[DX-NEWS] ARLD042 DX news

2005-10-20 Thread W1AW
ARLD042 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 42  ARLD042
>From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  October 20, 2005
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD042 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
IZ8EDJ, K2DM, NC2N, QRZ DX, the OPDX Bulletin, The Daily DX,
425DXnews, DXNL, WA7BNM and Contest Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

RODRIGUES ISLAND, 3B9.  Robert, 3B9FR has been QRV using PSK on 12
meters around 1330 to 1430z.  QSL via operator's instructions.

AZORES, CU.  Seppo, OH1VR and Juhani, OH3SR will be QRV as
CU2/homecalls from October 24 to 31.  They will be active from eight
other countries after this operation.  QSL to home calls.

FRANCE, F.  Special event station TM4ORA is QRV until November 20 to
commemorate the 40th anniversary of the foundation of the French
Blind Ham National Society.  Activity is on all H/VHF bands using CW
and SSB.  QSL via bureau.

GALAPAGOS ISLANDS, HC8.  Tono, EA9CP will be QRV as HC8/homecall
from October 26 to November 7 to activate several lighthouses from
Patricio Hill and Puerto Baquerizo on various days.  Activity will
be on 20, 15 and 10 meters.  QSL to home call.

ANTARCTICA.  Carlo, IK5DHM is QRV as II0AMZS from the Mario
Zucchelli Station until the end of February 2006.  He may also be
active as IK5DHM/ANT.  While here, he may try to activate a couple
of the remote camps.  QSL via I5GWO.

DOMINICA, J7.  K2DM, K3ZM, AD4J and W4GKA will be QRV as J7DM from
October 26 to November 1.  This includes an entry in the upcoming CQ
WW SSB contest.  QSL via K2DM.

ARGENTINA, LU.  A group of operators are QRV as L95WI from October
22 to 24, from Isla Escondida, which is a new IOTA, in the North of
Chubut Province.  Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using CW, SSB
and various digital modes.  QSL via LU3CT.

DENMARK, OZ.  Manfred, DL1AWM is QRV as OZ/DL1AWM/p from Fyn Island,
IOTA EU-172, until October 29.  Activity is on 160 to 10 meters
using CW.  QSL to home call.

EGYPT, SU.  Herve, F5RMY will be QRV as SU/F5RMY from October 22 to
29.  This includes an entry in the upcoming CQ WW SSB contest.  QSL
to home call.

ST. KITTS AND NEVIS, V4.  Andrei, NC2N will be QRV as V44/EW1AR and
V44/NC2N from Nevis from October 23 to 31.  He will be active using
mostly RTTY on all bands.  He plans to be active in the upcoming CQ
WW SSB contest as V49A.  QSL all calls via W3HNK.  Meanwhile, Boris,
KC2FVN will be QRV as V44/KC2FVN.  QSL to home call.

MARSHALL ISLANDS, V7.  Randy, N5LE is QRV as V73AX from Kwajalein
Island, IOTA OC-028, and is here for two years.  QSL via operator's

CHRISTMAS ISLANDS, VK9X.  Operators W0YG and VK2CZ will be QRV as
VK9XG and VK9XD, respectively, from October 24 to November 7.  QSL
VK9XG direct to home call and VK9XD via VK6NE.

ANGUILLA, VP2E.  Look for W4WX, N1WON and W9AAZ to be QRV as VP2EWX,
VP2ECM and VP2EAZ, respectively, from October 25 to November 1.
They will be active on 160 to 6 meters using all modes and plan to
be active in the upcoming CQ WW SSB contest as Single Band entries.
QSL direct to home calls.

CAMBODIA, XU.  Four German operators are QRV as XU7AYY, XU7AJS,
XU7ALI and XU7AVN until October 28.  Activity is on all bands using
CW, SSB digital modes.  QSL all calls via DH7WW.

be QRV as ZK1EQL, ZK1ETW and ZK1CQA, respectively, from Mangaia
Island, IOTA OC-159, from October 21 to 31.  Activity will be on 80
to 20 meters using CW, SSB and some digital modes.  QSL via
operators' instructions.

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The ARRL International EME Contest, The
NCCC Thursday CW Sprint, CIS DX Contest, ARCI Fall CW QSO Party, USI
W/VE Islands QSO Party and the 50 MHz Fall Sprint are all scheduled
for this weekend.  Please see October QST, pages 100 and 101, and
the ARRL and WA7BNM contest websites for details.


Archives  http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news@njdxa.org
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
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[DX-NEWS] ICPO Calendar (Oct 20 - 28, 2005)

2005-10-20 Thread Dave Raycroft VA3RJ
I.C.P.O. Calendar (Oct 20 - 28, 2005)
Islands, Castles & Portable Operations.
Operations are listed by start date (Day/Month/Year).
20/10/2005:  Alex, 4Z5KJ plans to operate some areas he was not able to
do when he drove with Dov (4Z4DX) October 15th. This time he will drive
by himself so that the operation speed will be lower. The plan is to
operate on October 20th starting after 11:00 UTC, frequency as usual
14265 khz. Alex will leave Jerusalem (J-18-JS)...K-17-BL, L-17-BL,
L-17-RA, L-17-YN, M-17-BL, L-18-BL, M-18-YN. [Tnx 4X4JU]

21/10/2005:  Axel (DL6KVA), Al (RV6YZ), Nikolai (UA6AGE) and Tom (RA6AR)
will be active October 21st as RK6YYA/4 from the following references
for the Russian Districts award: Leninsky (RDA VG-29) and Pallasovsky
(VG-37). QSL via RX3RC 100% by log. No QSL needed! [Tnx RX3RC]

21/10/2005:  Ben, SM7EQL, Jan-Olof, SM7ETW and Rikard, SM1CQA will be
QRV as ZK1EQL, ZK1ETW and ZK1CQA, respectively, from Mangaia Island
(IOTA OC-159), South Cook Islands, October 21-31st. Activity will be on
80-20 meter CW, SSB and some digital modes. Further information can be
found on their web site at -
www.sm7eql.se/travel/zk1eql2005/zk12005main.html . [Tnx SM7EQL]

22/10/2005:  Javi, EA5KM and Toni, EA5RM will be working in a
Radioamateurs Without Frontiers NGO's project (www.rsf-rwf.org) in
Tanzania between October 22nd and 31st. Please do not expect a lot of
activity on the bands during the first days, because they will be
working on the installation of two HF stations solar powered to a couple
of medical dispensaries located in a remote part of northern Tanzania.
Activity will be during their free time on SSB, CW and digital modes
using the call 5H2AG from 10 to 40 meters and 80 meters CW. They also
plan to take part in the CQWW SSB. Since 5H2 has not been very active on
the air it will be interesting for prefix hunters. Log on line will be
available at www.rsf-rwf.org . QSL direct to EA5RM (QRZ.com).
Contributions received with the QSL will be donated to RWF NGO. [Tnx

22/10/2005:  Wolfgang, DK7UY will be active as DK7UY/P from Ruegen
Island (IOTA EU-057, O-07 for the German Islands Award) from October
22nd to November 4th. He will operate mainly CW and digital modes on
80-10 meters (maybe 160 meters as well), with some SSB during the CQ WW
DX Contest. All of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the
bureau. [Tnx 425 DX News]

22/10/2005:  Look for Charlie, G0PZO/p, to be QRV October 22nd from Moel
Eilio summit [726m], North Wales Region (SOTA reference GW/NW-022).
Activity will be on 60m SSB, 40m SSB, 2m FM and 2m SSB starting around
11:00 UTC. If there is time he will also activate Holyhead Mountain. QSL
via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx SOTA U.K.]

22/10/2005:  Notification of intent for the 80 and 40 metre band
activity on October 23rd. John, GM6LYJ, has obtained the call sign
GB4SLH for Southerness Lighthouse (ARLHS SCO-223) to be activated for
this activity event, the station will be manned by John GM6LYJ, as well
as by Andy GM4JR (Andy is not a BARLS member), and the WAB square will
be NX95 for anyone wanting it. We intend to try and opperate the weekend
after (October 22-23rd), and October 29-30th. Operation at one time or
another is expected to be on all HF bands from 160-10 meters (except
30m) and on 2m and 70cm. QSL via operators' instructions. [Tnx F5NQL]

22/10/2005:  K4USI will be on several islands, in the State of Georgia,
for the US/VE Islands QSO Party (October 22-23rd). K4USI is the club
call for the Island Rovers of Georgia. Operating time will probably be
restricted to a couple of hours per day. QSL via QRZ.com. [Tnx NE4S]

22/10/2005:  Ralph, NM5RC/p, expects to operate as many hours in the
W/VE Islands QSO Party (October 22-23) as he can, from a new Arizona
island (USI AZ-019, Not IOTA). The island is on USI list with a
preliminary number, but has not yet been activated. It is located at
Lake Havasu, Colorado River, Mohave county, Arizona. So, Ralph will be
using AZ-NEW during QSO Party. QSL cards will be sent to all contacts
within 30 days of Party. Activity will be mainly 20 meters, but will
also be on other bands if 20 meters dies or dries up. [Tnx NM5RC]

22/10/2005:  Derek, G3KHZ and his wife Joyce will be spending a couple
of weeks on the D'Entrecasteaux Islands (IOTA OC-116), Papua New Guinea
commencing the weekend of October 22-23rd. Derek will operate CW only on
40-10 meters, with 100 watts, a locally hired generator and a multi-band
vertical kindly donated by Maury, IZ1CRR. QSL direct via G3KHZ. [Tnx 425
DX News]

22/10/2005:  Axel (DL6KVA), Al (RV6YZ), Nikolai (UA6AGE) and Tom (RA6AR)
will be active October 22nd as RK6YYA/4 from the following references
for the Russian Districts award: Bykovsky/Nikolaevsky (RDA VG-15/VG-32),
Staropoltavsky/Rovensky (VG-42/SA-46), Zhirnovsky/Rudnjansky
(VG-20/VG-38) and Mihajlovsky/Kumylzhensky (VG-30/VG-28). QSL via RX3RC
100% by log. No QSL needed! [Tnx RX3

[DX-NEWS] [ IOTA IS ! ] [ Bulletin N°2 ]

2005-10-20 Thread Island On The Air

Please click on http://ilesdumonde.free.fr/
and good 
73 from Steven - FE11DX 
also FE05-DX 

[DX-NEWS] KP1/5 Update

2005-10-20 Thread Steve-KF2TI
>From today's (Oct 19) Daily DX

Yesterday morning the House Resources Committee, by unanimous 
consent, sent to the House floor H.R. 1183, which will, if passed by 
the full Congress, require the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to 
reopen Desecheo (KP5) and Navassa (KP1) islands to limited public 
access. It's not exactly clear when the bill will go to the full 
House.  A news release from KP1-5 Project is expected soon on 
http://www.kp1- 5.com/

Archives  http://www.mail-archive.com/dx-news@njdxa.org
THE DXR is sponsored by the North Jersey DX Association.
Please visit our website:
scroll to bottom for subscribe/unsubscribe options

[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #754 [Calendar]

2005-10-20 Thread 425eng

  > > > 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE < < <

The latest issue (September 2005) is now available at www.425dxn.org/monthly/

15 October 2005A.R.I. DX Bulletin
 No 754
   *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
   ***   CALENDAR  ***
 Edited by I1JQJ
  Direttore Responsabile I2VGW


till  16/10  TM1NOR: special call (France)  753
till  18/10  ZK1EQL, ZK1ETW, ZK1CQA: Aitutaki (OC-083), So. Cooks   753
till  19/10  5R8HH: Nosy Be (AF-057) * by I5JHW 752
till  19/10  6W7/F8PDR: Senegal 753
till  19/10  GU1OCN,GU5XW,MU3SDE,MU0JZE,2U1DQZ: Alderney (EU-114)   753
till  19/10  SV7/DK9CG, SV4/DK9CG, SV8/DK9CG (EU-174)   750
till  20/10  5H1GHW & 5H1JCH: Zanzibar (AF-032) * by DL6JGN & DJ8NK 753
till  21/10  TM3DR: special call (France)   752
till  23/10  TM0GPK: special event station (France) 753
till  26/10  JA6WFM/HI8: Dominican Republic 753
till  31/10  ZL5KX: Scott Base (AA ZL-02, AN-011) * by ZL4KX747
till  OctoberSV0XAN/5: Lipsi Island (EU-001) * by IK2WZD731
till  09/11  IO1ALP: special call (XX Olympic Winter Games) 753
till  09/11  IO1BIA: special call (XX Olympic Winter Games) 753
till  09/11  IO1BOB: special call (XX Olympic Winter Games) 753
till  09/11  IO1CRO: special call (XX Olympic Winter Games) 753
till  09/11  IO1CUR: special call (XX Olympic Winter Games) 753
till  November   HF0POL: Henryk Arctowski Base (SP-01; AN-010)  712
till  November   KC4/W1MRQ: McMurdo Station (K-09; AN-011)  742
till  November   JW: Bear Island (EU-027) * by LA2TOA   735
till  15/12  R1ANC: Vostok station (UA-10) * by UA1PAC  748
till  31/12  4N35CW: special event station  713
till  31/12  9A10KC: special event station  736
till  31/12  EI05CCC: special event call720
till  31/12  HA200CVM: special ecent call   719
till  31/12  HA80IARU: special event station720
till  31/12  HS0AR: special contest call754
till  31/12  HS0T: special call 752
till  31/12  IR7LH/p: Italian lighthouses * by IK7JWX   736
till  31/12  IU7SCT: special station729
till  31/12  LZ8IARU. special event station 728
till  31/12  OE50: special event prefix (Austria)   717
till  31/12  OL200BA: special event station 739
till  31/12  OO: special prefix (Belgium)   712
till  31/12  YT310SKY, YZ610SKY, 4O310SKY: special stations 742
till  31/12  YU15ARDF and 4N15ARDF: special calls   748
till  31/12  ZS75PTA: special call  715
till  December   FY/F5IRO and FY/F8xxx (F0CRS): French Guyana   747
till  December   XQ3/IQ6CC: Chile * by IZ6BRN   745
till  February   ZS100RI: special station   722
till  March  R1ANT: Mirny base (UA-07), Antarctica * by RW1AI   719
till  April  R1ANN and RU3HD/ANT: Novolazarevskaya (UA-08, AN-016)  730
till  March 2007 T68G: Afghanistan * by LA5IIA  737
till  ?? LU1ZA: "Orcadas del Sur" (LU-14; AN-008)   729
till  ?? LU1ZD: "General San Martin" (LU-11; AN-016)729
till  ?? LU1ZG: "General Manuel Belgrano II" (LU-08; AN-016)729
till  ?? LU1ZI: "Teniente Jubany" (LU-15; AN-010)   729
till  ?? LU1ZV: "Esperanza" (LU-06, AN-016) 729
till  ?? LU4ZS: "Vicecomodoro Marambio" (LU-03; AN-013) 729
14/10-15/10  4X7AZ: Akhziv Island (AS-100)  752
14/10-23/10  TO5R: Reunion Island (AF-016) * by F6AML   751
14/10-19/11  V6A: Pohnpei (OC-010) * by JA7HMZ (V63DX)  753
14/10-23/10  SV8/DF7XE/p: Thassos Island (EU-174)   754
15/10-18/10  3A/SP2FAX and 3A/SP2JMB: Monaco753
15/10-16/10  CT7AVM: Scout station (JOTA)   754
15/10F5JNE/p: French islands7