Just curious how widespread the reception is of the pulsing noise heard here in Georgia on the low end of 40 meters?  I hear it every morning from roughly 1100Z to probably 1300Z.  It seems to have a "center" around 7015 but can hear it from just below 7000 up to 7035kHz.  It has what I would describe as DEEP QSB on the signal unless perhaps it is transmitted on some sort of rotary antenna system (like the old radar systems seen near airports).  I can't describe it very well but it doesn't seem to have and "tone", and sounds very similar to what the old steam locomotives sounded like.  Probably 2 pulses per second (a guess).
Anyone identify this monster?  Is it some type of radar or?  Sure is annoying, to say the least.
Thanks for any info.  Better yet, any idea how to get rid of it <legally :>)  >
Tony, W4FOA

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