For those of you who did not know, Henry Radio is completely shut down all manufacturing of new equipment as of Dec 2004. I think I must be one of the last purchasers of a Henry amp as I purchasd it at the 2004
Visalia DX convention where their vendor RadioDan was
an exibitor. Old timers remember the Henry amp as one
of the best on the market. Am absolutely delighted with mine having used a SB-200 for years. The quality of workmanship is marvelous and everything is massive. This 70 year old DXer did something really stupid by picking that 80lb beast up out of the carton and carrying it to the station. Spent a long time in the HOT shower on my lower back. No bragging intended, but when the Henry & my 6 bay Sterba call, they answer. Sad to see another Ham radio classic gone by the wayside. 73 Russ W4UBC Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems

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