2004-10-28 Thread Charles Harpole
VU2RBI, Bharathi of India, has asked me to post the following message from 
her to all radio hams.
Charles Harpole

Dear radio hams,
Thank you very much for your letter support for
Andaman DXpedition.  I am collecting all the letters
which you have sent to me and submitting these
letters to Mr. Maran, VU2DMK, and Mrs Soni
Gandhi, VU2SON. I am trying my best to activate two
Islands including Lakshdweep Islands. We will see that
permanent Ham stations will be installed on these islands.
Once again thanks a million to those who are supporting my
activity.  As soon as I get permission I will inform to
every one. I am really thankful to Mr. Charles, K4VUD,
for doing all help for my expedition.
73,  Bharatrhi Prasad, VU2RBI
tel no 26178154
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2004-10-28 Thread Mike Mattes
I tried unsuccesfully many times to get a QSL from XW0X who was active a 
couple of years ago. Hiroo, formerly JA2EZD I believe, operated from several 
SE Asia spots. I realize that he had mail problems in XW and announced a new 
box in Vientiane to which I also sent cards without result. Has anyone got a 
successful route? Please reply direct and I will report back to the group. 
Thanks in advance.

Mike Mattes W2LO
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