[ECOLOG-L] Workshop proposals for coastal & estuarine conference (CERF2019)

2018-07-25 Thread Benjamin Walther
The Scientific Program Committee for the Coastal and Estuarine Research 
Federation’s 25th Biennial Conference (CERF 2019) invites proposals for 
Sessions and Workshops. We expect to include topical sessions and 
workshops that span the fundamental fields of coastal and estuarine 
science, and topics historically popular among the CERF membership.

Workshops proposals are encouraged to offer participants interactive 
experiences addressing the conference theme, or other topical areas. 
Training workshops that focus on technical/scientific topics and skills 
or career development, outreach, and communication are solicited. The 
ideal workshop will have potentially broad appeal among CERF conference 
attendees at all career levels and across academia, government, NGO, and 
private sectors. In addition to the themes outlined above, workshops 
that address aspects of the following are encouraged:

> Statistics and data processing 
> Science communication and education/outreach
> Diversity and inclusion
> Mentoring best practices
> Grant writing for traditional and non-traditional funding bodies
> Public policy and management
> Professional development for students and early career individuals 
> Tools for data gathering 

Proposal submissions are due 20 September 2018.
Submit online at: https://www.erf.org/2019-call-for-sessions

[ECOLOG-L] PhD position in Fish Ecology available

2018-01-22 Thread Benjamin Walther
A PhD position in the field of fish ecology is available in the lab of 
Dr. Benjamin Walther at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC). 
 The position will start in Fall 2018. Research topics are flexible, but 
would generally fall within current lab interests, including: fish 
migration, habitat use and trophic dynamics; hypoxia effects on fishes; 
otolith chemistry and stable isotopes; and carbonate chemistry.

The PhD position will be supported through the Marine Biology degree program at 
TAMU-CC.  Information about this program is online at 

Interested students should send:  (1) a CV, (2) copies of unofficial 
transcripts and (3) a cover letter describing experience, potential 
research interests, and general career goals to Dr. Benjamin Walther at 
benjamin.walt...@tamucc.edu by MARCH 1st 2018

ABOUT THE LAB:  We conduct research on a variety of topics related to 
fish ecology, migration, habitat use and population connectivity. This 
work generally focuses on using the “natural tag” properties of 
carbonate hard parts such as otoliths in marine and diadromous fishes to 
examine patterns of migration, dispersal, and life history dynamics of 
species with mobile phases.  This field has grown exponentially in the 
past couple of decades, yet significant unknowns remain about highly 
migratory or dispersive species, particularly in the marine environment. 
Otolith chemistry has the potential to reveal key information about 
identity and movement patterns that is essential for the effective 
management of exploited species and ecosystems. 

We are located at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi in the 
Department of Life Sciences. We collaborate with the Texas Parks and 
Wildlife CCA Marine Development Center in Corpus Christi, TX. We also 
work closely with members of the University of Texas Jackson School of 
Geosciences, which houses an array of analytical instruments including 
laser ablation ICP-MS (multiple and single collectors), TIMS, and 
isotope ratio mass spectrometers.

Further information about the Walther Lab can be found online at:

[ECOLOG-L] PhD Position in Fish Ecology

2016-11-02 Thread Benjamin Walther
A PhD position in the field of fish ecology is available in the lab of 
Dr. Benjamin Walther at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC).  
Positions will start in Fall 2017. Research topics are flexible, but 
would generally fall within current lab interests, including: fish 
migration, habitat use and trophic dynamics; hypoxia effects on fishes; 
otolith chemistry and stable isotopes; and chemical marking techniques 
for aquaculture applications.

The PhD position will be supported through the Marine Biology degree 
program at TAMU-CC.  Information about this program is online at 

Interested students should send:  (1) a CV, (2) copies of unofficial 
transcripts and (3) a cover letter describing experience, potential 
research interests, and general career goals to Dr. Benjamin Walther at 

ABOUT THE LAB:  We conduct research on a variety of topics related to 
fish ecology, migration, habitat use and population connectivity. This 
work generally focuses on using the “natural tag” properties of 
carbonate hard parts such as otoliths in marine and diadromous fishes to 
examine patterns of migration, dispersal, and life history dynamics of 
species with mobile phases.  This field has grown exponentially in the 
past couple of decades, yet significant unknowns remain about highly 
migratory or dispersive species, particularly in the marine environment.  
Otolith chemistry has the potential to reveal key information about 
identity and movement patterns that is essential for the effective 
management of exploited species and ecosystems. 

We are located at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi in the 
Department of Life Sciences. We collaborate with the Texas Parks and 
Wildlife CCA Marine Development Center in Corpus Christi, TX for 
experimental work with larval and juvenile fishes. We also work closely 
with members of the University of Texas Jackson School of Geosciences, 
which houses an array of analytical instruments including laser ablation 
ICP-MS (multiple and single collectors), TIMS, and isotope ratio mass 

Further information about the Walther Lab can be found online at: 

[ECOLOG-L] Fish Migration Symposium - submissions welcome

2016-03-01 Thread Benjamin Walther
A symposium entitled "Fish Migration Ecology: Patterns, Mechanisms & 
Consequences" will be held at the 12th International Congress on the 
Biology of Fish in San Marcos, Texas.  This Congress will take place 
June 12-16 on the campus of Texas State University. 

The Fish Migration symposium description is as follows:

"Little is known about migratory patterns, the mechanistic drivers, or 
the ecological consequences of migration for most species of fish. 
Physiological adaptations that underlie migratory behaviors, novel 
methods used to unravel migratory histories, and consequences of 
migration for population dynamics and ecological processes will be 
covered. Presenters that use a variety of methods, alone or combination, 
including molecular and genetic assays, otolith chemistry and tissue 
stable isotopes, satellite and acoustic telemetry, and beyond are 
encouraged to participate."

Abstract submission and registration is now open, with abstracts due by 
MARCH 31st 2016.  Further details about the Congress and abstract 
submission can be found at:

[ECOLOG-L] PhD and MS positions in Fish Ecology available for Fall 2016

2015-09-15 Thread Benjamin Walther
Graduate positions (PhD and MS) positions in the field of fish ecology 
are available in the lab of Dr. Benjamin Walther at Texas A&M University 
- Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC).  Positions will start in Fall 2016. Research 
topics are flexible, but would generally fall within current lab 
interests, including: fish migration, habitat use and trophic dynamics; 
hypoxia effects on fishes; otolith chemistry and stable isotopes; and 
chemical marking techniques for aquaculture applications.

Further information about the Walther Lab can be found online at 

The PhD position will be supported through the Marine Biology degree 
program at TAMU-CC.  Information about this program is online at 

The MS position will be supported through the Fisheries & Mariculture 
degree program at TAMU-CC.  Information about this program is online at 

Interested students should send a CV, copies of unofficial transcripts 
and a cover letter describing experience, potential research interests, 
and general career goals to Dr. Benjamin Walther at 

[ECOLOG-L] Call for abstracts for "Causes and Consequences of Hypoxia" theme session at ICES Annual Science Conference

2015-01-27 Thread Benjamin Walther
Abstracts are currently being solicited for a theme session on "Causes and
Consequences of Hypoxia" at the ICES Annual Science Conference 2015 in
Copenhagen, Denmark, from 21-25 September.  Submissions are welcome from
throughout the global marine science community.  Abstract submission
deadline is 30 April 2015.

Hypoxia, or the condition of low oxygenated environments, has become a major
problem affecting marine, estuarine, and inland water bodies worldwide, with
largest areas extending hundreds to thousands of kilometers across and
hundreds of meters deep. The problem arises due to excessive organic and
nutrient loading, and is exacerbated by global warming. This theme session
will explore the effects and implications of hypoxia ("dead zones") for
coastal and marine ecosystems. Topics may include: empirical and modelling
studies of hypoxia in marine and freshwater; impacts of hypoxia on fish and
fisheries distribution; changes in community structure and ecological
interactions forced by hypoxia; and management of human activities in waters
affected by hypoxia.

In addition to welcoming submitted papers, we have invited a group of
leaders in the field of hypoxia research. Their presentations and the
contributed papers will make this an exciting, informative session. This
session is organized by Karin Limburg (SUNY College of Environmental Science
and Forestry), Benjamin Walther (University of Texas at Austin) and Valerio
Bartolino (Swedish Institute of Marine Research).

Additional information about the Theme Session can be found at: 

Meeting information and abstract submission procedures can be found at: 

[ECOLOG-L] Undergraduate Marine Science REU opportunity

2014-11-11 Thread Benjamin Walther
The University of Texas Marine Science Institute REU Program is 
accepting applications for our summer research opportunity for 
undergraduates. Our program is looking for eight talented undergraduates 
who are dedicated, detail-oriented, hardworking and interested in marine 

Our program offers research in the areas such as marine biogeochemistry; 
coastal watersheds; estuarine ecology; microbial, phytoplankton & 
zooplankton ecology; and fish physiology and population biology.  The 
program includes ten weeks of research, field trips, seminars and 
workshops, culminating in a symposium where the students will present 
their accomplishments. Student projects take advantage of the wide 
variety of coastal habitats near the Institute, including shallow bays, 
hypersaline lagoons, seagrass beds, estuaries, mangroves, and marshes. 
It is a great opportunity to gain valuable research experience and spend 
a summer by the sea! 

We will be accepting applications until February 9, 2015. Required 
application materials include an online application, unofficial 
transcripts, professor recommendation forms and recommendation letters 
from two professors. Students must be currently enrolled as an 
undergraduate and be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. 
and its possessions. We welcome applications from High school graduates, 
transfer students, and students enrolled at community colleges.

Students will receive a stipend of $5,000 for the ten-week program, 
subsidized housing, a research allowance, a travel allowance, and a food 
allowance. The program runs from June 1st - August 7th, 2015.  
Interested applicants can check out our website at 
http://reu.utmsi.utexas.edu, or contact Dr. Benjamin Walther and Dr. 
Deana Erdner at utmsi@gmail.com

[ECOLOG-L] Ph.D. Assistantship in fish ecology – “Project Hypoxolith”

2014-09-11 Thread Benjamin Walther
Applications are being accepted for a Ph.D.-level graduate 
assistantship, working in collaboration with Dr. Karin Limburg at the 
State University of New York College of Environmental Science and 
Forestry (SUNY-ESF).  

The successful applicant will be part of the research team for "Project 
Hypoxolith: tracking hypoxia effects on mobile fishes with otolith 
chemistry."  This NSF-funded project will explore whether sub-lethal 
exposure to hypoxia during early life stages of fishes leads to sub-
optimal growth and differential mortality.  This project will use 
otolith geochemical proxies to identify patterns of sub-lethal hypoxia 
exposure, and then test whether exposed fish differ in growth and 
survival patterns compared to non-exposed fish.  This part of our 
project is located at SUNY-ESF in Syracuse, NY and will focus on 
responses of fishes in the Baltic Sea (Baltic cod Gadus morhua and 
Baltic flounder Platichthys flesus) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) 
in Lake Erie - two water bodies with severe, and increasing, hypoxia.  
Collaborators with this project, at the University of Texas, will also 
examine responses in Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) in the 
Gulf of Mexico "Dead Zone."  Altogether, Project Hypoxolith will test 
these hypotheses on the largest anthropogenic hypoxic regions in the 
world spanning freshwater, estuarine, and marine ecosystems.  More 
information about the project can be found at www.otochem.net/hypoxolith

A Master's in marine/aquatic ecology, fisheries, biogeochemistry, or a 
related field is highly desirable.  This project will involve mostly 
laboratory work, although some opportunities for field work are 
possible.  Prior experience with otolith increment analysis and laser 
ablation ICP-MS is preferred, but not required.  Applicants must 
demonstrate an excellent work ethic, as there will be much to do.  

Applicants should contact Karin Limburg by email:  klimb...@esf.edu.  
The assistantship includes a stipend, tuition, plus health benefits.

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoctoral Fellowship in Fish Ecology

2014-09-09 Thread Benjamin Walther
Applications are being accepted for a Postdoctoral Fellow position at 
the University of Texas Marine Science Institute in Port Aransas, TX 
working in the laboratory of Dr. Benjamin Walther.  This is a full-time 
12-month position to begin in Spring 2015 (start date negotiable) for a 
duration of 2 years (with annual review).  

The successful applicant will be part of the research team for “Project 
Hypoxolith: tracking hypoxia effects on mobile fishes with otolith 
chemistry.”  This NSF-funded project will explore whether sub-lethal 
exposure to hypoxia during early life stages leads to sub-optimal growth 
and differential mortality using biogeochemical proxies in fish 
otoliths.  This project will capitalize on patterns of otolith 
geochemical proxies to identify patterns of sub-lethal hypoxia exposure 
to identify differential growth and survival patterns compared to non-
exposed fish.  This postdoctoral position is based at the UT Marine 
Science Institute in Port Aransas, Texas and will focus on responses of 
Atlantic croaker in the “Dead Zone” of the Gulf of Mexico. Collaborators 
with this project will also examine responses in multiple species in the 
Baltic Sea and Lake Erie, thus examining the largest anthropogenic 
hypoxic regions in the world spanning freshwater, estuarine, and marine 
ecosystems.  More information about the project can be found at 

A Ph.D. in marine/aquatic ecology, fisheries, or a related field must be 
completed prior to start date.  This position will involve a combination 
of field and laboratory work.  Prior experience with otolith increment 
analysis and laser ablation ICP-MS is preferred, but not required.  The 
postdoctoral fellow will also be involved in teacher training workshops 
and outreach to local schools serving underrepresented students.  

Applicants should submit an application package consisting of (1) a 
cover letter detailing research experience and interests, (2) a complete 
CV, and (3) contact information for three references.  Applications 
should be submitted as a single combined pdf and mailed to 
bwalt...@utexas.edu.  Application review will begin November 15 2014 and 
continue until the position is filled. 
A criminal history background check will be required for finalist(s) 
under consideration for this position.  The University of Texas at 
Austin is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a commitment to diversity 
at all levels. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for 
employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national 
origin, age, disability or veteran status.

[ECOLOG-L] Undergraduate Marine Science REU opportunity

2014-01-15 Thread Benjamin Walther
The University of Texas Marine Science Institute REU Program is accepting 
applications for our summer research opportunity for undergraduates. Our 
program is looking for eight talented undergraduates who are dedicated, 
detail-oriented, hardworking and interested in marine science. 

Our program offers research in the areas of fish physiology and ecology, 
ecosystem dynamics, and biogeochemistry.  The program begins with a research 
cruise on the R/V Katy, ten weeks of research, seminars and workshops, 
culminating in a symposium where the students will present their 
accomplishments. Student projects take advantage of the wide variety of 
coastal habitats near the Institute, including shallow bays, hypersaline 
lagoons, seagrass beds, estuaries, mangroves, and marshes. It is a great 
opportunity to gain valuable research experience and spend a summer by the 

We will be accepting applications until March 7, 2014. Required 
application materials include an online application, unofficial transcripts, 
professor recommendation forms and recommendation letters from two 
professors. Students must be currently enrolled as an undergraduate and be 
U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. and its possessions. 
Students will receive a stipend of $5,000 for the ten-week program, full 
room and board, a research allowance and a travel allowance. The program 
runs from June 2nd - August 8th, 2014.  Interested applicants can check out 
our website at http://reu.utmsi.utexas.edu, or contact Dr. Deana Erdner or 
Dr. Ben Walther at utmsi@gmail.com