Any you folks hooked up with Dave, 7P8SV (K4SV),
in Lesotho yet ??  If so would you pse send me a
personal mail and let me know band/mode/time/ur QTH.

My W6EL Prop shows limited openings on 40 and 30M
for QTH in NC. Slow moving cold front in mid-west been
keeping S.E. inundated with nasty thundersorms last 3
eves, so op time limited and when no storms nasty QRN.

Also have not heard a sta from AF on any bands in months.
Only thing I have heard to East in Southern Hemisphere on
30M has been 3B8FG. Course now I only running a good
vertical and no tower/yagi !!

This constant solar wind from a favorably positioned
[favorable position ??? :-) :-) ] coronal hole keeping the
Bz component of magnetosphere irritated with resulting
ionospheric disturbances is really getting to be a drag !!!

I don't need 7P8 on any bands, but would like to hook
up with good friend Dave, 7P8SV.

Please reply direct:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Thanks much for your time/BW,  Larry   K4WLS

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