....AND, to carry it one step further, if I'm not mistaken, in the
Diplomatic world, any Embassy, no matter where, is considered "the soil" of
the country represented by that particular Embassy.....therefore... (well
you get my drift).
Tony, W4FOA

PS: How is it that these "select" UN entities became DXCC entities
anyhoo?...same goes for 1A S.M.o.M.  (just curious)

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Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
                         -Frank Outlaw

-----Original Message-----
Of Charles Harpole
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 8:08 AM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] the UN and DXCC Listings

I have always been upset about the application of approval for various UN
ops.  It almost seems like if a UN operation is DXCC-ok in 4W, then I should
be able to go to any UN-owned building anywhere in the world, and with UN
permission there, operate in that country and have it DXCC-count.  One UN is
like another to me.

BTW, I ask on an allied subject.... if a guy is operating inside a USA
Embassy in any foreign country, maybe his op should not count for that
country because he is operating from USA land and by international law, when
he is in the Embassy, he is on USA soil.   How about that one???  !!!

73 nitpickers all (me too),

Charles Harpole

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