[DX-CHAT] QRV Again! (Well, almost)

2005-06-16 Thread Ron Notarius
After almost 2-1/2 years of kvetching, moaning, planning, scheming, and
teeth knashing, I FINALLY got a wire up in the air here at the rental last

There may be nothing more frustrating (for a ham) than looking out every day
into a nice back yard on a hill, knowing that it's the perfect spot for a
vertical, and being unable to put one up (why? lots of reasons -- had to
sweet talk the wife, persuade the landlord's maintenance guy, worry about
the neighborhood kids who use the back yards  woods behind them as one big
play lot... and that big tree that they dropped in the middle of everything
last year that made access to the whole antenna area impossible didn't
help).  But finally, the day was nice, the weather cooperated, the wife
wasn't around to have second thoughts, the coax got buried, and the wire got
in the trees.

Of course, it wouldn't load.  Went over the coax connections, the wire, and
so forth.  Finally figured it out this morning.  I plugged the PL-259 into
the Dummy Load SO-239 on the tuner instead of the Antenna-2 one.  Figures.
But it now loads.  Haven't heard a bloody thing yet, it's touchy on 10 12
and 160, and it needs some radials, but it loads.  (It's roughly 70 feet up
to one tree, and across to another.  I'd hope to hang it as an inverted-L,
but it's more of an end-fed inverted-V).  Now comes the fun part!

I'd like to publicly thank three people for all of their assistance in this:

-- First, Bill W3WH, who's provided moral support and the occasional use of
his shack (love that Orion!) to keep what's left of my sanity intact.

-- Second, Larry K3VX, who gave up an afternoon on Monday to help me get the
wire up in the trees, dodging slingshot weights (until we lost them all) and
rusty mobile antenna coils until my aim finally righted itself.

--Third and by no means last, Larry K4WLS, who last year was unexpectedly
kind enough to have AES ship me some new coax, paddles, and connectors.
Screwy circumstances didn't permit me to use any of it until now, but now it
will all be put to good use!

Now let's see if I can work some people!

73, ron wn3vaw

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[DX-CHAT] Rockall EU-189

2005-06-16 Thread Tom Wylie

If this indeed an activation of Rockall I take my 
hat off and salute the team involved. Over the past 20 years I have 
activated almost all of the Scottish Offshore Islands and have gone to great 
lengths to study Rockall including maps and photographs and I know just how 
difficult this operation will be.

I discussed possible landings with The Scottish 
Coastguard Service when the Chief Officer was a licensed Amateur and we looked 
at going with the Coastguard S61 Rescue Chopper. You can see a 
picture of this chopper on my old web site at:

The site is no longer active but still 

The S61 on a full fuel load and otherwise empty 
could only hover at Rockall for 10 minutes. Unfortunately I am too 
old and too fat to dangle from the rope of a helicopter.

Rockall has been activated once before, but by a 
non licensed CBer who made a few QSOs and even sent out some "QSL" 

The WX on the west coast of Scotland today was 
pretty foul I can only guess what it would be like at RockallIn the winter 
the sea breaks right over the rock. As the activation took place 
when I was at work today and is likely to take place whan I am at work tomorrow, 
never the less I am excited by the thought that somebody has actually made it at 

Saturday is supposed to be hot and sunny in 
Scotland so maybe we might be successful then if they are still 

de Tom



2005-06-16 Thread Tony Martin W4FOA

Anyone know what might have happened to the 
Rockall Island IOTA group?
They were on 14260 around 1330Z-1500Z and then 
abruptly disappeared.
I guess it could have been a pirate but appeared 
to be legit.
Just curious.
Tony, W4FOA