0200 - 0530 UTC:  WOW what a difference !!!   QRG: ~ 7.021 MHz

Good CONDX and skip long.
Some stns calling on his QRG, but not as many as before.
The key-down intentional QRM on QRG was only present after
 ~ 0400 UTC and was of short duration just a few times.
Signal peaked to 599 here at 0205 UTC and stayed S9 for
~ 30 Mins. About - S2 of slow QSB.

3Y0X was monitoring his QRG and sending at ~ 28 WPM.
Quite a few times he sent AS AS QRM QRM HI, went QRT for
a few Mins then sent CQ CQ DE 3Y0X UP. Great !!!
The QSO rate was much better than on eve of 14 Feb UTC.
3Y0X Op had pretty good ears. For me he had to !!

Worked at 0239 UTC after CLG for ~ 30 Mins. My QRG was in
the clear (as far as I could hear) and 1.2 KHz above 3Y0X QRG.
Many TKS to the BIG OP in SKY. Was running 90W to H.B.
1/4 wave vertical. 3Y0X was S8 HRE. Gave me a 559, well he
was giving all 559 or 599  :-)

I kept my QRG 800 HZ to 2.6 KHz just above his QRG which
was on the lower end of the throng. The throng was following
his last QSO freq which was ~ 1 Khz to 20 KHz above his
QRG. I waited for 3Y0X to come to me on lower end of throng.

My W6ELProp has been right on the money. I did, however,
change my reference signal level to .10 uV versus the Default
of .50 uV to account for the sensitivity of the RCVR in my
IC-765. I did this by adding 10 db in the Additive Signal Constant
section of the setup. I also added 6 db for bands they are
using the StepIR's and 9 db for their linears. I also changed
the W6ELProp setup for a Minimun Radiation Angle of 5 Deg
being optomistic for my verticals rather than the Default setting
of 1 Deg - jeez an ant must be up 5 wavelengths to achieve
any significant radiation at this angle. Doing this gives me a
wider band opening window.

If you would like to know how to customize W6ELProp for
your stn power and ants, and the ants and power being used
by a DXpedition, go to the www.mdxa.org home page and
click on the Customize W6ELProp link.

VY 73 and GL on 40M - you will need it like me,  Larry - K4WLS

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