You mean an Italian problem Rag?
Dave G0OIL

-----Original Message-----
From: ragnar otterstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 01 January 2008 11:31
Cc: DX Chat <>
Subject: [DX-CHAT] : [DX-NEWS] JD1BMH

and I thought this was a unique European problem !!!


73   Rag   LA5HE

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] skrev:

> It is just as bad even when the DX is working split
> and listening up 5-15Kc. He will clearly call a
> particular station, and if you tune up the listening
> spread, you will hear hundreds of stations still
> calling even though the DX is on a particuar
> listening freq and wanting only that call. How
> ignorant is that. Shame on anyone doing that stupid
> stunt, and since you are giving your call, everyone
> knows who you are that are doing it.. 
> John Owens - N7TK
> -------------- Original message -------------- 
> From: Greg - N4CC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > JD1BMH had a nice signal on 80 meters this morning
> and a large NA 
> > pile-up. I listened to the JD and the pile-up and
> I'm getting more 
> > concerned about a habit that I see from many hams
> -- including some 
> > well known DX'ers. Regardless of what station the
> DX calls, almost 
> > everyone keeps calling. If a guy answers W9F? and
> your call is 
> > N4CC....don't transmit! (I used my call so I
> wouldn't offend anyone, 
> > but it applies to everyone.) Can we not exercise a
> bit of patience 
> > and courtesy on the bands any more? This practice
> seems especially 
> > bad in big pile-ups. I have never seen it help
> anyone get through, 
> > either. It just delays everyone while the DX asks
> for repeats 
> > because of the QRM. Let's do better in 2008.
> Busting a big pile-up 
> > can be fun -- but only if everyone remains
> courteous in the 
> > process. HNY and 73 de Greg-N4CC (stepping off
> soap box) 

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