Re: [DX-CHAT] Follow-up on Via France post

2008-11-18 Thread Laurent FERRACCI

Barry a écrit :
I know someone whose son is a supr. with USPS.  I posed the question to 
him about writing routing info like Via France or Via Japan on an 
envelope and whether it makes any difference.

Hi friends,

Reunion is a french departement. It's located overseas, but has the 
same public services than we have in France. The french post is exactly 
the same here and there.

It's not necessary to even write Reunion island. There's a french 
postcode (97...) that means it. Only write FRANCE and it will arrive 
in the Reunion island.

Laurent Ferracci, F1JKJ
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Re: [DX-CHAT] A5100A

2008-11-11 Thread Laurent Ferracci

Zack Widup a écrit :
Has anyone in the USA on this group (well, let's even say North America) 
worked/heard A5100A yet? All the spots I've seen for them have been from 
Asia and EU and I haven't heard a peep from them.


They talk about their weakness in their last info message:


Laurent, F1JKJ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ: Canned Worms (long)

2007-12-29 Thread Laurent Ferracci

Ron Notarius W3WN a écrit :

Then there's the matter of the use of the OH2AM call itself.  Now, on
 this matter, I'm on shakier ground since I'm not extremely familiar
 with the CEPT regulations.  But the implications in the letter of 
criminal offenses bother me on several levels.  Here in the US, 
there's a difference, often a big difference, between minor 
(misdemeanor) and major (felony) infractions.

Well, in France we have three levels of infractions: contraventions
(driving over speed limit)=you get fined; délits (you steel
something)=you can go to prison 10 years, and crimes (you kill
someone)=you can go to prison more than 10 years. Violating the amateur
rules worth up to 6 monthes of prison and 3EUR, so it's not
criminal. In the french version of his letter, F6GOX wrote délictuel,
not criminel.

IF this is correct... if the club call was improperly used... is THIS
 enough to cause the DXCC desk to disapprove of the operation for 
DXCC purposes?  I don't know the answer to that... only Bill Moore 
NC1L can ultimately answer that.

I guess VE6LB summed it up well when he wrote

I think it's really up to the licensing authority for FJ (the French
 I believe) to decide if the use of the CEPT licence is valid in this

My opinion is that french authorities will not do anything, as they do
not enforce amateur radio rules.

Which starts to move into the second major issue.  Why is this 
controversy being raised at all?

Well.. I don't want to write a long post too. When you come to operate a
foreign place that has local hams, you CAN contact them, meet them,
greet them, drink a beer with them. I don't mean you HAVE to, but you
CAN. That's good manners.

DXCC does not list good manners as accreditation criteria.

To be the first, the finnish decided NOT to tell the locals about their
plan. They decided to play only with compulsory rules, not with good

As a result, nobody attacks them on their manners. They are attacked on
their playground, rules, BECAUSE of manners they didn't follow.

Let's look at some history, or at least as much as we know.  The 
French Ministry decreed that St. Barthelemy become an Overseas 
Collective on February 21.  [...] And this was the effective date of 
this decree

No. The law itself tells it will be effective after the newly elected
territorial council meets for the first time. It has been elected on
July 8 and met on July 15, so July 15 is the date the Feb. 21 law came
into effect. The new oversea collectivity did not exist before.

Now one can argue that the date that the entity came into being was 
February 21 and that the  addition to the entity list should be 
backdated accordingly.

Not only we can, but no one should agree !! Let's read the 1.c criteria
(under which FJ has been created) (short form by myself):

c) The Entity [...] is administered by a local government [...]. To 
satisfy [this] criteria of this sub-section, an Entity must be listed


So.. To satisfy, it MUST be listed.
Or.. if it's NOT listed, it does NOT satisfy.
Was St Barthelemy listed before December 14 ? No.
So did St Barthelemy satisfied before December 14 ?

Laurent Ferracci
Blog radio

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Traveling with $100

2007-08-26 Thread Laurent Ferracci

Barry a écrit :
Here in the US of A, even though they keep redesigning the currency, the 
older ones are still accepted.

It remembers me that, on two occasions not that old (in the 90's), i 
received some 1$ in silver payable to the bearer on demand banknotes !

Laurent F1JKJ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] ARRL's response to Yearbook Whine.

2007-08-02 Thread Laurent Ferracci


Thanks for your comments.

Basically, the standings have outgrown the publication.


Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks again and 73!


Bill Moore NC1L
DXCC Manager

My suggestion would be for ARRL to publish a nice (ie with cover etc) 
standings booklet and to publish it (members only ?) in PDF so that 
the interested ones could simply download  print it without all the 
hassle of assembling it themselves.

Laurent Ferracci, F1JKJ

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2007-04-30 Thread Laurent Ferracci

Punishing all operators from a particular region because a few misbehave
just increases the frustation level and puts more QRM on the DX 

Thanks for us, europeans. I guess that with BS7H now on, we'd better be 
prepared to listen to the US crybabies.

That's the risk, for sure. But conversely, what can a DX operation do 
when their pileups are completely out of control

I don't agree on this point: Under the QRM, what i heard yesterday was a 
rather nicely controled pileup. The op (I8NHJ, the spotters said) seemed 
to work easily and with a good rythm.

After 5 hours on-and-off today I just gave up, visited a friend and 
helped out the XYL.

Well at 19Z the propagation was down, certainly closed for the major 
part of Europe. I could still hear them 53 and listened to them and the 
pileup while eating a pizza (TNX YL) in front of the radio. I suddenly 
heard a 59 from the pileup, jumped in and got them !

It was my lucky day, beacuse i have to admit that i had hard times, a 
few hours before, fo find the QSX between 200 and 230 ! So i didn't call 
that much, maybe 10 times ?

It's kind of a shame that these two are extremely difficult from NA.

It's a shame that N8S was so difficult from EU etc etc..

Laurent Ferracci, F1JKJ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] dxkeeper solved

2007-04-24 Thread Laurent Ferracci

Jim Abercrombie a écrit :
Thanks to all who replied.  Got it working. Now the tedious task of 
transferring from my paper log.

I don't know how many QSOs you need to manually enter, but you may be 
interested in Fast Log Entry. It's not a computerized logbook, just a 
way to transfer from paper to ADIF. Then you end up with an ADIF file 
you can import into DXkeeper for everything else (QSLing, LotW..)

It's at


Laurent Ferracci, F1JKJ
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