[DX-CHAT] flying w. radios

2006-08-14 Thread Charles Harpole
Gerry at base I agree with you, I think  carry on   should be a purse 
sized thing and that is all.

BUT, my experience with checked luggage is the reverse of yours I had a 
laptop and camera and other valuables stolen in Delhi airport and Delta 
refused to honor my request for reimbursement ... even after I sent them the 
box the laptop came in to prove my ownership of it I sent other 
documents too, of course.

India friends tell me that guys there bribe their way into a baggage handler 
job just so they can strip the luggage.  India is certainly NOT the only 
place like that.

A few years ago  when tv journalism still existed, there was a CBS hidden 
camera on the JFK NYC baggage handlers... They had an assembly line going... 
one man to pry the bags open, another to search, and another to carry away 
the stolen loot.  Now, with extensive searches, you can not even lock your 
checked luggage.

Too, the absurdity of the baggage searches is too evident A couple of 
trips ago, while standing there looking at the inspectors who knew it was my 
bag... I watched them paw thru my bag only to find a bottle of liquid Pepto 
these intrepid fellows triumphantly discovered.  They never put items back 
the way I carefully packed them, and thus my delicate items are even more in 
danger of damage due to poor re-packing.  Go on a DXpedition with one radio 
only to arrive with a mashed up box of junk ...or nothing at all... is very 

When airlines provide as much security to their baggage handling as they 
provide by strip searching incoming passengers, THEN, I will add my small 
voice to the call for no carry on bags.  Until then, anything valuable goes 
inside the cabin with me until I am arrested for doing so.

P.S. ... A nice Haliburton or Pelican case is a sure tip off to rip 


Charles Harpole

To: Charles Harpole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] flying w. radios
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2006 08:17:07 -0600

I and my staff traveled the world with a lot more valuable, delicate and
heavier electronics that ham gear in checked luggage with no problems
(damage or loss) using good hard-shell cases like Halliburton and Pelican.

If our flying security is improved by not allowing ANY carry-on 

I'm all for it.

Gerry VE6LB

- Original Message -
From: Charles Harpole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:51 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] flying w. radios

 Latest airline flying scare suggests carry on may be very difficult 
 Any thots about alerting the security system that ham radios are 

 Should we show license immediately, etc?

 I sure hate to put radio or laptop in the hole (baggage compartment) and
 also fear theift from baggage handlers,  73,

 Charles Harpole, VU3CHE

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[DX-CHAT] flying w. radios

2006-08-12 Thread Charles Harpole
Latest airline flying scare suggests carry on may be very difficult now.  
Any thots about alerting the security system that ham radios are innocent?  
Should we show license immediately, etc?

I sure hate to put radio or laptop in the hole (baggage compartment) and 
also fear theift from baggage handlers, or is that a false fear?  73,

Charles Harpole, VU3CHE

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