I have a test version of WL2DXQ with these new features:

    Added ARRL 10 meter
    Added ARRL 160 Meter
    Added CQ 160 Meter (2009 rules)
    ARRL Sweepstakes now works with N1MM

I should probably also add ARRL DX.

I'm testing with ADIF files from both N1MM and WriteLog.  No other
loggers at this time.

If there's something easy you want, let me know off-reflector.  I
still have a "to do" list of things I'll get to eventually.  Fixing
the contest type selection is high on that list.  It seems to require
some tricky programming which I'm not comfortable with yet.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C/Ø, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.ad1c.us
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