk is justified, 
 but future solicitations need to be carefully evaluated to hold down fraud.

Monk Apollo is in the Greek Orthodox (Byzantine) Church.  They have no
connections with the Vatican.  But I'm sure they have their own riches!
They probably just don't use them for such mundane things as ham radio.

 2.  I think it is not in the spirit of ham radio to put conditions on GIFTS, 
 like if u let me come there and operate, I will give u a rig.  I know 
 personally that a well known publisher of a DX info source does not do that 
 because he freely gave a radio, with no condx, to the 9N guys (as shown and 
 published with photos in another DX magazine in an article by me).  But, we 
 travelers all need to be careful to make gifts really gifts.  Our hams 
 records have been wonderful when guys go to rare places and then leave gear 
 and antennas behind for the locals to use.  Great!!!

I agree.  If someone really wants an operator in a rare country to have a
radio, just send him the radio.  Let him do with it (or not) as he
pleases.  It's HIS once you've given it to him.  Anyone who doesn't like
that idea shouldn't be sending the radio.

73, Zack W9SZ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] [DX-NEWS] Mount Athos bad(?) news

2003-07-09 Thread John and Mari Minke
Finally, we have seen a sensible answer to this. I'm surprised by many of the
answers (and responses to Ron) that our DX community hasn't got it yet!

73 de John N6JM

Ron Notarius WN3VAW wrote:
 (Reply moved to DX CHAT)
 I think we have to remember that Monk Apollo lives a very different life
 than we do, and has very different priorities.  And by extension, so does
 the Council that governs Mount Athos.
 I surely hope that we have not seen the last of Amateur Radio from SV/A for
 the near future... but I have to wonder if that is indeed the case.
 Considering everything that's gone on with operating from there over the
 past few years, one wonders if the Powers That Be have decided that enough
 is enough and that Amateur Radio is too distracting from their other
 And having said that... does anyone know if a donated radio is offered, will
 Monk Apollo accept it?
 73, ron wn3vaw

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