OK, so I had 5 QSOs with 7O1YGF which I never requested confirmation for. After the 7O1A debacle and my cards being rejected by the DXCC Desk, I decided to take a "lets see what happens attitude". I pretty much had given up hope that the 7O1YGF operation would ever be approved after a year or two of not hearing anything, and subsequently put it out of my mind. Naturally, I am now very eager to get these contacts confirmed. This would put me within one click of having worked and confirmed them all. So does anyone know if the original ops have the logs and will answer direct QSL requests? The sources I checked indicate DJ3XD as the route for CW contacts, and DK9KX for SSB & RTTY. I've never used LOTW, from what I have read elsewhere, that may become a viable way to receive a confirmation. I'd rather have the actual card. Kicking myself for not having acted when the operation was still recent. What would you do if you were me?

vy 73/DX, Mike, K2CD

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