Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better international DXers?

2006-08-04 Thread petethepup

That reminds me of the American  " World series " of a game not 
played anywhere else but in NA !

And Miss Universe is always won by someone from planet Earth.

Credit to Letterman for that one.


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[DX-CHAT] W6AM - then & now

2006-06-01 Thread petethepup

Rolling Hills ain't what it used to be.

After reading the note in the latest Contesters rate sheet regarding
the W6AM page at -

I forwarded this interesting URL to my friend Tim, KA8DDZ. The next day he
returned this striking Google Maps comparison of the rhombic farm
as it was back in the day, and what the area looks like now. Scroll to the
last 2 pictures at the bottom of my picture page -

Little boxes all in a row now... a lil sad, actually.  At least we have the
pictures from yesteryear to keep the memories alive.

Rich, N8UX

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[DX-CHAT] Unidentified local signal 30m

2006-05-03 Thread petethepup

I was cruising through the noise on 30m this morning,
and began to hear 5 character groups, or rather, the hash
from a CW transmission all through 30m. I found the
signal at 10.126, and it was pegging full scale (>60db over)
on a ts-850 - adding 20db att reduced it to 50 over.  There
was no fading in the signal, so I assume it's ground wave and
local to me in Somerset, KY.

I'm aware of the mysterious "numbers" stations, but this one is
destroying my 30m dx'ing.  Should I investigate, or will the MIB
make me disappear, and make it look like it was my fault?

Funny - the transmission ended at 1135 ut with AR AR AR SK SK SK,
then DIT DIT.  Well, any friend of CW is a friend of mine, I guess.

Two bits,

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Re: [DX-CHAT] modern radio design not friendly

2006-03-31 Thread petethepup

At least Charles was able to replace the battery and go on his merry 
way. In the old Icom IC751A. all-band, all-mode radio, if you let 
the battery go dead you became the proud owner of a doorstop. (I speak from

I had a 751 that went belly up this way - fortunately there is an after
market board that fixes it, plus adds a few features (more memories,
variable rate tuning, i think).  751 - a good dx rig for the price.

Rich, N8UX

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Re: [DX-CHAT] An "Official" LotW user list?

2006-03-25 Thread petethepup

I'm not sure a "list" of over 18,000 certificates would be of much use.

I guess what I was getting at is that the text list of callsigns can now be
integrated into certain cluster user software that will let you know when
a call being spotted is a certificate holder.

But on second thought, perhaps HB9BZA's list is a more accurate
representation of *active* LotW users, as his list is built from contributed
lotwrprt.adi files. Perhaps the official list would be information overkill.

Rich, N8UX. 

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[DX-CHAT] An "Official" LotW user list?

2006-03-25 Thread petethepup

In relation to my previous post, I think if ARRL would periodically release
an "official" user list, it would provide incentive for cluster users to
chase dx that choose to qsl via LotW.

Yes, I hear the non-cluster types tearing me down for "not finding them
the old fashioned way".  I certainly continue to get myself up at 4am with
a cup of coffee to tune thru the bands looking to be the one who spots
the dx first - after I work them.  But my time has become more valuable
in my middle years, and I embrace spotting, rig control, LotW.  The more
data presented to me from my monitor, the better.

I don't get up at 4am as much as I did when I was an 18 yr old Novice, and
my rig no longer keeps my coffee warm,  but the excitement is still there,
and I guess that's what it's all about.

tu de Rich, N8UX.

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RE: [DX-CHAT] Logbook of World

2006-03-25 Thread petethepup

By the way I suspect there are more contesters using LOTW that 
actual DXers.  I think the main reason for that is they are all using

Absolutely... contesters are more "in touch" with electronic submissions.
They're used to the process. On the other hand, I have 50 qsls from w3lpl -hi!

  Any positive suggestions?

I think something that has not been mentioned much is the recent
feature of certain dx clusters now indicating which spotted callsigns
are LoTW users. By using the "un-official" callsign list at -

...and integrating it with VE7CC's ar-user program, I can now search
and pounce on dx that I'm relatively sure will qsl via LotW.  I'll still
pay the price for the exotic cards for the shack wall,  but when it comes
to qsl'ing specific band/modes,  I'm all for LotW.  This new cluster feature
really improves my time management when it comes to pursuing DXCC.

This is not a sales pitch for VE7CC's program (besides, it's free), but
I recommend it.

Rich, N8UX.

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Re: [DX-CHAT] KP5 Documents

2006-03-15 Thread petethepup

On Wed, 15 Mar 2006, N7MAL wrote:
> Forgive me for asking a stupid question and throwing water on
> everyone's parade but has anyone published a copy of the documents,
> signed by F&W, authorizing the KP5 operation...???...

I have never seen ANY documents published showing that any given
DXpedition was legal.  I am assuming the proper documents were submitted
to ARRL.  Unlike some people, I do have some trust in the ARRL and
believe they had a valid reason to OK the operation.  ARRL is not going
to publish the documents.

It doesn't matter to me whether or not it's even "legal", as far
as dxcc approval is concerned.  The fact remains that someone, somewhere,
wields the strength to make a call to the "gubmint" and stop someone 
from operating

their radio(s). That's the thing that troubles me.

Now if it was completely unauthorized, then that would have been a lil
different I guess. But I read the article, and all the permissions were there.

I tend to believe that another dxpedition person got their feelings hurt.
This operation came together in record time, on short notice. I think it
took someone by suprise, and they didn't like that.  There are a lot of
big egos in Amateur Radio.

If it was a genuine mistake, I TRULY believe that the person would have
made an apology to K3LP and N3KS.  I think they would have relayed that
apology to the world from this person... if it was an honest mistake. The lack
of any further news on this front dispels this theory, in my mind.

I agree that time will flush out the whole back story on this.

Who wants to be the next operator to set foot on Desecheo? -hi

Rich, N8UX. 

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2006-03-14 Thread petethepup

Well, it seems the order from on high for KP5 to QRT has
been dismissed as "one of those things".  Those who worked
them will get the card - myself included.

But my inquiring mind still wants to know who took it
upon them self to decide that KP5 should be cut short.

Rich, N8UX.

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[DX-CHAT] Bottomed out...

2006-03-09 Thread petethepup

Picture says it all...Rich

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[DX-CHAT] Solar SSN charts?

2006-03-07 Thread petethepup

Somewhere I recall seeing a long chart showing monthly flux
or smoothed sunspot numbers going back before the turn of the century.
Many cycles were shown, all on one chart.
Anyone know the source? has the data,
but I was looking for a continuous visual representation.

tnx es 73,

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[DX-CHAT] Well, that's a new experience

2006-02-21 Thread petethepup

Ok, maybe this has happened to you all before, but it's a first for me.
I'm sitting in the shack easy chair reading email,  logged into
the cluster, with a rig across the room tuned to a random 40m cw freq.
I hear an SV1 calling cq what sounds like a kc down - ok, nothing new
for me, but I'll place it on the cluster for others.  Let's see... 
I'll guess about 1kc down from

my freq, so...

SV1ENG... 7012 CQ... 

Five seconds later I hear "N8UX de SV1ENG"!! Frantically I run across
the room, check the antenna, and reply.  Antonis thanks me for the spot,
we exchange pleasantries, and we log each other.

I must say it shook my plaque loose a lil -hi.

Reverse spotting?  Hmm... a new technique perhaps.  I don't guess it would
have worked to good with 3Y0 though...:-)


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Pronouncing VU7

2006-02-21 Thread petethepup

VU7 is the Laccadive Islands (lak-a-div)
73, Jerry K3BZ

Ahh... now that one I remember.  I guess you can tell
now that I've been away from my DXCC pursuit for a while.


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[DX-CHAT] Pronouncing VU7

2006-02-21 Thread petethepup

Ok.  We call it VU7,  but how do I pronounce


I learned how to pronounce Desecheo this year,  now this
one is driving me nuts. After 26 years, I thought it was time to
start learning the names, instead of calling them by prefix.


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Peter I

2006-02-20 Thread petethepup

The last time I looked The Constitution still allows me, and you, 
the right to express our opinions.

That's true but the constitution does not give you the 
right to express

your opinion on this reflector. We have rules.

Umm, I worked 3y0x on 80 meters.

There... we're back on topic!


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[DX-CHAT] 3Y0X QRV by 0400

2006-02-07 Thread petethepup

As if nobody is aware...hi!


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Yagi info needed

2006-02-06 Thread petethepup

Thanks for all the suggestions, guys.  This yagi is most
definitely *not* a 15-3CD.  The boom is 2 feet shorter.  But
if worse comes to worse,  I'll take the specs for the 15-3cd and
make something work.

I put some feelers out on some other forums as suggested.


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[DX-CHAT] Re:Yagi info needed (2)

2006-02-06 Thread petethepup

I would assume it is the venerable 15-3CD,  but that one has a
14' boom, not the 12' that I have.  So it pre-dates the 15-3CD.


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[DX-CHAT] Yagi info needed

2006-02-06 Thread petethepup

Perhaps this may be a bit off-topic - but it does have to do
with dx'ing!

26 years ago I used a Cushcraft 3 element 15m beam.  I moved to
Ky in 1982,  and since then the beam has been stored in a barn loft.
Spurred on by the 3Y0X activity,  I've decided to get it out of mothballs
and put it back up.  It was a great antenna then,  so I guess it will
suffice today as well.

It's all complete,  but unfortunately I've lost all the paperwork to it.  I
believe it was called a model A21-3, but not positive.  It has a 12 foot
boom,  and uses the "reddi-match".  But all my markings have worn off
the elements, so I have no idea as to the correct lengths.  I can barely
see the clamp marks on the boom, so I could get the spacing close.

Anyone on the list have any info they could fax or email?  I thought I
would put the question out here first, as there is quite a base of knowledge
on this list.  If no luck, I'll try the various antenna list.  Google 
didn't reveal

anything for me.


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Logs Closing

2006-01-27 Thread petethepup

re Logs closing Could some DX club or individual take on old 
logs as a cenral clearing house?

Nice service, eh?

I was sitting here with my morning coffee thinking the same thing. 
Yes, would be a nice gesture.
If I weren't so far behind on my own logging chores I wouldn't mind 
picking up a couple myself.
But then again maybe handling someone else's qsl'ing would inject a 
lil discipline into

my own logging.

Rich (qso wid 7Q7RM in 1999)

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[DX-CHAT] Thanks KP5

2005-12-17 Thread petethepup

Sounds like their leaving.

I'm happy to have them as all time new one on 15ssb and 30cw.
Both qsos with 100w and wire.

I was amused at the cluster spots,  and the zombies that followed the
QSX.  I kept casting in the same fishing hole,  and his ears came to me.
It's important to turn the dial the right way,  but it's also important to know
how the dx is spinning his dial.

As for the legal papers presented to them,  that's sad,  but not the first
time smelly stuff like this has cropped up.

Thanks KP5,
Rich, N8UX 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Plug in drives

2005-12-13 Thread petethepup

Thanks for the reply.  So far the replies have been mixed.  Some say yes, 
and some say no.  May have to try it out beforehand.

I guess it's going to primarily depend on the logging software you're going 
to use.
In my case,  I could probably make CT, or NA work,  but any windows 
software install
is going to run into trouble with the registry.  Also,  you'd still have to 
setup ports for your

keying, rig control, etc if you have that going on.

Be good for backups, though.

Rich, N8UX

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Olivia

2005-11-30 Thread petethepup

The soundcard cowboys strike again

I'm not against using the soundcard and pc for communication on the cheap,
but don't we have enough MFSK modes already?  And it doesn't seem
particularly efficient to me.

Rich, N8UX.

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Waterproof Connections

2005-07-20 Thread petethepup

Oh, I forgot - some times I also coat everything with a layer of
ScotchKote electrical coating.  But be warned you'll have to cut
it all off with a knife once it's dry,  in order to take it apart.

So it's 130C for the waterproofing, Super 88 tape for the UV protection,
and Scotchkote (sometimes) to top it off.

No, I don't work for 3M -hi.


At 07:23 AM 7/20/2005 -0400, I wrote:

You hit right on my preferred method - Scotch 130C,  followed by Super 88 
electrical tape.
Always be sure to cut your tape with scissors,  do not just stretch and 
tear it - this will
prevent "flagging" later on.  Also make your wraps overlap in the proper 
direction,  taking
into consideration the direction that water will be flowing over it - like 
shingles on a house.

Using this method,  I have *never* had a connection fail due to 
moisture.  I have 10 year old

horizontal so239s that are still going strong at the top of the tower.

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Waterproof Connections

2005-07-20 Thread petethepup
You hit right on my preferred method - Scotch 130C,  followed by Super 88 
electrical tape.
Always be sure to cut your tape with scissors,  do not just stretch and 
tear it - this will
prevent "flagging" later on.  Also make your wraps overlap in the proper 
direction,  taking
into consideration the direction that water will be flowing over it - like 
shingles on a house.

Using this method,  I have *never* had a connection fail due to 
moisture.  I have 10 year old

horizontal so239s that are still going strong at the top of the tower.

Also, don't forget drip loops.

Rich, N8UX.

At 11:18 PM 7/19/2005 -0700, you wrote:

I learned the proper materials and methods for watertight connections 
while working for over 20 years in underwater acoustics. When you put 
transducer arrays and other electrical devices underwater at depths of 
greater than 600ft, and for long periods of time, you lean how to do it 
right. The materials we used on electrical cable connections were to first 
cover it with the pliable material that we called Monkey Dung. I have seen 
a similar material used by hams over the years and I am sure it is 
adequate. It is a pliable, tacky, putty like material that can be hand 
molded to completely cover the connectors. It is very similar to the 
material they use on RV's to seal panel and exterior skin materials. You 
can buy it by the roll at an RV parts supplier. I'll bet it works just fine.

This material completely encases the connector, and then is covered with a 
self vulcanizing tape which creates an impervious seal. The partial roll I 
have remaining in my shack was made by Bishop Electric of Cedargrove, NJ. 
I tried to locate them recently to try and buy some more, and couldn't 
find them. I have recently purchased a Scotch 3m product called 130C 
Linerless Rubber Splicing Tape. This is very similar to the Bishop 
Electeric tape, but I have no long term, or underwater experience with it. 
It just looks very much like the same thing. You can then cover the self 
vulcanizing tape with conventional vinyl electrical tape if you wish to 
eliminate the tacky exterior you will be left with from the self 
vulcanizing tape, but it contributes little to the watertight covering. 
For ham radio coax connections, I think you can eliminate the monkey dung 
and just use the self vulcanizing tape covered over with vinyl electrical 
tape. That should get the job done for the long term.

John Owens - N7SEJ

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