Re: [DX-CHAT] BPL - What are YOU doing?

2003-08-15 Thread Fred Stevens K2FRD
For the first time, I was able to complete the online comment process 
and actually receive a Confirmation Number from the FCC. This was my 
fourth or fifth attempt and I was about to give up ever filing a 
comment against BPL. Whether or not the below hyperlink is the same 
URL I was using before, I don't know. But at least, this time it 
worked. Thanks, Steve! Whatever happened, your message gave it the 
magic touch!

At 10:29 -0700 15/08/03, Steve Lawrence wrote:
To file your comments on-line with the FCC, go to
The Proceeding number which you should type into box 1 is 03-104.

The deadline for filing your comments is August 20th.

73 de Fred Stevens K2FRD
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[DX-CHAT] BPL - What are YOU doing?

2003-08-15 Thread Steve Lawrence
And while you're taking the time to respond (see below), you might 
consider cutting a check to the League to fight this. The thousands of 
dollars you have invested in equipment and antennas certainly warrants 
doing what you can to make sure you will be able to continue using them!

If you have doubts, go to the link below and LISTEN!

73, Steve WB6RSE

On Friday, August 15, 2003, at 09:13  AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As I understand it, the Broadband over Power Line (BPL) proposal by the
electric power companies is an attempt to have the FCC relax the 
power line radiation limits.  Yet, in the same breath, the electric 
companies have stated that BPL already is within those limits.  If so,
then why do they want the limits relaxed?

I have watched the ARRL video of the mobile test that W1RFI made in 
July of the four areas where BPL is being tested and I was appalled by
the level and type of interference that BPL causes in the HF spectrum
(even though W1RFI said that the radiation was within the FCC limits).
The ARRL news story and the downloadable video are available at

BPL sweeps the range of 2 to 80MHz, so if you operate on 80 thru 6 
and BPL goes nationwide, it'll wipe you out.  You also might have to
stand the wrath of neighbors who connect to the Internet via BPL if you
interfere with it.

To file your comments on-line with the FCC, go to
The Proceeding number which you should type into box 1 is 03-104.

The deadline for filing your comments is August 20th.

73, de Earl, K6SE
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