[DX-NEWS] [425ENG] 425 DX News #926 [Calendar]

2009-01-30 Thread jjreisert

 425 DX NEWS   


31 January 2009   A.R.I. DX Bulletin

No 926
  *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
  ***   CALENDAR  ***
   Edited by  I1JQJ  IK1ADH 
 Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW


till  31/01  CN89NY: special callsign   919
till  31/01  K3Y: special event call921
till  31/01  TO4IPA: Reunion Island (AF-016)923
till  31/01  VP8YLA, VP8YLB, VP8YLD, VP8YLE: Falkland Isls (SA-002) 924
till  31/01  VP8YLF, VP8YLG, VP8YLH, VP8YLI: Falkland Isls (SA-002) 924
till  31/01  XU7ACY: Cambodia   919
till  01/02  9A2009OS, 9A2009PO, 9A2009PU: special event calls  922
till  01/02  9A2009ST, 9A2009VZ: special event calls922
till  01/02  9A2009ZD, 9A2009ZG: special event calls922
till  01/02  VI2BV90: special callsign  922
till  02/02  CU5T: Sao Jorge Island (EU-175)923
till  03/02  EA8/ON5JV and EA8/ON6AK: Canary Islands (AF-004)   911
till  04/02  C56KR: The Gambia  919
till  04/02  XR5L: Santa Maria Island (SA-070)  922
till  05/02  HI7/IZ5JNQ: Dominican Republic (NA-096)922
till  06/02  9M2MRS: Penang Island (AS-015) 891
till  08/02  XT2WC: Burkina-Faso925
till  09/02  JD1BMM and JD1BND: Minami-Torishima (OC-073)   925
till  12/02  3B7FQ: St. Brandon Island (AF-015) 926
till  12/02  HS0ZGQ and HS0ZGQ/2 (AS-101)   924
till  15/02  OP0LE: Princess Elisabeth Antarctic station  917
till  17/02  FW5RE: Wallis Island (OC-054)  922
till  25/02  V31YN and V31GW: Belize924
till  28/02  CF, CG, CH, CI: special prefixes (Canada)  921
till  28/02  FM/F5IRO: Martinique (NA-107)  906
till  28/02  TU8/F4EYS: Ivory Coast 917
till  February   OD5/F5TLN: Lebanon 908
till  February   V63AQ: OC-010, OC-059, OC-011  925
till  07/03  FT5WP(/mm): Crozet 926
till  07/03  VK0BP: Davis Base (Antarctica) 912
till  31/03  6W2SC: Senegal 915
till  31/03  IY1GM: special callsign923
till  31/03  J5UAP: Guinea-Bissau   915
till  31/03  N2OB/150 and N2OB/LH: special event operation  923
till  01/04  C6ANM: Nassau (NA-001), Bahamas922
till  01/04  J79XBI: Dominica (NA-101)  924
till  28/04  H44MS: Solomon Islands 923
till  April  OD5/IV3YIM: Lebanon915
till  April  VK2LNX and VK2FSNJ: Maatsuyker Island (OC-233) 909
till  April  VQ9JC: Diego Garcia (AF-006)   921
till  April  ZS8T: Marion Island (AF-021)   925
till  June   5X4X: Uganda   923
till  31/08  LY1000: special prefix 924
till  31/08  VR2/F4BKV: Hong Kong Island (AS-006)   908
till  September  LZ8WHST and LZ17ARDF: special event stations   924
till  30/11  FT5WO: Crozet Islands (AF-008) 916
till  November   HF0APAS: South Shetlands (AN-010)  921
till  November   OD5/W5YFN: Lebanon 915
till  31/12  9A48IFATCA: special event station  926
till  31/12  GB250RB: special event call (Scotland) 925
till  31/12  GB40WAB: special callsign  922
till  31/12  HE8 and HB8: special prefixes (Switzerland)921
till  31/12  II2RAI: special callsign   924
31/01-01/02  CU3URA: Contendas Lighthouse   926
31/01-07/02  VP8DLQ: Falkland Islands (SA-002)  919
01/02-13/02  FR/OE3GEA: Reunion Island (AF-016) 926
02/02-06/02  V31IA: Belize  926

[DX-NEWS] ARLP005 Propagation de K7RA

2009-01-30 Thread jjreisert
ARLP005 Propagation de K7RA

QST de W1AW  
Propagation Forecast Bulletin 5  ARLP005
From Tad Cook, K7RA
Seattle, WA  January 30, 2009
To all radio amateurs 

ARLP005 Propagation de K7RA

In last week's Propagation Forecast Bulletin ARLP004, we did not
have the solar flux values resolved down to a tenth of a point like
we always do.  Really, resolving the solar flux down to that
resolution is probably not very useful, but for those who use the
WA4TTK solar plotting program to suck up the data and who are
compulsive enough, here are the values for January 15-21, so you can
correct your data: 71.1, 70.8, 71.9, 71.1, 70.8, 70.4, 69.4, with
the mean value at 70.8.

On Tuesday, January 27 we saw another one of those
almost-a-sunspot emerge in the Sun's low latitude, so it was
probably an old Cycle 23 spot.  The next day it was gone.

Geomagnetic conditions continue to be very quiet, although a bit
unsettled on January 26.  The forecast is for more of the same.
Planetary A index should stay around five, and solar flux around 70.

Geophysical Institute Prague predicts unsettled conditions for
January 30, quiet to unsettled January 31, and quiet February 1-5.

This week we received one report about last weekend's CQ WW 160
Meter CW contest.  Rod Swiderski, NU2M of Watermill, New York,
reported that band conditions were outstanding.  He writes, I
worked 13 countries, 47 states, my first Alaskan station KL7RA (on
160) and 320 contacts. All with a mere 100 watts and a 160 dipole at
35 feet.  I find it simply amazing how that band only appears 'open'
during a contest.

Floyd Chowning, K5LA of El Paso, Texas wrote about excellent
conditions on 6 meters on Sunday, January 25.  He had just put up a
new 5-element antenna, and said, This morning I was running JT6M
contacts with K7JIZ (DN40) and W6OUU (DN22) around 1541 UTC and
signals were strong and steady.  It must be sporadic-E skip.  From
then on the band opened up to California, Arizona, New Mexico,
Texas, Louisiana, Missouri, Florida and Iowa.  Also, I heard a KP4
in Puerto Rico this morning but missed his call.  This afternoon I
worked several stations in Mexico in EK09, DK89 and DL90 beginning around
2040 UTC.  I also worked TI7/N5NEK (EK70), TI8II (EJ01) and YN2N
(EK71).  I worked all the stations on USB.  What a day for DX on 6
Meters.  I also heard HP1AC on CW but did not work him.  I heard
stations as close as Albuquerque, Phoenix, and Odessa, Texas, less
than 300 hundred miles.  I had my radio on 144.2 MHz but nothing
broke my squelch.

Floyd mentioned JT6M, which is a tool for running meteor scatter
communications.  For more about JT6M, see http://www.jt6m.org/.

This week I received a copy of a remarkable old letter, sent by Jim
Mast, W8HOM, of Fort Wayne, Indiana.  It was written on the last day
of 1975 by Ed Tilton, W1HDQ, the ham who originated the ARRL
Propagation Bulletin and wrote it until 1991.  This letter was
addressed to Jim back when his call was K9UNM.  The letter talks
about 10 meter propagation via meteor scatter and the recent 1975
ARRL 10 Meter contest.  It mentions W4IWZ, the call sign that
belonged to Francis Harper, of Nokesville, Virginia.  The letter was
typed on an old manual typewriter.

Here is what the letter said.

Dear Jim:

We certainly have heard of 10-meter meteor propagation. The date of
the contest was chosen with the Geminids shower in mind. This best
of the winter showers has been a factor in the contest results for
all three runnings of the affair in modern times.

I think the 1975 contest may have hit the shower at the most
opportune time, as the effects seemed very apparent almost
continually during the whole weekend. The Geminids show more
night-time activity than any other shower, but there seemed to be a
considerable amount of meteor burst propagation right through the
whole period this year. There is always a tendency to have E
propagation in mid-December, and this was also a factor in the date
selection. I hope that the propaganda some people have generated for
a change of season does not prevail. To my mind, this is an
excellent choice.

For some reason I didn't get to work W4IWZ in this contest. He and I
used to be in touch almost daily, when I was at home every day, in
1973 and early 1974. I guess we've worked by means of about every
form of propagation there is, at one time or another, and have seen
the effects of several meteor showers. At slightly over 300 miles,
he is at a very interesting distance from me. We have found that we
always have a basic tropo-scatter signal, and can recognize each
other on CW at almost any time. He has at least a 10-dB advantage in
power, but somehow he manages to hear me every time I call him.
Needless to say, I read him better than he reads me, with my 4O
watts output, maximum, we have had many good QSOs, by back-scatter
and short sporadic-E skip. His signal is mildly affected by
tropospheric bending, too, though I'm sure we'd