Re: [DX-CHAT] FCC in action

2003-11-27 Thread John and Mari Minke
Whatever! His license is going to run out anyway and he will not be in a
position to renew it. Once upon a time when renewing your license one was
to have proof that he or she had been on the air within a period of time
prior to renewal. Obviously, he will fail here.

John N6JM

 from ARRL news bulletin:
 The FCC has issued an Order to Show Cause to a Texas Amateur Radio
 licensee who's now serving a 32-year prison sentence for killing his wife
 in 1996. The FCC's show cause order released November 21 is the opening
 bell in a hearing process that could end with the revocation of the
 Advanced class license of Roger Thomas Scaggs, W5EBC. He must indicate
 within 30 days whether he plans to appear at a hearing on the matter to
 show cause why his license should not be revoked.
 Like he is going to terrorize the airwaves from the jail (radioclub) ?
 Anybody got his QSL, might fetch something on eBay :-(
 Maybe FCC should pay more attention to (not) monopolizing the large network
 ownership of stations and BPL menace?
 Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless America!
 Yuri, K3BU

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Re: [DX-CHAT] avis is. question

2003-11-22 Thread John and Mari Minke
Alan Leith wrote:
 I wanted to mount an expedition to Enterprise Is. but I can't afford it
 because I'm on a Budget.
 Al, VE1AL
I guess I'm slow to pick up this, but what about Dollar Island? Or
Rent a Wreck! 

John N6JM

 - Original Message -
 From: Bob Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 6:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] avis is. question
  On Sat, Nov 22, 2003 at 10:04:10PM -, Stuart Santelmann KC1F wrote:
I saw recently where it seemed that avis island was going to be
sometime this year.  As I need it for an all-time-new one, I was
But I cannot seem to find the reference announcement.  Anybody any
steve, k8wk
   The Avis Island operation will be on #2, following the Hertz Island
   Sorry to all, I couldn't resist...
  That's OK.  By the way, the DXpedition to National Island has been
  given the green light.
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Re: [DX-CHAT] DX Cluster help/suggestion

2003-10-10 Thread John and Mari Minke
You can just put so much on a line. Space now already limits the
information. But, whatever. Gone are the days when one worked DX
by the seat of his pants. No spots, no DX editors, etc.

73 de John N6JM

Gary Stone wrote:
 This is N5PHT, Gary, writing from North Texas.  I once before
 suggested this idea and it really didn't catch on - maybe I did not
 try it long enough and would really like to try again if there is some
 The DX spots could be made in a uniform way that would really give
 helpful info in a short space.  For example, if I spot a DX station
 and in the info area I put:
 That would mean I am cpy the dx 579 and I am in W5 land and I am using
 a dipole (D) and it is up 10 meters.  It would be easy to devise a
 simple uniform reporting system.
 For example, the antenna:
 B2- beam (with the number designation being the number of elements)
 D- diopole
 V- vertical
 It would not need to be elaborate to help make the spot more useful.
 When I see a spot and it says 'strong hr' that does not really mean
 much.  The spotter may be using a 3 element beam up 25 meters and that
 would explain why I am not hearing the dx with a dipole at 10 meters.
 So, the suggested syntax:
 You could include (I think I did last time I suggested this) a power
 designator but what really matters is hearing the DX.  If I spot the
 BQ9P this morning it would be:
 And that would give useful information.  You could even add a grid
 square to make it more precise?
 73 de N5PHT, Gary

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Re: [DX-CHAT] 3C0V Situation

2003-10-08 Thread John and Mari Minke
This one should have been moved from dx-news, so I will. From
what I gather some DXers seem to be interested only in working
a new one regardless of what is going on in the world today.

Remember the German DXpedition to Spratly several years ago? That
one resulted in one of the operators killed when fired upon.
Everyone knew that things on the islands were not cool and all
were taking a big chance just to work a new one.

Sixty years ago DXers had no problem. DXers were off the air. Some
did have a chance to play with radios and were cjhoice targets, on
both sides of the conflict.

John N6JM

BTW. History was made in California last night. A sucessful recall
and a chance were an immigrant could wind up in the highest office
in the state!

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Country Names

2003-09-25 Thread John and Mari Minke
Larry, K4WLS wrote:
  I am sure that we would all prefer United States
 of America rather than keep the old name of New Britainia.

I missed something in American history or I don't recall that name!
 I can't even spell it off the bat without looking
 it up, much less pronounce it correctly. If you try to pronounce it in
 English from the correct spelling using
 what you think the correct syllables are, 99.9 % of us will
 mis-pronounce it.

How about the English pronounication of Kiribati. Or Revillagigedo? If you
know Spanish, no problem. But tell that to Alaskans who live in Ketchikan,
located on an island of the same name! They don't understand Spanish!


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Where is my QSL ??

2003-09-21 Thread John and Mari Minke
Larry, K4WLS wrote:
  For major DXpeditions, I usually enclose a personal
 check of from $ 10.00 - $ 30.00 to help defray QSL costs.
 I have never had a problem with a personal check going

This would be great if the DXpedition had a account with a
U.S. bank. Otherwise, the bank will take their cut and a good
part of your donation will go into the profits of the bank. On
a lighter side your cancelled check is proof of donation at
April 15th time!

 The US Postal Service does lose mail. Good question is
 where the black hole is. Last year, I had a home mortgage
 and car payment, mailed the same day, never reach the
 correct destination. I never knew it until next month when
 my amount due was double plus a late fee. I called the
 financial institutions, explained the situation, and the late
 fees went away. The original checks have never cleared
 my bank, and probably never will. If they do somehow
 surface, I am a month ahead.

Yup! Over the years I have had almost $3000 in uncleared checks. 
Never delete from my balance and have a nice buffer!

John N6JM

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Re: Re[2]: [DX-CHAT] Return postage amounts ? longer

2003-09-20 Thread John and Mari Minke
Actually, it was a Canadian that made that statement following 9/11. If you don't
understand, who do you think provided lend-lease to you in World War II???

John N6JM

Art RX9TX wrote:
  Hello DX-CHAT,
  Saturday, September 20, 2003 John and Mari Minke wrote to Charles Harpole:
 JaMM Americans are the most generous people in the world!
 The most? Sounds modest. How do you know?
  73...Art RX9TX20.09.2003 17:55 UTC

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2003-08-20 Thread John and Mari Minke
Paul Playford wrote:
 That was not my experience.  It seemed to me that there was an
 airplane at every house and an hf antenna on every other house.
 Looked like AK was ham heaven from a CCR perspective.
 de Paul, W8AEF

That may have been some time ago, but not in 1997. There was a
developement in Homer that had strict CCR restrictions, one in
particular was no telecommunication towers.

John N6JM

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Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-11 Thread John and Mari Minke
Carl wrote:
 Monk Apollo is not going to live forever...then what  ?
 Food for thought.
 73, de Carl  K8AV

Change entity of Mount Athos to that of Monk Apollo. Then when he dies
it goes into the goodby list as the entity has ceased to exist. There!

73, de John N6JM

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Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX

2003-07-11 Thread John and Mari Minke
ve7kb wrote:

 How long is this going to go on,sure glad my delete key is still

Heck, OM, it's a DX forum. If not interested, yes do use your 
delete key. But, please let those who are interested to
continue on. de John N6JM

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Re: [DX-CHAT] [DX-NEWS] Mount Athos bad(?) news

2003-07-09 Thread John and Mari Minke
Finally, we have seen a sensible answer to this. I'm surprised by many of the
answers (and responses to Ron) that our DX community hasn't got it yet!

73 de John N6JM

Ron Notarius WN3VAW wrote:
 (Reply moved to DX CHAT)
 I think we have to remember that Monk Apollo lives a very different life
 than we do, and has very different priorities.  And by extension, so does
 the Council that governs Mount Athos.
 I surely hope that we have not seen the last of Amateur Radio from SV/A for
 the near future... but I have to wonder if that is indeed the case.
 Considering everything that's gone on with operating from there over the
 past few years, one wonders if the Powers That Be have decided that enough
 is enough and that Amateur Radio is too distracting from their other
 And having said that... does anyone know if a donated radio is offered, will
 Monk Apollo accept it?
 73, ron wn3vaw

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[DX-CHAT] DXCC Listings

2003-06-17 Thread John and Mari Minke
All this all-time DXCC listings (deleted and gone forever) has
created much discussion. I made a comment with that honor to senior
DXers, but this could apply to all.

Many DXers work hard to work a new one. They are not blessed with
super stations with super antennas. And, many do not use the aid
of computer programs that do everything but activate your 

So, if a country was deleted at least all their effort was for
nothing. But, with the present DXCC standards it is just that. So,
the guy who has everything won't miss it.

There was a comment regarding DXCC listings with both all-time and
current shown. Does it matter? My listing is high but it doesn't
include that little asterisk like everyone else at my level. I
know my current level. And, anyone else who looks at the listing
will know that N6JM ain't honor roll. But, so what. When I finally
get around to making the honor roll it will be without the aid of
a super station and/or super antenna. Hard work!

73 de John N6JM

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2003-04-04 Thread John and Mari Minke
Perhaps I am behind the times, but my honest opinion is anyone who goes
the eQSL route doesn't really want your QSL card. Somehow sounds like the
bureau QSLing of Japanese contesters who QSL all there contacts, regardless
of how many times they have sent cards to you over the years - many on the
same band/mode.

Couple of weeks ago some fellow sent me an e-mail to tell me he had just 
sent me an eQSL and gave me the site. I couldn't access the site without going
through this registering process. Since I didn't feel up to going through
this procedure (and not interested in eQSL as they have no value at the present
time) I wrote back that I didn't collect eQSL. I believe I did mention that 
there would be no problem with real QSL cards.

Now if I work (when I get back on the air) a DXpedition that I contribute to
I am not going to settle for a damn eQSL.

73 de John N6JM

John C Owens wrote:
 Upon accessing my backlog of eQSLs at their site, I find the following:
 19 from cards that I had QSL'd through the bureau and have never received
 a response (other than this)


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Be Careful What You Wish For

2002-12-17 Thread John and Mari Minke
Not really, and you answered this yourself. 22.72 amps! Of course, you would
be using the same type of circuit as for your electric clothes dryer. If
you use a double-oven you might even be using a 50 amp circuit. No need for

John N6JM

  Running 5KW from the average residential place might be hard to do.
 Normally to run this type of power you need three-phase primary power and
 this is usually not available in residential areas --- in fact it is often
 hard to obtain in light-industrial areas.
   Figure it out for yourself, even running a primary power of 220 voltrs,
 for just the final alone you would need 5000/220 or 22.72 amps, not counting
 the rest of the rig and accessories.
   Tom Orr,   W6HT

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2002-11-02 Thread John and Mari Minke
Try [EMAIL PROTECTED] according to the NCDXC directory. I think you forgot the
dot! If that fails try landline at (916) 689-3534.  73 de John N6JM

Mike(W5UC)  Kathy(K5MWH) Watson wrote:
 Does anyone know or have a valid e-mail address for Norm Wilson, N6JV?  I
 have [EMAIL PROTECTED], but that bounces.
 Mike, W5UC

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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC - lets talk (W-100-N)

2002-09-04 Thread John and Mari Minke

The reason for not accepting reciprocal calls, such as that of Ed
in North Korea, was to try to limit calls to nationals only. Yes,
I know non-citizens could get full calls, but that would have been
too hard to police.

Worldradio's W-100-N (the present edition) was created some 25 years
ago and the present issuance is only 630, so it is not that popular.

Some of you may be aware that Worldradio has a sister publication, ITN,
or International Travel News, and has a similar award for visiting at
least 25 different nations. However, the two nations criteria do not 
agree. Not the G, GM, GI, etc, all count as separate nations for W-100-N,
but for ITN only UK. Anyone who has been to the Isle of Man will note that
they do not claim to be part of the UK. I have tried to tell ITN but get
deaf ears.

W-100-N does need to be revampted, but this will take a lot of work and
research or so.

John N6JM

BTW you would be surprised just how many applicants try to submit DXCC forms
for W-100-N. There have been some or so who submitted Clipperton for FO.

Gary Stone wrote:
 Yes, World Radio has this type award available.  But,
 it would be nice to the see the ARRL offer such an
 award.  Many awards are duplicated by different
 organizations (CQ, World Radio, ARRL, etc.).  The
 Worldradio award has an interesting prohibition to
 portable type calls.  e.g. Ed in North Korea doesn't
 count even though he has lived there for several years
 now but someone who receives a call for 2 weeks use
 would count as long as it is not portable with a
 I would like to see the ARRL sponsor such an award but
 there may not be enough interest.
 73 de N5PHT, Gary

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Re: [DX-CHAT] QST articles on lightning need work

2002-07-17 Thread John and Mari Minke

I was referring to the old man flying his kite in the rain. But, if
you want to beat me up on this one too go ahead. The bands must be
dead!  73 de John N6JM

Albert Garcia wrote:
 Actually, Ben Franklin WAS an expert in his day...
 Bert N8NN

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